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Apparently, Kamala Harris Really Doesn't Want You 'Speaking Merry Christmas'


What you're about to see is classic Kamala Harris.  Here she is as an United States Senator in 2017 -- the year before her embarrassingly shoddy and failed hatchet work against Brett Kavanaugh, and almost exactly two years before her 2020 presidential campaign died before the calendar turned to the election year.  She is performatively railing against Americans enjoying the Christmas season while illegal immigrants' status remained in flux.  How dare we "speak Merry Christmas" to one another, she scowls, while these illegal immigrants aren't at peace?  Season's Greetings from Kamala, America!


This is as obnoxiously hectoring and off-putting as it is phony.  Something in her politician brain said, 'it's time to get indignant on behalf of these DREAMers,' so she started yelling about how it's somehow shameful for Americans to "speak Merry Christmas" (weird phrasing) while a class of illegal immigrants' status remains unresolved.  It's grating to listen to, yes, but it's also infused with cringe-worthy inauthenticity.  It's an unconvincing, bizarrely-framed show by someone who wants attention and kudos from certain activists ahead of a planned presidential bid.  The belligerence she turns on is also a familiar sight and sound to the many, many staffers who have quit her various offices through the years.  She has an extraordinary turnover rate, with longstanding accusations of a toxic work environment, for good reason.  She reportedly berates and belittles aides, always blaming everyone else for any failures, very much including her own.

Another important thought about this clip is how it compares to her bloodless, passion-free inattention to the record-shattering, lethal border crisis she has personally presided over as Vice President and Border Czar. She has never bothered to feign this sort of indignation over millions of illegal immigrants pouring across the border.  Silence on the many deaths and sexual assaults that have resulted from the incentives she's implemented.  Nothing on the assault of US officials by violent illegal immigrants, who were rewarded with release.  Crickets on the exploding list of innocent Americans assaulted and murdered by dangerous migrants her administration allowed into the country (on and on it goes).  When she wants to pretend to care, for political reasons, she can -- albeit poorly.  Rewatch the video embedded above.  Or recall this quote:


After visiting a migrant detention facility on Friday, California Sen. Kamala Harris (D) accused the Trump administration of committing “crimes against humanity.”...“This is outrageous,” Harris said, addressing a crowd of several hundred protesters outside the facility, Bloomberg reported. “This is clearly a crime against humanity that is being committed by the United States government and we have to stop it.”...Harris described the detention facility as a “prison.” “I am a career prosecutor; I have visited many prisons and jails. That is a prison,” she said.

Apparently Kamala Harris can go to the border when she feels like there's a political stunt she'd like to attempt. She can furrow her brow and pound the proverbial desk, her voice echoing with rightous fury over whatever preening point she wants to advance. But when she's actually in charge of a problem, and it gets far worse on her watch, she can't be bothered to do anything about it -- or even summon the energy to pretend to care.  And her stated policy positions would make the crisis she's facilitated exponentially worse.  A demagogue, a radical, and a phony.  No wonder they are going to try to keep her on the teleprompter at all times:


I'll leave you with this exchange, in case you missed it.  I argued this week that Donald Trump's appearance at a convention of black journalists was commendable for showing up, but foolish in one of the answers he gave about Harris' biracial identity.  It's a gift to her, I said.  But this is admittedly a good answer from JD Vance about the episode:

Here is the fake accent he references:

Still, the number one objective for the Trump campaign and Republicans is to blunt her (real) momentum and reverse the gains Democrats and the media propagandists have made in re-defining her image.  Hit her with her own words.  Hit her on the border.  Hit her on this breathtaking and emblematic weakness.  And hit her on the terrible consequences of the Biden-Harris spending binge -- which fueled brutal inflation, with prices still 20 percent higher than when they took office, and the resulting measures that could land us in a recession:


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