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Dem Strategist Fact-Checked Live on CNN and It Was *Chef's Kiss*

AP Photo/Matt York

CNN’s Jim Acosta and commentator Scott Jennings dished out a live fact-check to Democrat strategist Maria Cardona regarding where polling stands on mass deportations.  


“Mass deportations has majority support in the United States and among Hispanic voters right now, it’s recent polling, you can look it up,” Jennings said. 

“That’s not true, Scott,” Cardona insisted, contesting the accuracy of the survey. 

A recent CBS/YouGov survey conducted earlier this month showed 62 percent of all registered voters and 53 percent of Hispanic American registered voters supportive of a “new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally." The Hispanic community is split, however, on the establishment of federal holding facilities to detain the illegal immigrants prior to deportation, with 50 percent supporting such a plan and 50 percent opposing it.  

“Maria, it is absolutely true,” Jennings responded. “When we get off the air and you Google it, you’re going to be embarrassed, but it’s absolutely true.”

Acosta jumped in to pull up the CBS survey. 

“Well we are showing the CBS poll, 53 percent to 47 percent,” he said as the graphic displayed on screen. 


Cardona said she has “issues” with that survey and went on to argue that President Biden has on multiple occasions attempted to secure the border but was obstructed by Republicans. 

The survey the pundits were clashing over came up during a discussion on President Biden’s newly announced executive order allowing illegal immigrant children and spouses of U.S. citizens to apply for lawful permanent resident status, which is being widely denounced on the right as “mass amnesty.” The new plan applies to some 500,000 illegal immigrants in the country.   


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