When former Benghazi Select Committee staffer Bradley Podliska, who was fired, made claims last fall Republican investigators were out to get Hillary Clinton for political reasons, the Left jumped on his story and argued he proved they have been right all along about a "witch hunt" being conducted to bring down Clinton's 2016 presidential chances. Here is an interview Podliska did with CNN in October when the news broke:
Chairman of the Select Committee Trey Gowdy called Podliska's claims a "damn lie."
The Washington Post's Dana Milbank cited Podliskia's claims in an op-ed arguing the Benghazi Committee was "unraveling" and that "if this were one of Trey Gowdy’s murder prosecutions, it would be declared a mistrial."
But despite making news and becoming a Democrat hero, Podliskia is now retracting his claims the Committee is biased against Clinton. POLITICO has the details:
He initially had said he was wrongfully terminated, in part, because he refused to conduct a partisan probe of the former secretary of state.
Last October, an ex-GOP Benghazi Committee staffer filed a lawsuit against the panel, claiming he was wrongly fired for refusing to center his investigation on Hillary Clinton — an accusation Clinton’s defenders held up as proof that the panel had devolved into a political witch hunt.
But five months later, Bradley Podliska’s lawsuit has quietly dropped all mention of Clinton.
Attorneys for the Air Force Reserve major filed an amendment to his original claim in late February, striking the legal clauses that included his accusation that the panel’s investigation was increasingly focused on Clinton — and that he was dismissed for refusing to go along.
Earlier this week Gowdy announced new Committee rules in order to prevent Democrats from leaking documents for political purposes.
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