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Let’s Help The Democrats Tear Their Garbage Party Apart

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Wait, if the GOP is in a “civil war” because two preening goobers are dancing for nickels on MSNBC and on the pages of the WaPo, how bummed are the Democrats right now that half their caucus is going full Hamas?

Never go full Hamas.

And if the whole “insurrection” nonsense was not bad enough, we now have the revelation – shocking to no one – that the feds are trying to hide evidence that this minor fracas was not even trespassing. It’s shameful, but then our disgraceful federal law enforcement community has no shame.

Divide and Conquer

We have heard a lot lately about how the pouty protestations of Beltway Cowgirl Liz Cheney and her cackling Lil’ Renfield Adam Kinzinger are a sign that the Republicans are embroiled in a civil war. Leaving aside that I was informed – by them – that insurrections were a bad thing. These non-players actually represent themselves, and perhaps the few remaining gender opt-outs of the cruise ship crew whose non-pool boy n’ spouse fantasies revolve around all us proles gathering on the Lido Deck once more to listen to them lecture us like in the good ole days of managed decline and gentlemanly failure.

As Salem’s own Hugh Hewitt has noted, when the brightest lights of the Democrat party – dim bulbs by any objective standard, but their standard bearers nonetheless – decided to forsake Israel for having the temerity to not grin and bear Islamist jerks firing rockets into their cities, you might think that would be an intra-party civil war. But then, that narrative might hurt the Democrats, like the sight of Mistress Evil and her Illinois Mini Me crying about MUH CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES is supposed to create a narrative that hurts the Republicans. In reality, the puny putsch by the Fredocon caucus got the support of absolutely no one who mattered (though the media tried to turn squishcons’ attempts to be gracious into full-throated support for the failure agenda). But the Dems dumping Israel for Hamas are poohbahs, bigwigs, and head honchos. This is serious.

So, the Dems are getting torn apart, and we should encourage this. We should welcome, with open arms, even more Jewish voters (we have earned the votes of many in recent years) who might not be as conservative as the GOP on other issues, but feel strongly about not allowing Israel to be wiped off the face of the Earth. We feel strongly about not allowing Israel to be wiped off the face of the Earth too, so there’s common ground.

After all, that’s what AOC, Tlaib, and Omar want. They won’t quite say it out loud yet (at least not where we can see it), but when you want to support people who want to kill all the Jews, then you have pretty much signed onto that outcome. Hamas means what it says, and if you back Hamas, it’s fair to assume you agree with its psychotic ideology.

Am I being harsh?

No, I am being honest – terrifyingly honest. Ask yourself if you have one shred of doubt that they would pass out candies, sing, and dance at the sight of Israel being overrun and its people murdered just like Palestinian terrorist supporters did when out people were murdered on 9/11? If course they would.

So, Democrats have a choice. They can side with the Jewish people or join the Genocide Caucus. And, while the GOP is 100 percent behind the Jewish State, ask yourself who is ascendant among the Democrats? It’s not the old school backers of our greatest Middle Eastern ally. Joe Biden might have been one of those backers in the past, but he’s morphed into President * so he’ll do as he’s told. And the people doing the telling are people who would shrug, or even smile, if the bad guys leveled Tel Aviv.

Our pols need to make this choice crystal clear, and throw fuel on the Democrat dumpster fire. This is a chance to break up their coalition and to support our friends. It’s a win-win.

This Is Getting Even More Tyrannical

So, the estimable Julie Kelly has a big scoop – that there is footage of that Viking guy and others being invited into the Capitol by cops. There is lots of video out there – Kelly has highlighted how there are thousands of hours of footage and how the feds are doing everything they can to make sure that neither we not the defendants get access to it. Gee, it’s probably because it’s damning to the accused – no, because if it were, it would have long ago leaked to the regime’s licensed and registered media. 

Perhaps the courts will stand up against banana republic antics like this. Yeah, right. 

The feds, as they always do, are trying to hide exculpatory evidence because they know their whole Jenga tower of lies is one acquittal away from collapse. They know there was no trespassing. They know there was no insurrection, much less an armed one. This is a ham-handed attempt to intimidate dissenters and keep power in the hands of the garbage ruling class that cowers behind walls and soldiers.

For those of you who still have faith in federal law enforcement, please explain why. Have you been in a two-decade coma? The FBI crime lab faked results. They lied to get a FISA warrant. They tried to frame Flynn and Trump. They leak confidential material to hurt their enemies (See any leaks since the Asterisk Administration took over? No. Weird, huh?) Republican Ted Stevens got convicted when they hid evidence; he had lost his seat before the truth came out. And they dismiss charges against regime-favored BLM/Antifa scumbags but leave those they think like Trump to rot in solitary without bail. 

We need to make this a bottom-line requirement for anyone seeking our vote in 2024: “As president, on my first day, I will pardon everyone convicted in the so-called January 6 riots because I will not tolerate two systems of justice or prosecutorial misconduct. In fact, I’ll do that right after I fire Wray and the entire FBI and DOJ senior leadership.”

These people are a disgrace to the flag, and clearing them out is job number-one.

June will bring my sixth Kelly Turnbull action thriller, The Split. Get the most recent bestseller, Crisis as well as my other four novels about what happens when America splits into red and blue countries, People's Republic, Indian Country, Wildfire, and Collapse! My super-secret email address is kurt.schlichter@Townhall.com


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