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Ilhan Omar Isn't the Only 'Squad' Member Helping Illegals Avoid Deportation

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Townhall reported how Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar was conducting seminars for Somalians who are living illegally in the United States to avoid deportation. Omar is also from Somalia. 


Shortly after, Texas Rep. Brandon Gill (R) called on Omar to be deported. 

“We should have never let Ilhan Omar into our country,” he wrote on X.

It appears that Omar isn’t the only Democrat undermining President Donald Trump’s efforts to expunge all the illegal aliens from the United States.

Fox News reported this week that New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, known as “AOC,” hosted a live webinar advising illegal aliens in her congressional district about their rights if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) comes after them.

Reportedly, the "Know Your Rights With ICE" virtual event was broadcast live on Ocasio-Cortez’s Facebook page. The webinar claimed that the Fourth Amendment can apply to illegal aliens, among other things (via Fox News):

Migrants were also warned of "ruses" they allege ICE agents employ to get people to comply with searches, while the hosts also touted "trends" in how ICE conducts its searches, which have ramped up in recent weeks under the Trump administration.

People were also recommended to record such searches and how to differentiate between different warrants ICE agents are likely to carry.

Genia Blaser, of the left-wing Immigrant Defense Project, said during the webinar “Just because someone ends up on ICE radar and ICE believes that they can deport someone, it doesn't mean that under the law the person can be deported or that they don't have the option to fight their case to remain in the U.S."


"And even if during an encounter with ICE, what they're doing doesn't feel legal, or it doesn't feel fair, it's important to know that everyone has rights during their encounters with ICE," Blaser added. "Everyone has rights regardless of their immigration status in the United States."

AOC shared tips from the webinar on her Instagram page. 

"Our strategic advantage in this moment is our strength in numbers," Ocasio-Cortez wrote. "It is time to use it. In nearly every way, we outnumber those who want to abuse their power and keep people in fear. The truth is, they cannot come after us all. That is why they actively USE and create fear: to get us to give up in advance and withdraw from public life without them lifting a finger."

"So if ICE comes to your workplace or home, whether you are a citizen or noncitizen - YOU can defend your community and our constitution by exercising your right," she added. 

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