Well, who is to say that there are only two sexes? Or is that another tough one? It's clear that anybody who can't answer such questions just doesn't want them to be answered. All sane people know the answers, and it's a waste of time arguing with a man who pretends not to know, even if he's the President of the United States.
Today the very word normal is almost taboo. Destroy the thought that there is anything abnormal--let alone sinful, vicious, perverted, abominable, sick, unhealthy, or just plain wrong--about sodomy. (Unsanitary? Let's not go there.)
As a woman wearing a T-shirt at Disneyland's annual "Gay Days" puts it, "I'm proud of my gay son." Sure you are, lady. I bet when he told you, you blurted, "O darling, you make me so proud!" I mean, like, who wouldn't? And then you went out and bragged to all your neighbors.
I recognize that lesbianism is is also a form a sodomy, but to a lesser degree, because to my knowledge it does not involve the repulsive practices male sodomy does. How often have you heard of a lesbian dying of AIDS?
Most people realize that God made two sexes. Even the phrase
In conclusion, the essential problem is a new form of hypocrisy in which we all feel pressure to affect ignorance of things everyone used to know--and which most people still do know, regardless of how many people applaud Barney Frank on national television.
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