Results for: is the us at war with iran

The 7 Biggest Conservative Wins of 2017
With the liberation of ISIS’s capital and the vast majority of its territory, the end of the ISIS caliphate is in sight. … Now, as stated earlier, the war is not over. … The unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been in almost two decades at 4.1 percent, and consumer confidence is at a 17-year high.…
Voices from the Grave Cry out for Justice in Iran
– Tehran is trying its utmost to conceal this war at home between the people and the regime. … It is incumbent upon us as individuals, nation states, and communities of nation states to put pressure on the regime to give access … A concerted and comprehensive international pressure on a regime already at war with its people can help bring closure to the families…
Will War Cancel Trump's Triumphs?
The economy, with the boot of Barack Obama off its neck, has been growing at 3 percent. … And though Democrats have three times as many seats at risk in 2018, the GOP losing the Senate is not beyond the realm of possibility … In this city there is also a powerful propaganda push to have this country tear up the nuclear deal John Kerry negotiated with Iran
Is It Because Trump Won It? There's Been Media Silence Regarding Our Victory Over ISIS…heres-been-media-silence-regarding-our-victory-over-n2423560
– But part of the blame still rests with us. … The economy is booming, but President Trump isn’t getting the credit with the liberal media. … The last issue is of course entangled with the great collusion debate — but it’s still a good thing that our mini-cold war has remained…
Israel’s Peace Fantasists In Action
The summit was meant to compensate the Sunni Arabs for Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. … With the Iranian-backed Houthis’ takeover of Yemen and the US’s conclusion of its framework nuclear deal with Iran, the Saudis apparently … Israel’s reason for wanting to work with the Saudis and their neighbors is the same as their reason for wanting to work with us.…
By the Way, Syria is Habitually Violating Obama's 'Red Line' Deal…syria-is-habitually-violating-obamas-red-line-deal-n1998114
– A US delegation led by Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman is due to join the Vienna talks on Wednesday. … certainly assure us that such language is aimed purely at a domestic political audience.  … Oh, and by the way, Iran is still actively cheating.  As these negotiations play out.  …
America’s Weatherman-In-Chief
– in the Iraqi War, barely registered a blip on the Administration’s radar. … With a very straight face, the young Mr. … The list of serious issues facing the United States is long: unresolved crises at our borders, civil liberties and the NSA, the national…
A Delusional and Dangerous National Security Strategy
– It is an ironic perspective coming from someone who is negotiating with an enemy, Iran, who chants “death to America” while they are … What is most disconcerting is the stretch to align climate change as a cause for Islamic terrorism, at least one specific group. … tool for the enemy – perhaps the climate at GITMO is also not to their liking.…
Horror: ISIS' Surreally Repugnant Treatment of Women…eatment-of-women-as-surreally-repugnant-as-expected-n2003652
– Here we have an actual -- non-political -- war on women, via the Washington Post: Amid all the Islamic State's atrocities — its … The youngest, and those considered the prettiest virgins fetch higher prices and are sent to Raqqa, the IS stronghold. … As ISIS 'inches closer' to the Iraqi capital, CNN reports that the mood is darkening in Baghdad: The "good" news is that locals…
What We Owe Our Troops
– And a further one that official Washington gets away with meandering along merely changing suits at the VA and claiming it’s fixed, … at war against the Islamic State? … The Islamic State may wish to be at war with the U.S., but we don’t have to humor them.…
Iraq and the White House Time Machine
– If the former, then the question was whether the war on balance was worth its costs. … That wholesale withdrawal — which was also widely supported at the time — created a vacuum that ISIS and Iran have filled with blood … World War II, the "good war," the war to liberate Europe from Adolf Hitler, ended with America acquiescing in the enslavement of Eastern…
Imperial Overstretch
– Toward the end of the presidency of George H.W. Bush, America stood alone at the top of the world -- the sole superpower. … China and Russia are closer to each other and more antagonistic toward us than at any time since the Cold War. … With the exception of the Soviet Union, some geostrategists contend, no nation, not defeated in war, has ever suffered so rapid a decline…
Is ISIS Coming to Damascus?
– A coalition, at the heart of which is the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front, seized Idlib province in northern Syria and is moving toward … Syria's border with Lebanon is becoming a war zone. … It is time we stopped letting other nations pick the enemies for us to fight.…
Troubled Waters
– Any similarity between this scenario and the pattern followed during the long, drawn-out negotiations with Iran is not purely coincidental … The US Navy has the muscle to enforce international maritime law. The question is whether US political leaders have the will. … China’s military, though currently no match for that of the US, is likely to receive annual double-digit budget increases over the
The New World Map
– Western Europe is terrified of Putin and mostly disarmed. The European Union is awash with debt. … Meanwhile, Japan rearms and is trying in vain to forge a common anti-Chinese front with the Philippines, Taiwan and South Korea. … Or the United States will not be bothered — at least until this new generation of dictators bothers us at home.…
Al-Qaida's out, ISIS Is in!
– Which brings us to the bad news: Al-Qaida is dying out because it's being replaced by something far worse. … The fact that Obama is seen to favor Iran and the Shia makes trust even more difficult. … The Islamic State is exciting and even fun, at least for a certain kind of fanatic.…
Existential Threats to America
– Let's look at the war on terror. … This administration is deliberately fanning the flames of division in this nation, and this distrust is tearing away at the fabric … God help us, and God save the republic.…
Blind to Distinction: HRC v JEB
At least, in the IBD ‘toon, the titanic vessel of scandals was actually in the picture as opposed to the NYT and State Media organs … In keeping with the progressive bucket list, flashed at us at every conceivable moment, HRC is the likely nominee and first woman president-elect … Clinton is elected, at age 69, Bill will move back into the White House and we start all over again, but that will not be HRC’s biggest…
The Foolishness of Progressivism
– Looking at President Obama’s foreign policy toward the Muslim world, especially Iran, makes me feel like America has followed Alice … They don’t want peace with us; we are the Great Satan, and they want to destroy us. Back to realpolitik. … The situation in the Iran nuclear arms talks is dire.…
US Blocking Heavy Weapons to Kurdish Fighters
– They not only allow the US to hold a key presence in the region; they also give the US a strategic foothold at Russia's doorstep. … Because Turkey is such an asset for the US, the administration is likely aiming to keep Turkey happy by keeping the Kurds relatively … It is reasonable to assume the US could keep good relations with Turkey without going so far as to block other countries' aid to the
War on The Truth: It’s a Progressive Disease
– play fast and loose with the rules.  … The progressive war on reality The war on truth is rapidly devolving into a war on reality itself. … · We help Iran obtain nuclear weapons, putting Israel and the rest of the world at risk.…
Look at the Shiny Object Over Here!
– Like many Americans at the time of the War of the Rebellion whose families fought for both sides, I too have ancestors who served bravely … and which is being used by the Obama administration to further divide us and distract us from grave issues facing this nation. … The Obama Administration seems intent on bringing home a nuclear deal with Iran, regardless of the conditions being insisted on by…
Surprise: Iran Negotiations Miss Deadline, 'Major Disputes' Remain
The U.S. and five other world powers have crafted a framework of a deal with Iran to keep it from developing nuclear weapons. … Now US intelligence officials are worried that Assad is about to step up his deployment of WMDs to an extraordinary levels, using the … Team Smart Power is still going full steam ahead with the Iran negotiations, though. What could go wrong?…
Americans Distrust Iran, While Obama and Hillary Remain Naively Optimistic
The House, with a large GOP majority, is considered more likely to follow suit. … Whatever happens in the forthcoming fight over the Iran nuclear deal, it is sure to become a major issue in the 2016 elections -- one … who has lied to us one too many times, or at least embellished the facts.…
The Age of Nuclear Chaos
is small potatoes in comparison to the destruction that Tuesday’s deal with Iran has wrought. … The other possible outcome of a congressional rejection of the deal is that Iran will stay in the deal and the US will be the odd man … at war not only with Turkey, but with NATO.…
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