For Immediate Release
Monday, September 20, 2010
Contact: Katie Andriulli | |
Vote Again 2010: Do it for Gaga
Colorado YouTube Stars Ellie and Lauren Return with New Video Urging Young People to Vote for LGBT Equality
Washington D.C. – Last week, Campus Progress made waves with a submission to the Vote Again 2010 video contest, “Vote Again 2010: Do it for Bieber,” a satirical video intended to raise awareness around the midterm elections...
This week, Ellie and Lauren are back with a new video, “Vote Again 2010: Do it for Gaga.” The video calls for the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and also targets The Defense of Marriage Act. As the girls explain in the video, voting “gives us a chance to stand up for equality by controlling who represents us.” They call on young people to register to vote or to Vote Again in 2010, because in Lady Gaga’s words, “that’s when the change happens.”
This is a surefire winning message for young people: Don't vote in November because it's your patriotic duty, or because you believe in the Democratic field of candidates. Do it for Lady Gaga.
The idea, I suppose, is that a bizarre pop singer who literally clothes herself in meat is still more appealing than Harry Reid.
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