Results for: is the us at war with iran

We drove Saddam’s Yellowcake to Baghdad Airport
– That’s an enormous quantity even if evidently left over from the 1980s Iran-Iraq War. … The leader of the neo-Saddamists allied now with ISIS is Izzat al-Douri, a former Iraqi army general and last member of the senior … Much of the area where the “antique,” yet still potentially potent chemical weapons discovered by US forces is now in the hands of…
Flailing Aimlessly on Iran
– As the leadership in Iran continues to thumb their collective noses at the world community and the United States in particular, the … Can you really negotiate with someone who is willing to accept their own martyrdom as the very means necessary to bring about the return … Iran has been waging a war against the United States for over thirty years.…
Terrorism & 'The True Believer'
The ideal devil is a foreigner." … The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice utmost humility, is boundless." … Moreover, in waging war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, we are not only sheltering the Shia Crescent of Iran and Hezbollah, we are…
The Oil Weapon in America's Hands
Iran is almost wholly dependent upon oil sales for hard currency. Russia is the oil and gas supplier for much of Europe. … Are the Saudis out to cripple us with an oil glut? … We should allow the export of oil from the United States to enable us to cope with OPEC cutbacks.…
Indifference Vs. Making a Difference
At a recent conference on the plight of Christians in the Middle East sponsored by the Napa Institute, Siobhan Nash-Marshall, a philosophy … He's blind, a casualty of the Iran-Iraq war, and is now living in a tent outside a church, dependent upon others to help him navigate … A Vermont priest with no particular skill set for such things, he sold 15,000 bracelets, lapel pins and zipper pulls adorned with the
The Rise of the Islamic State
– After teaming up with the Americans in what is famously known as the Awakening campaign, AQI’s cadre of foreign fighters were all but … If we look at public discourse on which group is winning the war to become the jihadi superpower, it appears the wind is blowing in … In the near term, at least, Gartenstein-Ross says that the likelihood of a 9/11-style attack in the U.S. from the group is low, although…
The Way Forward to Defeating ISIS Rapidly
– powers, specifically Turkey, to provide the boots on the ground necessary to finish the terrorist group that attacked us on 9/11. … The only exception are the minority Shia-offshoot Alawites of whom the tyrant is a member. … of the much-feared Shiite Iran.…
The Kumbaya Temptation
– And that counsel is always the same: Time to put the acrimony behind us. … Is the nation demanding amnesty? If not, then who is? … If the GOP signs on, the party will own that war going into 2016, as it owned the Iraq war going into 2006, when it lost both houses…
Create a New Kurdistan and Destabilize Iran (Part V)
– News from the Syrian Front Recently, the focus of the war with IS shifted to Syria, to the Kurdish city of Kobani far away from … By supplying IS and supporting those at war with it, he is playing the ultimate double game. … The FSA is fighting IS and the Assad regime. IS is also fighting the FSA and the regime.…
Hagel Dismissed, But Not Missed
– It comes on the eve of another “deadline” in our dealings with an Iran bent on acquiring nuclear weapons. … During the 2008 campaign, he even clashed with Hillary Clinton over Iran. … What is needed in Iran is what Reagan provided with the Soviets—peace through strength.…
Why the world did not know about WMD in Iraq
– artillery shells left over from the 1980s Iran-Iraq War.” … The uranium operation caused us, as usual, to rent trucks from the surrounding tribes with comprehensive war-loss insurance (meaning … As we are seeing with the current, seemingly endless negotiations with Iran, the millionaire mullahs of Tehran are using the pretext…
Will Trump Defy McCain & Marco?
– Yet, Putin is something else, the leader of the largest nation on earth, a great power with enough nuclear weapons to wipe the United … For such as these, the Cold War is never over. … But War Party agitators are already beating the drums for confrontation with Iran.…
Obama's National Security Report Card -- Unsatisfactory
The incessant self-absorption is annoying enough, but the self-delusion puts it over the top. … And the nuclear deal with Iran -- coupled with turning hundreds of millions of dollars over to that sinister, terrorist-sponsoring … Liberals always seem more concerned with making America likable than with making us safe -- and they miserably conflate the two.…
Trump Promised No More Nation-Building: Here’s Where to Start…romised-no-more-nationbuilding-heres-where-to-start-n2257141
– But Cold War policies in Latin America show us the failure of these ideas. … This approach is simply a repackaging of previously abandoned strategies used in Latin America during the Cold War. … But what is “extremism”: the disenfranchised Islamic terrorism of Boko Haram, Saudi Wahhabism or the apocalyptic Islam of Iran?…
The Dangers Facing Trump and Those He Will Govern
– Despite the fact that Obama pledged to end America’s wars, the US is waging three active wars, Iraq/Syria, Afghanistan, and a worldwide … More Ominously, Russia has now actively allied with Iran, selling it anti-aircraft weapons systems designed to take out US and Israeli … Nevertheless, as ISIS is about to be expelled from Iraq, it will be denied sanctuary there and the revenues commensurate with controlling…
Video: Why Iran Should Be 'Very Afraid' of Trump's Pick to Run the Pentagon
At the end of the drill, questions were answered and then Mattis dismissed everyone. No messing around with this guy. … I looked at him. “No. He is the best we have.” … Meanwhile, here's what Iran is up to these days, just in case anyone had forgotten the evil and backwards values the regime imposes…
One China, One Taiwan
– Trump's few minutes on the telephone Friday with Tsai Ing-wen, who phoned by prearrangement to congratulate the incoming US chief executive … The "One China" sham is obsolete. … Beijing may be the sole legitimate government of China, but China stops at the Taiwan Strait. There is one China and one Taiwan.…
The Phone Call Heard ‘Round The World
The ROC is a sovereign nation; albeit one that the U.S. and most other nations have decided is less important diplomatically than the … More importantly, perhaps, is the message Trump is sending to the world withThe Call.” … If the call with Taiwan is any indication, the routine posture of submission looks to change dramatically under President Trump.…
Why Donald Trump Is Catching Hell for Planning to Move Our Embassy to Jerusalem…hell-for-planning-to-move-our-embassy-to-jerusalem-n2261454
– There is no controversy like the controversy that surrounds the city of Jerusalem, the most divided city on the earth and the most … is hitting the fan. … It’s the melody.” The irony is exquisite.)…
Lessons of Aleppo -- for Trump
The South Vietnamese would come to appreciate the insight. So it is today with Aleppo, where savage reprisals against U.S. … It was with their indispensable assistance that he recaptured Aleppo in the decisive battle of the war. … And the Iran war now being talked up in the think tanks and on the op-ed pages would be the end of the Trump presidency.…
Cleaning up After 'Third Term' Obama
The future ex-president is still playing games with Vladimir Putin over Russian's alleged interference in the presidential election … and playing with fire in the Middle East. … But President Trump and the rest of us will be dealing with all the messes "Third Term" Obama has made for a long time.…
Barack Obama's Legacy of Failure
– Democrats lost their majorities in the US House and Senate. … After eight years under Obama, the GOP is stronger than at any time since the 1920s, and the outgoing president's party is in tatters … consumers in much of the country with few or no options.…
Iran Nuclear Deal -- Alive or Dead?
– If the War Party is confident Iran is going to cheat, why not wait until they do. … Also at issue is the deal signed by Boeing to sell Iran 80 jetliners. … Could we perhaps put the confrontation with Iran on hold?…
At Long Last, a Transparent Obama Administration!
With terminology reminiscent of the Germanys and Berlins of the Cold War, he has legitimized for the international community the division … in the 1967 Six-Day War legitimately belongs to her. … So stunning is Obama’s new transparency that even the Left side of the aisle is unsettled. And well it should be.…
Trump 'Disrespects' the Intel Community? What About Obama's Iraq Bug-Out?…s-the-intel-community-what-about-obamas-iraq-bugout-n2273577
– To even raise the issue is to "otherwise" the first black President. In short, they argue, it is racist. … Brands need to 'speak with us.'" … Nor did Putin get Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta to agree that the Iran deal is "the greatest appeasement since Chamberlain…
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