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Ohioans Will Vote on Radical Pro-Abortion Amendment in November

AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo

In November, Ohioans will vote whether to amend their state Constitution to include radical protections for abortion access and erode parents’ rights.

According to The New York Times, supporters of the proposed amendment submitted over 495,000 valid signatures from voters to put the proposed amendment on the ballot. But, a question on the ballot in August could raise the threshold of voters required to amend the state constitution to 60 percent instead of a simple majority.


“Every person deserves respect, dignity, and the right to make reproductive health care decisions, including those related to their own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion free from government interference,” Lauren Baluvelt and Lauren Beene of Ohioans for Reproductive Rights said in the statement. 

“Now that the petition drive is complete, we’re eager to continue the campaign to enshrine those rights in Ohio’s Constitution and ensure that Ohioans will never again be subject to draconian reproductive health care policies imposed by extremists,” the two pro-abortion supporters added.

Pro-life organizations like Protect Women Ohio have detailed how the amendment could allow for almost unlimited abortion in the state. In addition, the amendment can give minors the ability to undergo an abortion or irreversible transgender care without parental notification or consent. Townhall covered this week how a new poll claimed that a majority of likely Ohio voters would support this amendment.

“Knowing the serious danger of this amendment and that these out-of-state special interest groups still have millions to spend to get it passed, it is even more imperative that every pro-life Ohioan votes yes on Issue 1 this August to ensure that our Constitution, our preborn, and our families are protected,” Peter Range, the chief executive of Ohio Right to Life, said in a statement.


“This extreme anti-life, anti-parent amendment from the ACLU provides no protections for the preborn through all nine months of pregnancy and attacks a parent's right even to know if their child is seeking an abortion or gender surgery,” he continued.

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, who is running for the U.S. Senate as a Republican, urged voters to vote “yes” on Issue 1 on the August ballot.

“We wouldn’t let our US Constitution be changed by a simple majority,” he wrote. “Don’t let the radical left California our Ohio. Vote YES on Issue 1!"

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