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Politico Highlights the Most Bizarre Part of the Pelosi Home Invasion

AP Photo/Kevin Wolf

As we entered the Halloween weekend, the Pelosi family was the target of a home invasion. A man, David DePape, 42, who has been described as mentally ill, forced his way into the residence of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and attacked her husband, Paul. Mr. Pelosi suffered injuries that required skull surgery. He’s expected to recover fully, but this isn’t the end of the story. Sure, this attack resulted in no deaths, which is good news, but there are enough questions surrounding this incident that could scale K2.


The liberal media went down the predictable path of declaring this home invasion as the culmination of GOP attacks against Pelosi and the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi is a top Democrat, who, and this may be a surprise to some liberals, is viewed as more toxic than Donald Trump, the left's favorite boogeyman. This narrative, already held together with duct tape, got shredded when photos of the Pelosi attacker’s home were released—it’s littered with pro-BLM, pride, and Antifa paraphernalia. 

The dispatch call regarding this assault is also odd since DePape is referenced as “a friend.” Politico highlighted an even more bizarre chapter to this event: there was reportedly a third person who let the police into the Pelosi residence. Law enforcement then saw Mr. Pelosi and DePape fighting with a hammer and quickly brought order to the situation, but who was this person? Police now say there was no third person; it was misreported. But other questions remain. Where’s the body cam footage? Where’s the security camera footage? DePape, reportedly wearing nothing but underwear, just waltzed into the home with hammers (via Politico) [emphasis mine]:

David DePape forced his way into the home through a back entrance, Scott said. Officers arrived at the house, knocked on the front door and were let inside by an unknown person. They discovered DePape and Pelosi struggling for a hammer, and after they instructed them to drop the weapon, Scott said, DePape took the hammer and “violently attacked” Pelosi.

Police have taken DePape into custody and said he will be booked for attempted homicide, burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated battery with serious bodily injury, elder abuse, infliction of great bodily injury on the elderly, dissuading a victim, threatening a family member of a public official, and damaging or preventing a communication for an emergency call.


Stephen Miller noted that it could have been a live-in housekeeper, but what a weird way to describe this employee of Pelosi as an “unidentified person.”


And yes, no one is looking into the mystery man (or woman) who was just around when DePape was hammering around the Pelosi house. The palace intrigue here is at pressure cooker level.

 What the hell happened here?


UPDATE: San Francisco Police now say there was no third person and that DePape and Pelosi didn't know each other. There are still many questions that remain unanswered. 


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