Results for: sign up to vote

Ridin’ With Biden Right Over the Cliff
– We are already going to vote for the most based candidate. … I have a federal court appearance coming up. I’m not going to dress like I’m heading to a Limp Bizkit reunion concert. … Look, you need to keep up the fight by joining Townhall VIP right now.…
What Do Trump's Heartbeat Bill Comments Say About Abortion Issue and Pro-Life Candidates in 2024 Race?
– I mean, DeSanctus is willing to sign a five-week and six-week ban," using one of his nicknames for the governor.  … "They ended up taking him to the cleaners," DeSantis offered, "and so I think if he's going into this thinking he's going to make the … Democrats happy with respect to right to life, I think all pro-lifers should know that he's preparing to sell you out." …
The Real China-II: The Utterly Arbitrary Left
– go to China to help their children.   … It sounds to me more like a Leftist, totalitarian government full of lying propagandists covering up the true situation in their barbarian … Listen to my current series on the Declaration of Independence.  Sign up for free.  …
National Voter Registration Day: Celebrate by Making Sure Voter Registrations and Rolls are Accurate!…ing-sure-voter-registrations-and-rolls-are-accurate-n2628585
– freedom to vote. … register to vote. … One registered voter, casting one vote, counted only once. That’s something to sign up for and celebrate. …
Weekend Drama: Congress Kicks the Government Shutdown Can, GOP Insurgents Achieve Nothing…ernment-shutdown-can-gop-insurgents-achieve-nothing-n2629183
– If Chuck Schumer had refused to take up the House bill, even if 50-plus Senators supported it, the onus for a looming shutdown would … They would have been forced to try to explain why they were willing to shut down the government over not wanting to address the border … But I want to be very clear, this was not me, in any way, trying to delay any vote."…
The Predictable Left
to harass him. … the playing field” so as to allow men pretending to be women to compete against real, biological women. … to a guy named Bruno now named Betty, or being told that inflation is a good economic sign.…
Here's the Government Spending Measure the House GOP Failed to Pass Late Last Night…late-night-spending-bill-session-ended-in-the-house-n2629116
– Speaker Kevin McCarthy wanted to pass a series of other appropriations bills to curry goodwill before moving onto a vote to keep the … things will grind to a halt this weekend up on the Hill. … The Senate’s stopgap measure isn’t going to get a vote either. …
Major Financial Institution Gives Its Prediction on the Looming Government Shutdown…theres-a-90-percent-chance-of-a-government-shutdown-n2629091
– said he won’t bring up the House’s plan to present a shutdown until tomorrow. … The Senate has a plan to pass a continuing resolution, though it’s unlikely McCarthy will bring that to the floor for a vote.  … Congress must pass legislation to keep funding the government that Democratic President Joe Biden can sign into law by midnight Saturday…
We Can’t Settle for ‘Pretty Good’ When It Comes to Safeguarding Our Elections…ty-good-when-it-comes-to-safeguarding-our-elections-n2587222
– The result, which the data experts at CTCL could have easily predicted, was to significantly drive up turnout in predominantly-Democratic … cities — Milwaukee, Madison, Kenosha, and Green Bay — to sign up for additional grants that ultimately amounted to more than $6 million … clerk’s office and allow a representative from a private activist group, the National Vote at Home Institute, to take control over…
Mad Maxine Survives Censure Push...For Now
vote to censure Waters. … Says "I urge my colleagues to pick up the dictionary. "Confront is to face the facts." … “Keep in mind, this vote was one step removed from an actual up or down vote to censure Waters.…
Is It Time for Conservatives to Support A National Popular Vote?…or-conservatives-to-support-a-national-popular-vote-n2588119
– heard if they knew their vote would be applied to electing the occupant of the highest office in the land? … But there is some evidence that Republicans could have more to gain with a national popular vote. … As Democrats cement their stranglehold on power, look for more and more Republicans to sign on to this idea as a last-ditch measure…
Workers Don't Share Democrats' Nostalgia for Unions
to enforce court orders. … They want to sign up subsidized home care workers and preschool attendants into unions, as some Democratic states have, and to classify … They want to repeal 27 states' right-to-work laws.…
Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Put an End to MLB's Antitrust Exemption…duce-bill-to-put-an-end-to-mlbs-antitrust-exemption-n2587955
– “Instead, Major League Baseball has used its judicially fabricated antitrust immunity to suppress wages and divide up markets for decades—conduct … to vote. … Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) teamed up to propose legislation that would have limited the exemption in response to concerns about…
Biden Bets the Farm -- to 'Change the World'
– of small government and balanced budgets could sign on to much of this. … Republicans, however, would appear to have no choice but to do battle to cut the bills back, and, failing that, kill them. … Events seem to be pointing to an up-or-down vote on Biden's plans in both houses, and, as of today, Democrats appear to be in the catbird…
Here's the Latest Roundup of How Governors Voted to Protect Girls in Sports…p-of-how-governors-voted-to-protect-girls-in-sports-n2588509
– The Senate, with its vote 27-20, does not have one. Both the House and Senate will to override, according to Dura.  … Alabama  On Friday, Republican Governor Kay Ivey became the latest governor to sign legislation protecting young women in sports. … Standing up for what is right is not always easy, but it is always the right thing to do,” Stadthagen said Friday.…
Rep. Roy on COVID Border Restrictions: 'Democrats Won't Do Anything About It'…er-restrictions-democrats-wont-do-anything-about-it-n2588368
– In order to discharge the bill out of committee and force it to a floor vote in the House, 218 members will need to sign it. … to hold vote addressing the #BidenBorderCrisis — Rep. … While adults would typically be expelled to Mexico, children were often put up in hotels and then sent back to their home countries…
Reports: Democratic Leadership Whipped Votes Hard to Protect Maxine Waters from Censure…ed-votes-hard-to-protect-maxine-waters-from-censure-n2588281
– Minneapolis' Democratic Mayor tried to one-up her on tone-deafness but fell just short. … Maxine Waters (D-CA) from a censure resolution:  How seriously are Democrats taking the vote to defeat the Waters’ censure resolution … Clean up your own house, they cry, evincing little appetite to do the same.…
Sorry, Democrats, One Group Will Probably Torpedo Your Dream of a Durable Majority…columnists-hope-for-a-biden-led-durable-majority-f-n2588950
– We’re back to this crap again. … are up for grabs. … And they will continue to face agonizing fights to win the electoral college, even with large leads in the national popular vote.…
Brace Yourselves, the Liberal Media Is About to Flip Over This Tweak to Texas' Gun Laws…media-is-about-to-flip-over-this-tweak-to-texas-gu-n2588897
– Greg Abbott has been clear: If the bill comes to my desk, I’ll sign it. … It now goes to the Texas Senate floor for a full vote, where some reports say passage is not a slam-dunk. … Police persuaded Republican leaders to avoid it.…
Schumer Fast-Tracks Jan. 6 Commission Vote, But Fate is Grim with Opposition from This Key Senator…fate-is-grim-with-opposition-from-this-key-senator-n2589801
– The North Carolina GOP voted to censure Sen. Burr for his vote to convict. … In order for the January 6 commission bill to make its way for President Joe Biden to sign, it would need the support from at least … When it comes to a vote in the Senate, Carney explained: It appears likely the vote will wait until after the Senate returns from…
Let’s Help The Democrats Tear Their Garbage Party Apart
– This is a chance to break up their coalition and to support our friends. It’s a win-win. … They lied to get a FISA warrant. They tried to frame Flynn and Trump. … We need to make this a bottom-line requirement for anyone seeking our vote in 2024: “As president, on my first day, I will pardon everyone…
Riffed from the Headlines
– Todd would try to insist that the GOP is obsessed with the vote result, except it was the host himself who refused to talk about anything … He follows that up by giving a blithe admission – “We need to cover this not just through a partisan lens.”  … landscape, the vote to remove Liz Cheney from her #3 spot in the House leadership was said to be massive news.…
Polls Prove GOP Made Right Move in Ousting Liz Cheney from Leadership…de-right-move-in-ousting-liz-cheney-from-leadership-n2589538
– It's always worthwhile, crucial even, to look to how the statement was framed before respondents were asked to choose an option. … On Friday morning she called in to a New Hampshire radio station to do an interview — a blinking red signal that she wants people to … It's not so much a question as to how Cheney can appeal to Republican voters, but rather if she even can at all.…
Proof the Liz Cheney Ouster Is Not a Big Deal Is Found Looking at Who’s Making It a Big Deal…deal-is-found-looking-at-whos-making-it-a-big-deal-n2589385
– There were plenty of comments made about the vote, which were meant to place the Cheney vote in proper historical perspective. … He declares, hopefully, this intra-party leadership adjustment is supposed to be a sign of the GOP in disarray. … Cheney’s inability to get past Donald Trump was displayed perfectly in her brief presser after the vote to strip her of her position…
It’s Horrifying Alabama's Governor Had to Sign a Bill to Protect Babies Born Alive from Abortions…at-alabamas-governor-had-to-sign-this-abortion-bill-n2590063
– Ginny Shaver’s work on this critical bill, and I’m proud to sign this into law and cement our commitment to the unborn. … Although the seat was considered a toss-up, Daines won re-election with 55 percent to Bullock's 45 percent. Gov. … Meanwhile, in the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has refused to even let it come up for a vote.…
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