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How Do You Know Things Are Bad in America? The Migrants Are Now Self-Deporting.

AP Photo/Eric Gay

The Democratic Party’s pro-open border policy has undoubtedly been a magnet for illegal immigration. Our southern border has been Swiss cheese for years, which you already know. Millions have crossed over illegally, some of whom have been on terror watch lists, making this a national security matter. The allure of breaking federal immigration law and not getting caught because Joe Biden has tied the hands of border enforcement agents has accelerated the rate of this migrant invasion. Still, opportunities and a large welfare state were also qualities that drew and incentivized illegal immigration.  


Joe Biden and the Democrats like to say the economy is roaring back. They’ve released these reports loaded with Chinese math regarding job and economic growth projections. When you dig deeper, it’s fugazi—all of it. And another indicator that the economy is in shambles is that even the migrants are leaving. The reason is that the American dream is dead. They’ve started self-deportation (via NY Post): 

Some Venezuelan migrants who trekked thousands of miles to the US in search of a better life are so disheartened, they say they’re already heading back home. 

Michael Castejon, 39, told the Chicago Tribune he has had enough after he, his wife and teenage stepdaughter spent five months sleeping either in a police precinct or a crowded city shelter in the now-brutally cold Windy City. 

He’s also been unable to secure a job permit or enroll his daughter in a local school — two of the main reasons things they thought would bring a better life in the US. 

“The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore,” Castejon told the paper on the eve of his family’s departure. 

“There’s nothing here for us … We just want to be home,” Castejon told the Tribune of the South American country he earlier fled. 


Fed up with the lack of housing and job opportunities, Castejon eventually followed in the footsteps of other disillusioned asylum seekers and turned to Catholic Charities to obtain plane tickets for his family to travel to Texas. 

From there, they will somehow find a way to return to their native Venezuela, he said. 

“How many more months of living in the streets will it take? No, no more. It’s better that I leave,” he said. 

“At least I have my mother back home,” he said of the South American nation he fled earlier this year. 

Inaccurate information about the asylum process also duped many into coming here. And now Democrat-run cities, like Chicago and New York City, don’t have any resources for accommodate new waves of illegal aliens.  


It’s a blowback of epic proportions for Democrats who wish to use the illegal alien horde to increase political power. They’ve done so for years, using the increased population to carve out new congressional districts in blue hubs represented by politicians of the same ethnic and racial group. Democrats opened the floodgates to accelerate this political shift, but no one wants these people here, and now faced with the realities of the immigration process and no jobs to be found—they’re heading home. 

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