Well, the conservative blogosphere stood by her and now it seems the NRCC has changed its course! They are actually using HER to raise money now.
Via The Hill:
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is rallying around Rep. Michele Bachmann and using her controversial comments about Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to rally supporters. The committee on Thursday sent a fundraising e-mail critical of the media’s treatment of the Minnesota Republican, who suggested on MSNBC’s “Hardball” last week that Sen. Obama (D-Ill.) holds “anti-American” views....The NRCC sent a memo Thursday making the case that it was not abandoning candidates like Bachmann when it does not purchase ad time that it has reserved.I'm going to go out on a limb and tell you what I think happened here. I think the NRCC got scared when the liberal blogs went after Bachmann. Figured she could go it alone and then saw the conservative base rally around her. Then the NRCC though, aha! If people are giving HER checks maybe they'll give them to US instead. Hence their new fundraising push.
Moral of the story? Write the checks to the individual candidates you like. Not the party fundraising arm.
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