Results for: sign up to vote

Will the Oligarchs Kill Trump?
– According to Politico's Michael Crowley, Cohen helped line up neocons to sign the "Dump-Trump" manifesto. … Another signer, Robert Kagan, wailed in The Washington Post, "The only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton." … given way to the rule of the oligarchs?…
Arizona Legislature Finally About to Dismantle Corrupt Arizona Bar…ture-finally-about-to-dismantle-corrupt-arizona-bar-n2129834
– HB 2221 passed in the Arizona House last week, and will likely come up for a vote in the Senate this week, where it has a good chance … State Bar of California that state bars cannot spend mandatory dues on politics — to persuade state legislators to vote against the … , to run a hit piece on me last week in an attempt to discredit the bill.…
GA GOV: Sorry, Stacey Abrams, There's No Evidence The Election Was Illegitimate…being-sore-losers-its-almost-as-if-they-believe-the-n2536126
– groups of Georgians to vote. … Each voter is given a menu of options to reactivate his registration, and up to four years to complete this process. … After falling short in the vote tally last week, despite 10 days of counting and her lawsuits to include previously rejected ballots…
International Condemnation of Iran Must Be Backed With Action…nal-condemnation-of-iran-must-be-backed-with-action-n2536208
– The censure goes next to the UN General Assembly for a vote in December. … In response, the mullahs have once again turned their wrath toward the opposition, resorting to suppression at home to fend off the … This would be the clearest sign yet that the international community supports the Iranian people’s right to resist a tyrannical regime…
Here Are The 16 Never Pelosi Insurgents Who Have Vowed To Oppose Her Speakership Bid…eminds-strong-vows-to-oppose-pelosi-speakership-bid-n2536173
vote against Nancy Pelosi's bid to be House speaker, a move the defectors hope will deny her the speaker’s gavel and force her to … But while many expected that Fudge would want to be on the ballot for that vote, Fudge said she could wait to announce her bid until … that they will vote to deny Rep.…
Judicial Nightmare: Jeff Flake Has Pretty Much Destroyed His Party's Agenda On Judges This Year…e-has-pretty-much-destroyed-his-partys-agenda-on-ju-n2537055
– The committee's chairman, Chuck Grassley, plans to scrap a Thursday meeting if Flake doesn't back off his threat to vote against all … pending nominees until he gets a floor vote on a bill to protect special counsels like Robert Mueller from political interference, … block judicial nominees until a vote is held on a bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller a "futile gesture."…
These Swing Elections May Not Really Be Wave Elections
– That is, they've swung their congressional vote from Democratic to Republican to Democratic, and then Democratic to Republican and … In 2006, when the Democrats took the House and scored wins up and down the ballot, the party seemed to mistakenly read that as a sign … attempt to return to equilibrium," said Nichols.…
Overruled: Despite Clear Student Preferences, NJ University Bans Chick-fil-A From Campus Dining Survey…ersity-excludes-chickfila-from-campus-dining-survey-n2536571
– In fact, these individuals will not even be permitted to vote for their (and many others') primary preference, as it's been banished … It looks like many Rider students were happy to sign up for that club, but the supposed adults in charge chose to impose their personal … I'll leave you with a follow-up to yesterday's item concerning recent developments out of Twitter -- which has announced that the platform…
From Your Table to Their Farm
– Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the rare farmer in the Senate, was among the rump of Republicans to vote against the bill. … Then once House Republicans gave up on that issue, Democrats apparently were hungry to pass a bill that would deliver on SNAP. … And Trump has signaled his readiness to sign a bill with no savings. Edwards sees "classic logrolling" at work.…
Major Newspaper: With Credible Claims of Fraud Flying, It's Time For a Total Do-Over Election in NC-09…of-fraud-flying-its-time-for-a-total-doover-in-nc09-n2537292
– If you're late to this story, read two pieces to get yourself caught up: First, the Washington Post's extensive report about the history … vote there. … But it’d be the wrong thing to do.…
Judge To Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti: Pay Your Child Support
– Susan Collins (R-ME), who could have been a “no” vote, to vote for confirmation. … In order to make up for the rest of what he owes, Avenatti will have to hand over a number of assets for his wife to liquidate. … Avenatti will also be required to sign over to his wife his law firm’s stake in a 2016 Honda private jet.…
Evangelical Christians And The Quandary of Politics
– It’s up to the church to change the abortion laws.” Now, you might disagree with his perspective, as I do. … Of course, there’s always the question of whether we have a God-given responsibility to vote and be involved. … Well, I hate to break the news to you, but if we don’t vote and get involved politically, we won’t even have the ability to fight things…
Trump's Last Chance for a Wall
– Conservatives in Congress and in the media were urging Trump not to sign. … Speaker Ryan never wanted the border wall, so he would never bring up a bill to fund it for a vote in the House. … Now's his time to put up or shut up.…
No Deal: We're Heading For A Shutdown…ing-on-spending-package-that-also-includes-money-fo-n2537960
– “Now it’s up to the Democrats as to whether or not we have a shutdown tonight. … it, but he provided few specifics on what he would sign, according to two people present who spoke on the condition of anonymity to … ) December 21, 2018 The Senate passed a procedural vote Friday evening to take up a short-term spending bill passed by the House.…
New Ballgame: Thanks to Successful House Vote, Only a Democratic Filibuster Would Force Government Shutdown…crats-filibuster-a-bill-to-keep-the-government-open-n2537906
– The president is willing to sign it into law.   … Either they will vote to keep the government open and secure our border, or they will vote for open borders, drug trafficking, and … Question, though: Might some Democrats vote with Republicans to abolish the filibuster, knowing they'd exploit the new rule down the…
No Wall, No Farm Bill
– President Trump is expected on Thursday to sign this 10-year, $867 billion agro-monstrosity. He shouldn’t. … “The final text continues to allow farmers who earn up to $1.8 million to receive taxpayer subsidies.” … The main thing is for the president NOT to sign the Farm Bill any time soon.…
'Shame on Us': Jim Jordan Blasts Congress, Trump As He Helps Introduce Amendment to Build the Wall
– Not to be. It then got kicked back to Dec. 7, only to again be delayed to Dec. 21. … And we’re here to say that we’re ready to fight on behalf of all the freedom-loving Americans to make sure we have secure borders. … President, we’re going to back you up. If you veto this bill we’ll be there.…
Kasich: 'I'm A Second Amendment Guy, But I'm Going To Veto This Gun Bill'
– There probably is going to be a veto override vote after Christmas: Saying that signing a gun rights measure “would be detrimental … to the safety of all of our citizens,” Gov. … “Why would I sign a bill that gives more power to the gun advocates?”…
UPDATE: Sen. Cotton Office FIRES Back Over 22 Org Opposition Letter to 'Cotton-Kennedy' Amendments to First Step Act…tter-oppose-cottonkennedy-amendments-first-step-act-n2537651
– Other organizations to sign onto the bipartisan letter include U.S. … Safavian, General Counsel at The ACU, concluded by noting to fellow conservatives that "Charles Grassley is not making members vote … Senate just invoked cloture on the First Step Act (vote 82-12). Debate is now limited to 30 hours.…
Democrats And Their War On The Secret Ballot
– also sign on to receive ballots by mail in perpetuity. … , you know, try to make sure the only people who vote are those legally allowed to vote. … Perhaps that’s one reason they want to turn more and more of the electoral process over to vote-by-mail and the myriad ways pressure…
Pelosi Re-elected Speaker of the House...Which Dems Voted Against Her?
– Remember her infamous mantra that Congress had to "pass it to find out what's in it?" … In November a group of 16 Democrats released a "Never Pelosi" letter pledging to vote against her come election time. … Andy Kim (NJ), also backtracked when it came time to actually vote.…
Graham Has a Warning for Trump About Border Wall Fight
– Lindsey Graham has a warning for President Trump about the fight over border wall funding: to give up would be to kiss the presidency … “He’s not going to sign a bill that doesn’t have money for the wall. I can tell you exactly how this is going to end. … House Democrats plan to vote on legislation Thursday that would reopen the government.…
Who Should Pay For the Syrian Refugees?
– On a vote of 289-137, including 47 Democrats, the House voted to require the FBI to closely vet any applicant from Syria and to guarantee … I think it is a sign of Washington's moral and intellectual bankruptcy that U.S. citizens are being forced to pay for those fleeing … How about President Obama himself, a president elected to end wars, but who has ended up starting more wars than his predecessor?…
Senate Passes Reconciliation Bill 52-47, Parts Of Obamacare, Planned Parenthood Gutted…s-of-obamacare-defund-planned-parenthood-for-a-year-n2088697
Vote still underway — Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 4, 2015 Budget reconciliation pkg to repeal Obamacare/defund Planned … The 1,300-page bill was nearly a decade in the making, and the White House has said President Barack Obama was ready to sign it — and … Collins and Cruz being mum on how they're going to vote. It's also unknown how Sens. Rubio and Paul will vote.…
State Department: Iran Never Signed Nuclear Deal, Which Isn't 'Legally Binding'…ever-signed-nuclear-deal-which-isnt-legally-binding-n2086372
– National Review reports: President Obama didn’t require Iranian leaders to sign the nuclear deal that his team negotiated with the … Rouhani warned that passage would force him to sign the document, which he'd avoided doing.   … The 'Supreme Leader' runs the show in that country, and he allowed his so-called Guardian Council to sign off on the accord, guaranteeing…
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