Results for: is the us at war with iran

How Republics Perish
– But while Beijing is involved in disputes with Hanoi over the Paracels, with the Philippines over the Spratlys, with Japan over the … Ted Cruz reassured us that "the single biggest national security threat facing America right now is the threat of a nuclear Iran." … Otherwise, with no end to war on America's horizon, the prospect of this free republic enduring is, well, doubtful.…
Trump, the EU Crack-Up, and Israel
The US is far from the only country steeped in uncertainty and frustration today. … If the next US president is a Democrat, and if the EU remains intact, then Israel can expect for its relations with the US and the … So, too, under Trump, the US may send forces to confront Iran one day, only to announce that Trump is embarking on negotiations to…
Oh, Great: IAEA Says Iran Nuclear Deal Prevents Them From Reporting On Violations…ear-deal-prevents-them-from-reporting-on-violations-n2130119
– When it comes to the Iran Nuclear Deal, I guess the silver lining (and I’m really, really stretching it here) is that we somewhat … The country is war-weary, but that point is totally overshadowed by the fact that the country could acquire a nuclear weapon 13 years … Yukiya Amano, chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, which is responsible for ensuring Iran complies with the agreement…
Iraq War Veteran Writes Thriller Novel Lionizing Veterans (Author Interview: Matt Betley)…vel-lionizing-veterans-author-interview-matt-betley-n2127481
– Matthew Betley, a former Marine who fought in Fallujah, Iraq, has come out with one of the most realistic war stories from the Iraq … in the Middle East—one that will draw the US into a major conflict with Iran. … Anbar Province in the late summer and that fall became the most dangerous place in Iraq with the most casualties in the war occurring…
Last Chance for America?
– Instead, if the polls are an indication, what we may get is someone with the opposite of all these things, a glib egomaniac with a … Iran is also developing long-range missiles. … The last thing we can afford, at this crucial juncture in history is a president who alienates allies we have to have in a war against…
Concern About War on Multiple Fronts Is Already a Reality…n-about-war-on-multiple-fronts-is-already-a-reality-n2536282
– In essence, the U.S. was already at war with Russia and Iran. … So America is effectively at war with Iran right now -- in Yemen. … So America is already effectively at war with Russia -- in Libya.…
Tehran’s Influence Operations a Threat to Journalistic Independence…ce-operations-a-threat-to-journalistic-independence-n2537103
– as the victim of US-led interference and even a looming war. … The group is part of the coalition of dissident organizations that fall under the banner of the National Council of Resistance of Iran … That the NCRI is led by a charismatic woman, Maryam Rajavi, and is the only opposition movement with a clearly articulated 10-point…
The Opposite of the Tip of the Iceberg
The employment of underground tunnels to strike at Israel is not new. … It’s understood that at the beginning of the next significant battle with Hezbollah, these will be among the first targets to destroy … At the end of the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Israel negotiated a cease-fire under United Nations auspices.…
Trump’s Fumble Right Out of Obama’s Playbook
– I don’t know if Trump Is just naïve but an active presence throughout the Middle East is necessary and is in the US’ interest. … What is clear is that the plan to withdraw from Syria is not in synch with US’ military leaders.   … The domination of Syria by an erratic Russia and belligerent Iran is bad and dangerous for US allies Israel, and relatively moderate…
Trump and Putin Are Upsetting the War Hawks
– Obviously, Trump is feeling immense pressure to disagree with Putin and to keep the war racket going at any cost. … The 17-year Afghan war is now so old that if it were a person, it could actually enlist to fight itself. … Mattis encouraged the senators to continue backing the Saudis' proxy war against Iran in Yemen, but the Senate has since approved a…
Will Trump Hold Firm on Syrian Pullout?
– And what his decision seems to say is this: We are extricating America from the forever war of the Middle East so foolishly begun … The U.S. pullout from Syria is being called a victory for Vladimir Putin. "Russia, Iran, Assad... are ecstatic!" wails Sen. … "Russia, Iran, Syria... are not happy about the US leaving," Trump tweeted, "despite what the Fake News says, because now they will…
Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?
– Second, by extending our NATO alliance deep into Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Baltics, thereby igniting a Cold War II with Russia … The question, then, for our time is this: Can the U.S. pursue a Cold War policy of containment against both of the other great military … We have, for decades, been financing the buildup of a Communist China whose ambition is to expel us from East Asia and the Western…
Syria Might Be Lost—The Kurds Don’t Have to Be
The insurgency and their threat to the region is not.  … It is also worth remembering the secondary objectives; keeping Iran and Russia in check and supporting the Kurds, an ally deserving … The world is counting on it. …
A Christian Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis
– Still, the jihadist genie is, even now, out of the bottle. … It is possible to be at once wise and compassionate. The two are not mutually exclusive. … Christ modeled for us the perfect solution to this problem with His parable of the Good Samaritan: “A man was going down from…
Strike Back At ISIS and All Forms of Islamic Extremism
– Rajavi is the president of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the political coalition that includes the MEK as its largest … The target of the Islamic extremists is not limited to the US, or France, or Europe. … As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”…
Staggering Figures Show Wall Street 'Knew' Attacks Were Coming…g-figures-show-wall-street-knew-attacks-were-coming-n2082757
– to end wars abroad have been kept, the reality is that the rest of the world is busy arming itself ... preparing for any hostile circumstances … -based and international defense contractors with nations across the globe. France is not alone in believing they are at war. … At first glance, firms such as Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman appear to have recovered in 2013 right along with the market as…
'Nothing to do With Islam'
– It began in the 1920s with the Muslim Brotherhood. Its Shia incarnation has captured the government of Iran. … Islam is in the throes of a religious war. … ) and to the rest of us.…
Let's Learn from the Post-9/11 Mistake
– Fourteen years on, Europe is dealing with what could be its own 9/11. And Tehran is poised to seize the opportunity once again. … the US into the war with Iraq. … Last January, French President Francois Hollande said if the US had not backtracked at the 11th hour in August 2013 from punishing…
American Energy Will Help Defeat Terrorism
– in the city where the murderous attacks just happened, with the blood barely dry, and the prime topic of discussion will be how to … It's worse than that: The entire global-warming agenda is an impediment to the war against terror. … No matter how severe one believes the threat of global warming, the inescapable reality is that for at least the next decade and even…
About Those 'Significant' Airstrikes on ISIS–We Ran Out Of Ammo On One Of Them
– Given that the Islamic State is thought to have just over 1,000 trucks in its entire fleet, the group of 300 represented a huge target … The same logic could be tagged to the Iran deal. … At the same time, France bombed the ISIS capital of Al-Raqqah, and they’ve declared to increase their involvement in the region after…
State Department: Iran Never Signed Nuclear Deal, Which Isn't 'Legally Binding'…ever-signed-nuclear-deal-which-isnt-legally-binding-n2086372
The flip side of that, I guess, is that the deal’s not binding on us either; if the next president or even Obama himself wants to reimpose … Iran is furnished with the billions it craves and a legitimized nuclear program, Europe gets a lucrative new trading partner, and Obama … White House -- which apparently sealed a controversial deal with Iran with the diplomatic equivalent of a handshake.  …
Stumbling to War With Russia?
– But what does the Turkish president see down at the end of this road? And what about us? … Indeed, it now seems clear that in Syria's civil war, Turkey is on the rebel-jihadist side, with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah on the … Yet, should we accede to that pressure, it could bring us into direct conflict with Russia, which is now the fighting ally of the Assad…
Why America Should Not Export Its Oil Now
– abhorrence with President Obama’s infatuation with archenemy Iran. … What American lawmakers should be focused on now is taking the gift Saudi Arabia has given us, and turning it into the ultimate political … The great concern is how easily Congress agreed to excessive spending at a time when fiscal restraint should be paramount.…
Naive Policy Will Force Next Generation to Learn 'Duck and Cover' Drills…orce-next-generation-to-learn-duck-and-cover-drills-n2091769
– During the Cold War it was not a secret that the force that most likely kept us all from a nuclear apocalypse was the concept of mutually … What brings this all home is the combination of the rise of radical Islamic terror, the Iran nuclear agreement and the recent alleged … U.N. ban on such tests, confidence in the agreement is at an all-time low.        …
Wishing Terrorism Away
– : "I think that the pursuit of the agreement is based on the President's hope that over a 10-year period with the sanctions being lifted … Meanwhile, the equally leftist, equally anti-war French president Francois Hollande called the attacks an "act of war," and promised … Obama is the same commander in chief who failed to negotiate a stable force in Iraq; who pulled out all the troops in Iraq over the
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