Senator Harry Reid will retire after the conclusion of this year’s lame duck session. However, it seems that as Reid inches closer and closer to irrelevancy, he is increasing his hateful vitriol. The Nevada Democrat cannot seem to deal with Trump’s victory. Since Election Day, Reid has called Trump a “bigot” and a “sexist.” He has questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s win and he has held him responsible for a reported spike it hate crimes.
Harry Reid still isn’t done whining.
In an interview with MSNBC, Reid said Hillary would have won the election “without any problems” had James Comey not done his job and investigate her rampant abuse of classified emails.
"It's easy to second-guess what Hillary did. I love Hillary Clinton, I am sorry she lost. I did everything I could to help ... but there is no question in my mind she would have won this election without any problem if Comey had not been the Republican operative that he is," the outgoing Nevada senator said in an interview with MSNBC."For example ... he came out against what the attorney general had recommend, against what common sense dictates. He is the reason she lost the election. He can be fat and happy in his office there for seven more years after having thrown the election to Donald Trump. If he feels good about that — thats nice," Reid added.
Fat and happy? Harry Reid knows how to keep it classy.
Does the Nevada senator need to be reminded that this “Republican operative” was appointed to be Director of the FBI by the most powerful Democrat in the country… President Barack Obama? Twice Comey investigated Clinton’s misuse of classified emails and twice he made the decision to not indict her – even when countless experts stated he would have been in the right to do so.
Comey did not ask Clinton to abuse her classified emails. She did that all on her own – and took measures to hide that fact. Reid needs to accept that and he needs to accept that Trump will be his president.
Perhaps Reid can use the remainder of the lame-duck session to take his party’s loss with dignity and not continue to divide the nation after a contentious election... Or he can use the final days of his political career to be offensive and distasteful.
It’s his choice.
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