Results for: is the us at war with iran

Trump Dodged An Ambush By Avoiding War With Iran
the sucker’s bait and engage us in open war with Iran. … Don’t confuse the fact that it is not to our advantage to openly attack Iran (or at least its rulers) right this minute with the mistaken … If the choice is doing biz with the US or Iran, Iran loses every single time.…
Trump Explains Why He Aborted Airstrikes On Iran, Which Underscores Something The Anti-Trump Masses Will Ignore
– For some, you could hear the sound of war drums. It was coming. Iran had shot down a surveillance drone in international waters. … I mean this is something that most of us knew already. … The point is, I think even the most rabid anti-Trump Democrat probably thought that the president would lay waste to Iran over a drone…
Graham: FYI, The Problem Isn't Trump, It's the Ayatollahs Bombing Targets in the Gulf…rump-its-the-ayotollahs-bombing-targets-in-the-gulf-n2548705
The President does not want a war with Iran or anybody else but he is the Commander-in-Chief." … "What's provacative is to shoot the drone down," he continued. "Trump's not the problem so here's the way this is headed. … 2019 The Pentagon has strongly hit back on the claim with a map of where the drone was flying.…
Iran Shoots Down US Drone, Says Its 'Ready for War'
The location of where the drone was shot down is being disputed, with U.S. officials telling the Associated Press the drone was in … Hossein Salami said Iran is ready for war.  … The only solution for the enemies is to respect the territorial integrity and national interests of Iran."…
US Holds All the Cards in Showdown With Iran
– In May 2018, the Donald Trump administration withdrew the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran, popularly … But the truth is that America has all the cards and Iran none in its game of chicken. … party responsible for giving us the disastrous nuclear deal that had so empowered Iran in the first place.…
AG Barr Must Find True Reasons for Trump/Russia Probe
With so much political noise in the air, with President Donald Trump and AOC calling their partisan bannermen to political war, it's … History is full of such stories. They all sound the same. They end with lamentations, then silence. … We are at a critical time: The country is divided, its institutions are weakened if not failing, and mincing bureaucratic cynics run…
Trump’s Way To Victory
– Ignore the battlefield prep from the mainstream media – Donald Trump is the odds-on favorite for reelection against whichever weirdo … Ask yourself – “Who is setting the agenda?” Is it the whiny Democrats? Is Pelosi driving the discussion? … and fake outrage, Normal people saw that just one guy was telling us what we all know is the truth – anyone would take the dirt! …
Is Putin Right? Has Liberalism Lost the World?
– A major media focus at the summit was Trump's meeting with Putin where he playfully admonished the Russian president not to meddle … While we have issues with him on arms control, Iran and Venezuela, we have a common interest in avoiding a war with this nuclear-armed … nation as we did with the far more menacing Soviet Empire of the Cold War.…
From Saving American Blood to Saving American Treasure
– Since this move, Trump has predictably talked up the US’s capacity to quickly win a war with Iran, while also promising – to the great … Taking a hard look at programs like this would fit nicely with the president’s swamp draining ethos, and iconoclasm about projects … Perhaps the most notable of these is the infamous F-35 Joint Strike Fighter plane, an ostensibly “invisible” fighter jet that is actually…
Is a New US Mideast War Inevitable?
– Now the aim is a joint production with Russia. We will do that." … This week, to strengthen the U.S. presence for any confrontation with Iran, President Donald Trump is sending 500 additional U.S. troops … In Doha, Qatar, the U.S. is negotiating with the Taliban over the conditions for a withdrawal of the 14,000 U.S. troops still in Afghanistan…
News of the World Sorely Needed by Liberals
– Most have no idea about Biden's outrageous blunders in the Middle East that are already heading us towards a new war in Syria.  … Too many have zero understanding of how Biden’s dalliance with Iran threatens the world. … , read only the headlines or the captions in a news article, and converse only with one another.…
Progressives are Having a Meltdown Because Joe Biden Bombed Syria. Please Tell Me You're Joking, Right?…cle-back-to-joe-biden-about-these-syrian-airstrikes-n2585392
– launching rockets at U.S. forces in the region, like the recent attacks in Iraq. … authority to take us into war with Iran without Congressional approval. … The establishment is back!…
Trump -- Once and Future King?
– seats, is unrivaled in the history of the modern Republican Party. … wars of the Middle East, he did drawdown U.S. forces in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, and keep us out of an all-out war with Iran. … There is thus a specific Trumpian agenda, with which he is alone associated, that is becoming the issues agenda of the conservative…
Joe Biden Is Our Worst Nightmare
– Now, the Biden administration is playing footsie with a very autocratic regime right now, and that's Iran. … Very interestingly, this is motivated not even directly with anything to do with Iran. … In fact, let's work with the far enemy to politically undermine the near enemy at home.…
Meet the New President of the United States ... Barack Obama…he-new-president-of-the-united-states--barack-obama-n2585042
– Obama is the real president, back to finish the job with his third term. … But Biden isn't the real president. Obama is the man with the power. Look at the radical executive orders Biden has signed. … End the trade war with China. Give China access to the U.S. energy grid.…
Biden Wastes Little Time Launching His Own Middle Eastern Bombing Campaign…e-launching-his-own-middle-eastern-bombing-campaign-n2585583
– Israel is armed to the teeth with U.S. weapons and fires rockets at its neighbors on a near-weekly basis. … Iran is as fed up with Saudi antics as some of us in the rest of the world are? … The reason is simple.…
Is Biden Reenlisting in the Forever Wars?
– Biden broke with former President Donald Trump on the latter's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and impose "maximum pressure … Is he willing to accept a return to the nuclear deal the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, China and Russia negotiated with Iran in 2015 … But if Biden refuses to lift the Trump sanctions, Iran is likely to revive its nuclear enrichment program, give up on the U.S. and…
Biden Didn't Need 100 Days to Screw America
– You know what Biden's biggest accomplishment in the war against Covid-19 is so far? … What good did it do for the country for Biden to say Putin was a killer even if he is one? No good at all. … the guy at a summit conference.…
Do We Not Have Enough Enemies?
– Leaving would be an admission that the U.S. failed, and the war is lost. After the recent U.S. … We are caught up in a culture war, at the root of which is an irreconcilable conflict over whether America is a good and great country … If time is on America's side in our cold wars with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, is not the wiser policy to maneuver to avoid…
The Radical Left Will Stop At Nothing To Cancel Conservatives’ Rights…will-stop-at-nothing-to-cancel-conservatives-rights-n2586430
The radical Left is at it again. Cancel culture has said you can only read certain Dr. … The First Amendment is your right, and the radical Left cannot “cancel” your voice. … You can look to the other side of the world and see where that would take us - Communist China. …
Three Diplomatic Lessons – Rooted in History
– It is not child’s play, insignificant, academic game, or gobbledygook.  It is the stuff life-and-death peace is made of.   … Smart diplomacy – alignment behind unified deterrence of aggression – is more important now than any time since the Cold War.   … For grounding, if natural law is not enough to guide us, consider the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. …
Time For Trump and Biden to Suck It Up
– Everyone should be outraged at Democrats and Republicans for the damage they've done to the country during the last year. … But right now, as the country is split into two angry red and blue camps, everyone should be even madder at the way President Trump … But for any healing to occur, even a little bit, the guys at the top have to be the first to suck it up and show the rest of us the
'Unity' Will Lead to Death of America
– I won't even discuss the statements in the past week by liberals and Democratic politicians that sounded like acts of war. … I won't get into the way they slandered us, attacked us, denigrated us, slimed us, aimed hate speech at us. … Either way, he's leading us down the road to disaster, ruin, misery and poverty. He is going to turn America into Venezuela.…
So, That's How We're Going to Kick Off the Biden White House Press Briefings?…t-question-to-bidens-press-secretary-was-nauseating-n2583492
us the unvarnished truth so we can share that with the American people?” … interests of the President or are you there to provide us the unvarnished truth so we can share that with the American people?" … One asked about the Iran nuclear deal—but the overall feeling is going to resembling the kid-glove treatment.…
Mitt Romney’s Mind-Numbingly Stupid Take on Trump's Pardons
– This is amazingly stupid. Mitt—have you opened a history book (via The Hill): Sen. … Often times, in the gutter of politics, ‘it is what it isis the mindset. That’s okay. … With the bootlegging business hanging in the balance, Warren Harding, who along with his attorney general, Harry Daugherty, was repeatedly…
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