Results for: is the us at war with iran

Blinken's Diplomatic Doublespeak in the Wake of Kissinger's Legacy…omatic-doublespeak-in-the-wake-of-kissingers-legacy-n2631885
– Blinken is the third.  … During his visit, Blinken was afforded the opportunity to sit in on a meeting with Israel’s War Cabinet, the most senior political … Is he threatening to withdraw US aircraft carriers stationed in the Mediterranean acting as a deterrent to Hezbollah and Iran?…
No, The US Shouldn't Push Israel to Create a Palestinian State…shouldnt-push-israel-to-create-a-palestinian-state-n2631856
– Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), the next Israeli government "is going to have to put us back on a path to have a Palestinian state. … While the situation today is appalling, creating a three-front Iran-backed terror state on the borders of a nation the size of New … David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist.…
Memento Mori
– Their deaths are a reminder that even the greatest among us cannot escape the veil of eternity. Munger's legacy is less complex. … The reality is that the world is better off because of both men. … Diplomats think making kissy-face with terrorist regimes like the mullahs of Iran can win peace.…
The West Does Not Believe in Itself Anymore
The place where they were murdered is called the “trampiyada,” as hitchhiking in Hebrew is called getting a “tramp.” … So why is she doing some kabuki theater with Hamas for hostages, letting Arabs from the West Bank enter Israel and firing tit for tat … While the Japanese directly attacked the US at Pearl Harbor, Germany declared war without any direct attack (initially) on the US or…
Here's How President Reagan Handled Iranian Aggression Toward U.S. Troops…nt-reagan-responded-to-iranian-attacks-on-us-troops-n2631668
– According to the Biden administration's intelligence assessment, Iran does not seek a "wider war" in the Middle East against Israel … Navy surface actions since World War II... the first, and so far only, time the U.S. … At the time, Reagan was clear: "They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they'll pay a price."…
Trust Hamas?
– We know that Iran is the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism. … Perhaps it is John Stuart Mill who articulates it best: "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded … is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration.…
Iran: The Gangster Regime
The great surprise is that many countries in the West continue to negotiate with this criminal regime, treating it as a bona fide nation-state … It is time people realized the catastrophic war in Gaza is the direct result of years of Iranian policies of destabilization and meddling … In May 2020, an IRGC speedboat armed with heavy machine guns approached within 150 yards of US warships at high speed as the Americans…
Be Thankful in Spite of the Chaos
– Thanksgiving is the perfect venue to showcase your gratitude. Let’s start with being grateful for being alive. … We are not underneath a giant mushroom cloud, thanks to Ronald Reagan and us guys who were in the Cold War. … After all, the media is composed entirely of over-credentialed nepo babies who think history began with Obama, to the extent they are…
Democrats’ Dishonesty Over Military Holds
– recently on MSNBC: “It’s time for us to turn up the heat on that and for all of the Democrats to be involved…[Tuberville] is playing … Sam Nunn, D-Ga., led the panel in placing a hold on all5,000-some officer promotions in the Navy and Marine Corps at the time – from … Ullyot is a Marine Corps veteran and former spokesman for the National Security Council and the Senate Armed Services Committee.…
Who Would You Rather Have Running the Land Between the River and the Sea?…have-running-the-land-between-the-rive-and-the-sea-n2631417
– If you ask an Israeli where he or she would like to travel, the US is usually at the top of the list. … In short, Israelis love the US and have been partners with the US since Israel’s founding in 1948. … One of the biggest problems for the US and other Western countries in dealing with Muslim countries like Iran or groups like the PA…
Meeting With Xi Jinping Reveals Yet Another Concern With Biden's Age…jinping-reveals-yet-another-concern-with-bidens-age-n2631410
– "That's what happens when the US commander-in-chief is weak and ineffective, and nobody is afraid of him. … But, the way you prevent war, is you're strong enough that nobody wants to screw with you." … Further: 83 percent say Biden's age is at least "a big problem" or "a small problem" for Biden's "fitness for the presidency," with
Democrats Come Up With a Terrible Idea for Aid to Israel
– This is despite such a bill giving needed support to our ally in the Middle East passing the House with bipartisan support. … An NBC News poll released on Sunday noted that Biden is now at 40 percent–the lowest of his presidency with this poll–and focuses on … how he's handled the Israel-Hamas war. …
Boon or Bane?
At the same time, the specter of the Cold War required each holder of nuclear power to come to the negotiating table. … At the same time, we are also cognizant of the grave dangers that come with this new technology. … There is no doubt, at the very least, that we find ourselves living in the days of the final realm of the Revelation.…
After Hamas Pogrom, Qatar Must Finally Pay For Its Sponsor of Terrorism…qatar-must-finally-pay-for-its-sponsor-of-terrorism-n2631328
The Iranian regime is the "head of the snake," as Israeli intelligence is known to refer to it, when it comes to state-funded Islamism … Along with Iran, Qatar is one of the primary state bankrollers of Hamas. … The administration is also currently indulging the farce of Qatar "mediating" hostage negotiations with Hamas in Gaza -- the equivalent…
If This Is True, Biden's Incompetence Cost American and Israeli Lives…cause-us-intelligence-was-focused-on-global-warming-n2631200
– on par with the Biden Admin, which believes climate change is the biggest threat to the United States. … "The world faces unprecedented threats from Communist China, the Iran regime, and Russia yet the Biden administration is shifting intelligence … As we at the @freebeacon first reported yesterday, Biden is quietly moving to unlock upwards of $10 billion for Iran…
Iranian Activist Once Again Exposes What Pro-Hamas Supporters Are Calling for With These Chants
– Israel is facing war on all sides. To the north, they’re dealing with Hezbollah. … And they are on the side of humanity, and not, down with the Islamic Republic of Iran, down with Hamas, and down with Hezbollah … Jewish community.The Jewish people stand with the subjugated people of Iran against the evil of Hamas, Hezbollah & the Islamic Republic.Woman…
I Am Still Losing Sleep
– grieve properly because their nation is at war. … the war, but no less deadly. … The only place pressure must be put is on Hamas and all their cohort of evil Islamist terrorists starting in Iran.…
Israeli Forces Are Reportedly Getting Crucial Intelligence From an Unlikely Source…providing-israeli-troops-with-valuable-intelligence-n2631087
– Before the ground invasion began on October 28, Israel pounded the strip with artillery and air strikes, killing scores of terrorists … Most who replied didn’t want money, just safe passage out of the war zone: Sources in the Arab media report the cooperation of thousands … The people of Gaza know that Hamas is responsible for dragging them into war—and they deserve better. —…
A 'Humanitarian' Gaza Ceasefire – to Help Plant More IEDs
– Only Israel is forbidden to defend itself in what is clearly a war for its very existence, and for its people’s very survival?  … At the University of Maryland, with the fourth largest Jewish student population in the USA, anti-Semitic mobs have been screaming … This is the epitome of hate crimes.…
Tim Scott: We Have to Strike in Iran
Iran," the main benefactor of Hamas. … "strike in Iran""You actually have to cut off the head of the snake, and the head of the snake is Iran, and not simply their proxies … head of the snake and the head of the snake is Iran and not simply the proxies.'"…
US Launches Retalitory Airstrikes Against Iraq, Syria
– More from Fox News Digital:  U.S. troops in the Middle East have been attacked at least 42 times since mid-October, with two new attacks … The recent attacks on U.S. bases began on October 17th, amid turmoil in the Middle East from the Israel-Hamas war. … One of the incidents occurred at the al-Shaddadi base in Syria, while the other happened in Iraq.…
McDaniel & Brooks: In Perilous Times, The Republican Party and the RJC Elevate Jewish Voices…republican-party-and-the-rjc-elevate-jewish-voices-n2630934
– But American Jews are also contending with a dramatic surge in antisemitism here in the US, with antisemitic demonstrations, threats … in the Middle East, when we traveled to the US Embassy opening in Jerusalem, and on a second trip to the “New Middle East” with stops … From Presidential actions such as moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, tearing up the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, and helping to bring…
Senate Democrats Reject Aid to Israel
– It was the bloodiest day in the country's history, with the most Jews killed since the Holocaust. … Israel is not coupled with billions of additional dollars in aid to Ukraine, Taiwan or for mass amnesty at the southern border." … The crisis at the southern border has been a particularly hot topic.…
Israel's Invasion of Gaza Could Be Just the Beginning
– Once Hamas is toppled, Israel is looking at turning over responsibility for governing the territory to an international coalition, … The good news is that with Gaza split in two, resupply from Iran is virtually impossible. … The Yahalom is one of the largest units in the world that trains, mans, equips, experiments, and develops new ways to deal with underground…
Have You Noticed This Key Difference Between Pro-Israel and Pro-Hamas Rallies?…difference-between-pro-israel-and-pro-hamas-rallies-n2630825
– Over the weekend pro-Hamas protestors and rioters descended on the White House, rattling the fence and sparring with Secret Service … ) November 5, 2023BREAKING:Anti-Israel protesters attack the fence of the White House.Some are even climbing it and fighting with the … Here is a pro-Israel rally in California compared to a pro-Palestinian rally.Notice the American flags in one but not the other.This…
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