Results for: chief world failing us

We Investigated a 'Trans Kids' Camp. Look Who's Funding It.
– To much applause, White lauded the Bidens for inviting "people like us: frontline workers, advocates, educators" to the event honoring … Leaked footage of an MCPS training session shows Astor, also a world studies teacher at Parkland Middle School, proclaiming she wants … In the words of Bowser herself: "We are the gayest city in the world."…
People Who Corruptly Conceal the Disability of the Leader of the Free World Commit a Soft Form of Treason…der-of-the-free-world-commit-a-soft-form-of-treason-n2641355
– question at hand: what obligation do those in the inner circle have to alert their countrymen to a deeply impaired commander in chief … executive.That brings us back to the eye-opening debate. … Yet these confidantes owe us those hard truths now.Which leads to another, bolder solution.…
America Can Choose to Be Great Again
– And they kicked National Socialist butt.That’s greatness.But is there still greatness within us? … Each of us has to answer a question—are we just going to give up? … Greatness is still within us.…
AWOL Secretary of Defense and the Pervasive Dereliction of Duty by Joe Biden and His Administration…liction-of-duty-by-joe-biden-and-his-administration-n2633549
– Austin, was AWOL (Absent Without Leave) last week, totally unknown by the Biden Administration Security Advisor and our bumbling, failing … Commander-in-Chief and his administration, who have been consistently derelict in their official constitutional duties. … We abandoned $100 B in U.S. equipment now brewing used against us by terrorists around the world, abandonment of thousands of Afghans…
Senator Tuberville's Not Only Fighting Pentagon's Illegal Abortion Policy, But Fake News…only-fighting-illegal-pentagon-policy-but-fake-news-n2628964
– “Senator Tuberville is forcing us to face his obstruction head on,” Schumer said. … “Senator Tuberville is forcing us to face his obstruction head on,” Schumer said. … One of us was bluffing. It wasn't me.Democrats are taking the same action they could've taken months ago.…
China’s Strange Endorsement of ‘Net Zero’
– Let us join hands to uphold the values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom shared by all of us and build … At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate.”  … Or maybe he figures that by 2030 the whole world will be under his control.…
Materials Acquisition for Global Industrial Change
– Via executive orders, regulatory edicts and partisan Green New Deal legislation, President Biden intends to slash US carbon dioxide … Such problems cannot be solved by national governments acting alone, so world leaders have no choice but to work together. … , destroy jobs, and reduce US leverage in future negotiations.…
American Division Is Now a Strategic Weakness: Three Perilous Trends…n-is-now-a-strategic-weakness-three-perilous-trends-n2589891
– We continuously struggle to recognize the era that we’re in, failing to connect the physical manifestations of our division to the … What happens when Commander in Chief and the Not-My-President era meet?  … In the follow up to this piece I’ll detail two more division-sped trends that place us in peril, both even closer to home. …
34 More “Thoughts and Prayers”
– to protect us. … As the body count was still being tallied, the ostensible leader of the free world was cuddling with the leader of a long-standing … Beatrice Delvaux, chief editor for the Belgian newspaper, Le Soir, wrote of Belgium’s citizens, “They know all this is true.…
Smart Power: Iran Isn't Really Honoring the 'Spirit' of Our Nuclear Deal, Obama Says
– Behold, the perfect 'Smart Power' presidential pull quote in light of Justin's two updates yesterday, wherein the US Navy interdicted … “Iran so far has followed the letter of the agreement, but the spirit of the agreement involves Iran also sending signals to the world … By alleging that Iran is failing to live up to the spirit of his supposed diplomatic masterstroke, is Obama treading dangerously close…
#NeverTrump Needs a Name Change
– For people who never tire of telling the world what a moral high ground they’ve taken in opposing Donald Trump, they sure don’t seem … But try asking many of these so-called “Never-Trumpers” why they persist when they have to know that failing to elect Trump will result … in Clinton becoming commander-in-chief (shudder), and they fail to come up with a substantive answer.…
Does Hillary Possess a Conscience?
Failing to gain the presidency for herself she accepted a cabinet post as Secretary of State for Barack Obama and quickly embarked … on hundreds of thousands of miles of travel to all corners of the world. … And as history has shown us her famous “Re-Set Button” with the Russians has been a colossal failure.…
Comparison: Previous Obama Demands vs. Terms of New Nuclear Framework
– subsequently "accidentally" violated while actively cheating on other international embargoes), assuring concerned Americans that the US … The new framework eliminates and supplants those resolutions, on which Iran had repeatedly cheated, and is still failing to meet with … The IAEA's former nuclear inspections chief declares himself "puzzled" by the deal, flatly stating, “you’re going to leave Iran as…
TRANSCRIPT: President Trump's Joint Session of Congress Address…t-president-trumps-joint-session-of-congress-speech-n2292141
– And we will use it to light up the world. … An incredible young woman is with us this evening who should serve as an inspiration to us all. … This history should give us all faith in the possibilities for a better world.…
A Special Prosecutor for Criminal Leaks
– Five years ago, Russia alerted us that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had become a violent radical Islamist. … Which brings us to the point. … The "failing New York Times" has seen a surge in circulation. The Pulitzers are beckoning.…
Analysis: If True, Trump's Reported Intel Spill to Russian Officials is Alarming, But Not Illegal…el-spill-to-russians-not-illegal-but-very-worrisome-n2327235
– information (this story from January started making the rounds on social media last night as people began to speculate about which US … senior intel official to TWS: "sharing of another country's intel w/o permission is one of the brightest red lines in the intel world … He is the commander-in-chief.…
Spying on You, Spying on Me, Spying on the President…spying-on-you-spying-on-me-spying-on-the-president-n2334142
– Its logic -- "I am the commander in chief, and I'll do what I need to do to keep us safe, and the NSA can do what I permit" -- permits … Where does all this leave us? … It leaves us with a public recognition that we are the most spied-upon people in world history and that the president himself has been…
Barack Obama and the History Books
– After his stimulus saved us from a second Great Depression, he signed into law the Affordable Care Act, giving millions of Americans … Obama restored America’s standing in the world, made us safer, and united our country against all odds, with a Congress doing everything … Well, his students should all get refunds because, when it comes to the Constitution, Obama has a failing grade.…
Whoa: Tillerson Takes a Direct Swipe at Trump. Is He On His Way Out?…trump-on-television-is-rex-tillerson-on-his-way-out-n2374179
– Do statements like this telegraph that "Rexit" will soon be upon us?  Stay tuned.   … president in our system of government, or his petty malevolence, or his nasty inclination to punch downward, or whatever in the world … Which brings us to the question of how Trump might, or should, react to Tillerson's conspicuous put-down.  …
If You Don’t Like Either Candidate, Then Vote for Trump’s Policies…like-either-candidate-then-vote-for-trumps-policies-n2234187
– We should rather work to prevent such oppression of Christians, just as Jesus taught us to pray, “Lead us not into temptation, but … deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13). … Paul did not encourage us to pray that God would give us bad rulers but good ones who would allow us to “lead a peaceful and quiet…
Analysis: President Trump Can Help Cement His Legacy on Day One With Excellent SCOTUS Pick
– BNO News (@BNONews) November 9, 2016 The re-imposition of the Mexico City policy is also a common-sense move, to prevent US … There's a blueprint to follow for uprooting almost the entire failing law, but there needs to be a replacement passed in tandem, which … But now that Donald Trump will be commander-in-chief and leader of the free world, he needs the best people around him, even if that's…
Sen. McCain Says President Trump 'Emboldened' Syria
– carried out by Bashar al-Assad, Arizona Senator John McCain lambasted President Donald Trump saying that Syria was “emboldened by US … inaction” after the commander in chief indicated last week he was considering withdrawing troops from Syria. … "President Trump last week signaled to the world that the United States would prematurely withdraw from Syria.…
Why Are We Still There? When Do We Leave?
– The situation proved more difficult that our military leaders assured us. … We are now failing by propping up a kleptocracy that has no desire to change. … Someone needs to tell us why we are still going there. Someone needs to tell us when or under what conditions we will leave.…
LEAKED: International Intelligence Report Uncovers China's Known Coronavirus Lies…e-report-details-chinas-blatant-coronavirus-coverup-n2568064
– When that news broke a few weeks ago, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slammed China for failing to alert the world about the Wuhan coronavirus … "As we said early on, there's no way this virus came from us. We have a strict regulatory regiment. … Editor's Note: Want to support Townhall so we can keep telling the truth about China and the virus they unleashed on the world?…
Government: the Issue Creator, the Issue Solver
– the many billions of dollars that our government has in its coffers and the outsized influence that it has over our nation and the world … , it appears that the majority of us scratch our heads when this question is posed to us. … Chief among them are the pervasiveness of poverty, the growth of criminal activity and the severe lack of employment opportunities…