Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Five Ways Obama Disserved His Office
– Here are five ways he has disserved his office: 1. … Yet people who do not buy health insurance are not engaging in commerce, they are refraining from it. … immigrants to stay in the United States with work authorizations and Social Security numbers.…
Is Voting for Donald Trump a Morally Good Choice?
– There are no guarantees even with a Trump presidency. … With Hillary, it’s bad, but retaining control of the Senate could prove a helpful check. … The bad news in this election cannot come in November. It’s already come.…
Yes, the System Is Rigged
– All the elements of that establishment -- corporate, cultural, political, media -- are today issuing an ultimatum to Middle America … Instructions are going out to Republican leaders that either they dump Trump, or they will cease to be seen as morally fit partners … He called for sending illegal immigrants back home, for securing America's borders, for no amnesty.…
Trump Spox: Trump Isn't Shifting On Immigration, He’s Just Using Different Words…shift-on-immigration-hes-just-using-different-words-n2209984
– We’ve gone from deportation force to no amnesty, but we’re going to work with them regarding those who are here illegally. … In fact, it is pretty much Bush’s immigration position that Trump slammed as being weak on illegal immigration. … Now, in February, he did say that we should deport all 11-12 million illegal immigrants who are here, though he shied away from saying…
Softening? Trump Pretty Much Adopts Jeb Bush’s Position On Immigration…retty-much-adopts-jeb-bushs-position-on-immigration-n2209839
immigrants who broke our laws, and securing the border. … That’s basically Jeb Bush’s stance: that some undocumented immigrants are dangerous and violent, and they need to be deported, and … At the same time, you can also remind Clinton supporters that their gal said she was “adamantly against illegal immigrants” back in…
Donald Trump Ends Up Where He Started
– So what are voters left with, besides a bad case of vertigo? … Conservatives have tried to argue for years that they are not anti-immigrant, just anti-illegal immigration. … And most, I believe, are sincere.…
Trump Created an Opening; He'd Better Drive Through It
– Clinton's very bad week didn't just involve her robust email scandal. … Nor does Hillary Clinton's bad news end with her own scandals and dwindling polls. … immigrants" in the United States.…
Hillary Should Have a 'Catholic Problem'
– Donald Trump's bombastic personality, his comments about illegal immigrants and various aspects of his personal life do not sit well … Hospitals are commercial enterprises. Doctors' offices are commercial enterprises. … Objections to a Clinton presidency are not just "about abortion."…
The Deplorables vs. The Deportables
– They claim "illegal immigrants are a net positive for America." … We are told day and night that Hispanic immigrants are hard-working. I agree. We are told they take the jobs no Americans want. … Not only are these millions of illegal aliens taking away American jobs; suppressing our middle class wages because they are desperate…
Trading Places in the Homestretch
– She demeaned all those voters who are imperiled by the global economy, threatened by waves of illegal immigrants who compete for low-end … It was not quite Walt Whitman, but it wasn't bad. … She insists that they would be buying the bad brand.…
The Tsunami and the Helicopter
– You are on a beach. You see out to sea a towering tsunami wave, roaring in fast. Overhead suddenly you hear a helicopter. … invaders including the criminals, drug dealers and illegal immigrants who do in reality take American jobs – that is, if construction … , landscaping, plumbing, electrical, and other trades  are American jobs.…
Trump's 'Softening' Can't Make His Immigration Stance Popular…softening-cant-make-his-immigration-stance-popular-n2214685
– Since "undocumented immigrants are not readily identifiable as such," deporting all of them would entail "tactics like suspicionless … immigrants represent an intolerable threat. … Calling Mexico's president "wonderful" and allowing that "there are many illegal immigrants in our country who are good people" (up…
Countering the Left’s Lies about Election Reforms
– Some states now issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. -- It’s the gateway to mandatory voting.  … Progressives are stretching out the process, sometimes for weeks. Here’s why it’s a bad idea: -- You get less-informed voters. … Long lines are rare.…
Despite its Bitter Taste, Clinton Wants a Second Helping of Obamacare…r-taste-clinton-wants-a-second-helping-of-obamacare-n2228885
– Speaking of bad ideas; the Clinton campaign wants to bolster enrollment in the exchanges by opening them up to illegal immigrants. … (Donald Trump backed away from this bad idea months ago). … Although illegal, personal importation already occurs on a small scale.…
ACLU to Catholics: Give Abortions to Immigrant Children
– is suing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to obtain documents that it claims show that Catholic relief agencies are … Hard cases make bad law, which brings us to the ACLU’s ploy to use the flood of illegal immigrant children as pawns in the ongoing … Since Congress began debating President Obama’s policy of amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, tens of thousands of unaccompanied…
Scott Walker is Right About Reducing Legal Immigration
– data shows that all of the net gain in employment over the last 13 years has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). … Over the same time period, the number of immigrants working (legal and illegal) increased by 5.3 million. … As Mark Levin said, “We are not a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens.”…
Shocker: California's New Immigration Policies Are A Mess
– Earlier this week, California Democrats said they’re preparing to give illegal immigrants a host of new rights and privileges, one … I’ve interviewed dozens of illegal immigrants over the years, and they always say they want three things and only three things from … Then again, let’s also not marginalize the fact that illegal immigrants have broken federal law.…
If Everybody Likes You, You're Doing Something Wrong
– guys are whipping tomatoes at you non-stop. … Illegal immigrants should be threatening to picket your office and Al Sharpton should be calling you a racist. … The troublemakers are they who need public cures for their private ails."…
Why Do Presidents Have Unfettered Power to Pardon?
– He bragged of confining inmates in conditions so harsh that they amounted to a "concentration camp," and in his zeal to find illegalimmigrants he engaged in naked racial profiling — even after a federal court ordered him to stop. … exceptions in favor of unfortunate guilt, justice would wear a countenance too sanguinary and cruel" — i.e., when hard cases make bad
Free Speech in All its Peaceable Glory
– A large group of Hispanic protesters was demanding "living wages," acceptance of bilingual education and amnesty for illegal immigrants … Every citizen has the right to speak freely - even the right to say things that, to the majority of us, are hateful and ill-informed … everything that is good in the human heart - justice and integrity and generosity - but it also opens the floodgates to everything that is bad
Breaking: Non-Citizen Voting Reversed in College Park
– How ironic that those who are currently decrying foreign involvement in our elections are the same individuals saying non-citizens … Immigrants and non-citizens are not inherently bad people.  Most of our country traces its lineage to immigrants.   … *Views expressed are those of the author.…
What’s the Matter with California?
– They celebrate rampant lawlessness from illegal aliens, which they see as future progressive voters. … In California, the middle class has become an endangered species, vanishing due to the bad schools, unassimilated immigrants, costly … What are two or three solutions you believe that would most help California?…
Here’s My Dream: Deport the Illegal Alien “Nightmares”
– “There are no good illegal aliens vs. bad ones. Illegal is illegal.” … Calling a criminal a “dreamer” is patently offensive, just like calling illegal aliens in general “undocumented immigrants” is outrageous … He was executed by an illegal alien.…
ICE to “Sanctuary State” California: “You Can’t Stop Us”
– House reps are looking to carve out some sort of amnesty. Congressmen David Valadao and Jeff Denham are the worst offenders. … Most of the crimes in Texas, California, and Arizona are federal crimes, connected to illegal aliens. … aliens are committing far more harm than any good.…
The Catholic Church Actually Has Pretty Good Standards For Immigration…actually-has-pretty-good-standards-for-immigration-n2402088
– The nation is called to accept immigrants to “the extent they are able” and protect their inalienable rights. … Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its … In turn, immigrants are called upon to become part of civic life, to respect the spiritual heritage, and embrace the culture.…
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