Results for: clarence thomas are road

It's Taken Us Nearly a Decade to Secure This Second Amendment Win…nearly-a-decade-to-secure-this-second-amendment-win-n2609230
Thomas wrote it. … Most states are already "shall issue" with their carry laws.  … Justice Clarence Thomas has voiced his frustration at the Supreme Court refusing to hear new gun cases in times past. He's right.…
Clarence Thomas Versus John Roberts and Good Versus Evil…nce-thomas-versus-john-roberts-and-good-versus-evil-n2571654
Thomas, of course, is right. Roberts' road to idiocy on the specific issue in this case started four years ago. … Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito both wrote dissenting opinions in this case. … "Our abortion precedents are grievously wrong and should be overruled," said Thomas. Precisely.…
Clarence Thomas Shows the Path Forward on Big Tech
– Republican Party and its conservatism is now the home for the "Somewheres," to borrow the term from David Goodhart's 2017 book, "The Road … These modern-day robber barons are willing and able to lend their censorious assistance to the ruling class's ruthless entrenchment … On Monday, the most important conservative lawyer in the nation, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, came out swinging on the side…
The Power of Civil Society
– Several years ago, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a Heritage Foundation audience how a vibrant civil society contributed … to a more just society in the rural Georgia of his youth: "When someone down the road fell upon hard times," Justice Thomas … Rather, we are the American people. We remain strong and resourceful.…
The Bottom Line Is That Jack Phillips Won
– Did the justices merely kick the can down the road? (For my own take, see here and here.) … The Advocate, a flagship LGBT publication ran this headline: “Homophobes Gorsuch, Thomas Wanted the Cake Shop Decision to Go Further … website for which I write regularly): “We Must Clone Clarence Thomas: The Lesson of SCOTUS’ Wedding Cake Decision.”…
Sen. Lee Questions Timing of Report that Kavanaugh Wanted R-Rated Questions Asked During Bill Clinton Investigation…eport-that-kavanaugh-wanted-r-rated-questions-asked-n2511803
– Democrats are going to "regret" going down this road, Lee said, because it will once again bring to light the fact that President Clinton … , if I can intuit a tactic, a strategy from this story dropping now, it is that they hope to have some sort of a replay of the ClarenceThomas hearing that somehow become so explicit that it is a turnoff for the American people.…
Joe Biden Is an Angry Old Man Who Doesn't Like You
– There are multiple disconcerting moments in the video like this one. … Just as he did several years later at the Clarence Thomas hearings. You think Biden is a nice guy? Ask Clarence Thomas. … There are a lot of jerks in this town, but it's rare for a former staffer to tell the world, in writing, about all the jerky things…
25 Great Quotes from Black Conservatives
Thomas 22) "They say African Americans. … explaining, you are losing." -- J.C. … America was founded on a philosophy of individual rights, not group rights." -- Clarence Thomas 8) "The best way to help your neighbor…
A Fictional Conversation Between President Obama and Justice Clarence Thomas…between-president-obama-and-justice-clarence-thomas-n1988018
Thomas. … Thomas: You know that’s where you and I are going to differ, Mr. President. … But you are not alone in this, unfortunately.…
Assault on the Sanctity of Human Life
– On Saturday, May 14, while pro-abortion protesters were threatening the safety of Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh … These travesties are defining characteristics of a Godless culture. … The overwhelming majority of abortions are performed for convenience.…
Watch: Free Beacon's Brutal Video Hitting Democrats' Hypocrisy On Gorsuch Filibuster…hitting-democratic-hypocrisy-on-gorsuch-filibuster-n2306518
– Senate Democrats are still sour about Republicans adhering to precedent (i.e. … As I’ve mentioned before, even Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, long viewed as the spawns of Satan by Democrats, weren’t filibustered … And that road goes both ways. Even liberals have supported Gorsuch’s nomination.…
Fewer Traditional Values Means More Government
– -- or that they are wise. … It has been a long but not so winding road as the moral fiber of our nation has come apart. … Justice Clarence Thomas zeroed in on the truth in his dissent on the court's opinion.…
Joe Biden's Apology
– And he chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee that confirmed Justice Clarence Thomas, despite Anita Hill's allegations of sexual harassment … There are playlists of "Creepy Joe Biden" videos on YouTube. … Maybe his competitors are worried that Biden's name recognition and experience alone make him a formidable opponent.…
Biden Selection May Help McCain Make Obama the Issue
– But Biden is so moderate, centrist, mainstream, middle-of-the-road. Wrong. … Obama says that as president, he never would have named Justices Clarence Thomas (terming him inexperienced and insufficiently intelligent … Biden voted against confirming both Thomas and (earlier) Robert Bork.…
The Return of the Filibuster
– Filibusters of executive branch nominees are common and deeply rooted in modern American political history. … Justice Clarence Thomas, who has been an outstanding Supreme Court judge, in my view, was confirmed only 52-48. … And what that meant is not a single member of the Senate, even though 48 Senators were against Clarence Thomas, insisted on having…
Last Chance -- For Life
– In the culture war that is rooted in religious faith, they are on opposite sides of the dividing line. … Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts appear steeled to overturn Roe and return this most … If Roe goes, all things are possible. If Roe remains, all is lost.…
Appropriate This!
– But “woke” liberals are anything but normal people. (I just wrote a book about these people.) … But let’s think about this for a second, is this really a road people want to travel down? … Stray from what they think you should be and they will destroy you, just ask Clarence Thomas and now, Kanye West.…
Black (liberal) History Month
– One especially sees this in the civil rights establishment's response to Justice Clarence Thomas and more recently to Rep. … Of course, African Americans are not the only group represented in this number -- there are poor Hispanics, poor whites, etc. … The fact is, more and more Americans are finding themselves relying on government.…
Ed Meese: The Enduring Voice of the Reagan Revolution
– Reagan era was famous for a number of “call-outs” whose ripple effects continue to be felt: the head-on challenge to American voters, “AreThomas. … His great friend President Reagan once told the nation, “If Ed Meese is not a good man, there are no good men.”…
For Ben Carson's Mom, a Presidential Medal of Freedom
– Yet his road in life has not been without challenges. … Rather like Clarence Thomas's grandfather -- he being the moral force in Justice Thomas's life -- she instilled strong values in young … And Williams writes that liberals "want us to believe that today's black problems are the continuing result of a legacy of slavery,…
Weaponizing Freedom
– Justice Clarence Thomas, delivering the opinion of the Court, noted that “neither California nor the Ninth Circuit [which had previously … The current rulings are decidedly not narrow. … “So the majority’s road runs long,” she goes on. “And at every stop are black-robed rulers overriding citizens’ choices.”…
Is Obama's America God's Country?
– In Plano, Texas, last week, Santorum was even more explicit: "They (the Obamaites) are taking faith and crushing it. Why? … headed down that road." … But Santorum is wagering his political future on his assessment of where we are in 2012.…
End The Democrat Senate Filibuster Against Aurelia Skipwith…democrat-senate-filibuster-against-aurelia-skipwith-n2555701
– Her accomplishments are impressive and seemed unattainable to past generations of our parents and grandparents. … African-Americans who don’t blindly support the Democratic Party are suspect. … How dangerous are blacks like former Rep. Mia Love and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas?…
Biden Plays the Race Card
– As chairman of Senate Judiciary in the hearings on the nomination of Clarence Thomas in 1991, Biden had been dismissive of the charges … If this were truly a road-to-Damascus moment for Biden, calling forth a new resolve to remove so morally obtuse a resident of the Oval … Yet it does appear that issues of race, tribe and identity are becoming an obsession in our politics.…
Stand Firm, Trump Voters
– When Anthony Kennedy replaced Lewis Powell, and Clarence Thomas replaced Thurgood Marshall, the Supreme Court became more conservative … By the time retired, she was not merely middle-of-the-road, she was actively agreeing with liberals to the point where true conservatives … There are 73.5 million of us. We know that this election was stolen. We will cheer Trump's legal team as they do their work.…