Results for: sign up to vote

Texas Bill Allowing Residents to Carry Firearms Without a Permit Heads to Gov. Abbott's Desk…firearms-without-a-permit-heads-to-gov-abbotts-desk-n2589946
– The legislation is being sent to the desk of Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) for approval. He said that he would sign the bill. … The bill would allow Texans ages 21 and up who can already legally own a gun to carry a handgun in public without a gun permit, safety … #2A #txlege — NRA (@NRA) May 24, 2021 The Texas House passed the bill with a vote of 82 to 62.…
Midnight Deal Sends Texas' Constitutional Carry Bill on the Course to Inevitability…itutional-carry-bill-on-the-course-to-inevitability-n2589921
– carry bill.The Senate also need to approve the final version before it’s sent to @GovAbbott to be signed. … The compromise version also preserves a Senate amendment beefing up the criminal penalty for a felon caught carrying to a second-degree … Greg Abbott said he'll sign the bill into law. Whatever comes to his desk on constitutional carry, he’ll sign.…
Donald Trump Takes Stage at NC GOP to Remind Us How Lucky We Were to Have Him
– In the beginning of his speech, Trump called his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump up to the stage, who was born and raised in the state. … Such was a sign of more warnings to come. … protect, promote, uplight the American worker who we cherish and that begins with standing up to Communist China.”…
Disturbing Poll That Dropped Over the Memorial Day Weekend Is Quite a Gut Punch…weekend-thats-quite-a-gut-punchand-a-bit-disturbing-n2590267
To ensure accurate representation, the sample was weighted according to gender, age, race, education, 2016 presidential vote, registration … But as CNN and others have tried to become policemen with regards to what is crazy or not as they try to make it seem like everyone … The only people who seem to be worried about this are the liberal media establishment, which is a tell-tale sign that it's not a worry…
Biden Continuously Assaults Alaska; Murkowski Is an Accomplice…inuously-assaults-alaska-murkowski-is-an-accomplice-n2591102
– not even Ronald Reagan was able to accomplish. … Trump recognized Alaska’s innate right to self-determination, and he removed roadblocks – in some cases, literally – to our ability … Murkowski feigned shock and outrage at Biden’s decisions, but Murkowski could not be bothered to sign a May 2021 letter authored by…
Is This the Worst Argument for Unions Ever?…ted-pariah-makes-the-worst-argument-for-unions-ever-n2591082
– Following up Collins asked, "So how does that account to a constructive meeting?" … There's enough irony here to clear up my anemia. — Brad Slager - In Trouble More Than Pres. … At least 10 board members must vote for a finalist for it to be named as a winner." Bolling commented on the mystifying result.…
Blind to Facts, GOP Headed for a Disaster of Its Own Design…o-facts-gop-headed-for-a-disaster-of-its-own-design-n2135388
– President Obama can beat his breast about inequality and sign all the executive orders he likes to mandate higher wages for workers … throw up huge barriers to U.S. exports. … , Ted Cruz and John Kasich look likely to deny him a first vote majority.…
Florida Governor Needs to Sign Landmark Alimony Reform and Shared Parenting Bill…n-landmark-alimony-reform-and-shared-parenting-bill-n2134813
– He has 15 days to sign the bill, and there is a concern he is just sitting on it to eventually veto it. … That kind of mindset would have prevented women from getting the right to vote. … Let’s hope Governor Scott does the right thing and stands up to the bullying by the Family Law Section.…
Can General Mattis Get Elected President? Let's Find Out...
– But could he be convinced to answer the call? The electorate seems to be looking for somewhere else to go with their vote. … Many voters on the right and the left feel they are being forced to vote for someone they're not excited about. … I started a petition to float the idea to the world.…
Mile-Long Line At Idaho Democratic Caucus Site
– Original Post Idahoans were especially eager to head to the polls Tuesday night. … in his back pocket - and in Idaho, 17-year-olds are eligible to vote, as long as they are 18 by the general election in November. … He and Hillary Clinton are battling for the 23 delegates up for grabs in the Gem State. Stay tuned for results!…
“Trump Is a Fascist,” Say Anti-Free Speech Leftwing Activists
– Free to vote for whomever they please, free to file petitions or lawsuits, with complete control over the mainstream media, the left … On March 21, leftwing protesters showed up in front of the Pro-Israel AIPAC event to protest Trump’s appearance there. … Fortunately, the American people are beginning to wise up to the left’s tactics, just as the Soviet people did.…
Bill Clinton Spars With Black Lives Matter, Says They’re Just Defending Criminals…k-lives-matter-says-theyre-just-defending-criminals-n2145285
– going to deal with the very real problems." … hopped up on crack and sent them out onto the street to murder other African-American children," Clinton said, addressing a protester … They’re not going to abandon her in the primary, and she’s already won the lion share of the black Democratic vote already.…
Reports: Cruz Poised to Dominate Delegates in Colorado This Weekend
– There is little evidence Trump’s campaign is up to the task so far, however, giving Sen. … Most will be free to vote for whomever they chose after that and candidates rarely select their own delegates, meaning they need a … Trump has thrown in the towel in Colorado, it seems, opting instead to try to run up the score in New York one week from next Tuesday…
Growing Up Is Hard to Do
– When there were 17 people in the race, a 35 percent share of the vote gave Trump a win. Now it anchors him to losses. … Going forward, he will need to increase that to close to sixty percent, something that looks impossible for him to do. … That is a terrible sign. To overcome all these things, Trump has to grow up and look presidential. He has to lose the bombast.…
Democrats’ Broadside On Senate Republicans Over SCOTUS Nominee Yields Next To Nothing…ublicans-over-scotus-nominee-yields-next-to-nothing-n2143882
– But this, too, can be measured: As of Monday, 52 senators oppose a hearing for Garland, let alone an up-or-down vote, before voters … Indeed, the tug-of-war shows no sign of abating: Democrats plan to ramp up pressure through a series of messaging events and one-on-one … For President Obama, the first president to have voted to filibuster a Supreme Court nominee, to claim he is not playing politics with…
McConnell: I Don't See Any 'Cracks' In GOP Opposition To Obama SCOTUS Nominee…ny-cracks-in-gop-opposition-to-obama-scotus-nominee-n2143774
– Harry Reid said ten years ago that the Constitution didn’t require the Senate to even have a vote. … You know, they’re out there running ads and have paid people to show up at Chairman Grassley’s town hall meetings to try to harass … Do you expect the President to sign that into law when it gets back to his desk through the House?…
Winners or Whiners?
– The current angry outcries because there was no primary vote in Colorado to choose delegates, supposedly because "the system" was " … But it is all too typical of Trump to cover up his own lack of knowledge or understanding by making wild accusations against others … Nobody has a Constitutional "right" to vote to choose a party's nominees.…
Hillary’s Defense: Obama Did It
Up that to 91 percent for African-Americans, the critical voting block that has saved Mrs. Clinton against her rival, Sen. … And President Obama was not at all influenced when he made the decision to pass and sign Dodd-Frank, the toughest regulations on Wall … Listen to Hillary Clinton. There’s no problem. At all.  Unless, perchance, the candidate happens to be a Republican. …
Bernie Sanders Wants Us to Be Like Europe Where Unemployment Is More Than 10 Percent…e-europe-where-unemployment-is-more-than-10-percent-n2148677
– His supporters, largely made up of the working class, union members, and, to a large degree, college students who have been brainwashed … To his credit, Ohio Gov. … John Kasich has talked about economic issues and his across the board tax cut plan to get our economy up and running again.…
No Room for Free Riders on the Aviation Bill
– It’s now up to the House of Representatives to stand up and do the right thing by passing a clean FAA reauthorization bill when it … returns to them, and for both chambers to do the same for future legislation, rather than load it up with favors for special interests … know the tax credits wouldn’t be able to stand up to a vote on their own.…
Trump: This 'Collusion' Between Losers Cruz and Kasich is 'Desperate'…act-the-collusion-between-these-losers-is-desperate-n2153257
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 25, 2016 Shows how weak and desperate Lyin' Ted is when he has to team up with a guy who openly … All of which is to say that this move is a gamble, which has no guarantee of working out the way it's drawn up on paper.   … Would you care to, say, sign a loyalty pledge to this effect? What could go wrong?…
A Tale of Two Speeches
– "I want to thank my team, it's evolving," he noted, in reference to recent staff hires. He then moved to economic concerns. … "We are going to use our great business people to negotiate unbelievable trade deals...we are going to keep the jobs here." … Ted Cruz of Texas to have his supporters win the delegate slots in states where Trump won the popular vote.…
Poll: Victorious in New York Primary, Trump Trails Hillary Nationally By 11 Points
– In fact, NBC News reports that Cruz's camp may have already locked up approximately half of Pennsylvania's delegates prior to next … percentage of Empire State delegates if he doesn't even come close to winning a corresponding percentage of the raw vote?   … If Trump can salvage the last few months of this primary campaign with this significant shake-up, that might be enough to push him…
Obamacare's Woes Will Have Election-Year Consequences
– This is shaping up to be another bad election year for President Obama's failed agenda and his underperforming economy. … sign up for Obamacare, offsetting the costs of older Americans who are far more expensive to insure. … But younger people have not signed up in the numbers that the industry expected, hurting their bottom line and forcing them to increase…
No Premature Surrender in the Battle for the Supreme Court…ature-surrender-in-the-battle-for-the-supreme-court-n2159179
– Leon Wolf, the managing editor of RedState called for Republicans to immediately bring up a vote on Judge Merrick Garland. … While the mainstream media has tried to play up one blog post as evidence that conservatives are ready to surrender on the nomination … Therefore we cannot prematurely surrender today on President Obama’s choice to provide a steady and reliable vote to join Ginsberg,…
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