Results for: is the us at war with iran

The Closing Argument for the American Regime
– amid their greatest threat since the Civil War. … Abraham Lincoln, prescient as ever, predicted this in his Lyceum Address of 1838: "At what point then is the approach of danger to … America survived Southern secession and the Civil War.…
UN Must End Iran’s Impunity of Crimes Against Humanity
– In their remarks at the U.N. … the history will condemn us, has been committed at your hands, and they’ll write your names as criminals in the history." … The protesters were massacred with impunity because the regime got away with the 1988 massacre.…
What Trump Will Leave in Biden's Inbox
– For the China of 2021 is not the China with which Barack Obama and Biden had to deal. … What would Biden do if Iran responded with attacks on Israel? This is not an academic question. … And the question with regard to Afghanistan is also true of Syria and Iraq.…
A Violent War Against the Tech Monopolies is on the Horizon…t-war-against-the-tech-monopolies-is-on-the-horizon-n2580126
The next major war is almost never fought in the same manner as the previous one. … And those at the end of the bayonet have no idea it's coming. … The initiator of the attacks immediately declares that its war is solely against Twitter, Facebook and Google in retaliation for their…
Iran Launches Mock US Aircraft Carrier for Target Practice…unches-mock-us-aircraft-carrier-for-target-practice-n2573272
– He also noted that Iran has recently augmented the quality of its military infrastructure, so the drill is an opportunity to test the … Navy’s 5th Fleet, said the U.S. was aware of Iranian posturing in the straits but the war games had not interfered with commercial … “The US Navy conducts defensive exercises with our partners promoting maritime security in support of freedom of navigation; whereas…
Iran Confirms Death Penalty for Five More Protesters
The world celebrated as the Iranian supreme court commuted the death sentences of three protesters, but Iran continues to uphold execution … A lawyer for the court told Iran Human Rights that the Second Branch of Isfahan’s Revolutionary Court first announced the men’s death … “An unprecedented "storm" of tweets to condemn the death penalty for the three young man erupted on Twitter with the hashtag "Stop…
America’s Second Civil War Has Already Begun
– America’s second civil war has already begun — sans the real shooting (and abject carnage), at least yet.   … It is the glue that binds us. … If we don't, they will vanquish the Spirit of 1776, and then us with it. …
What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like
– I fear that there is a looming civil war on the horizon. … This war will not be fought like the American Revolution or the Civil War of 1861-65, where disciplined armies observed the laws of … The Russian Civil War that followed is a horrifying story of savage carnage and obscene violence.…
U.S. Firm Secures Oil Deal with Syrian Kurds
– It named Delta Crescent Energy LLC as the U.S. company and said the deal was conducted “with the knowledge and encouragement of the … Supply is concentrated in the Kurdish-controlled autonomous zone in the northeast.  … Delta Crescent is proceeding with the venture in cooperation with the U.S. government.…
Kamala Harris Veep Pick Clarifies the Stakes This November…harris-veep-pick-clarifies-the-stakes-this-november-n2574342
– It accentuates the fault lines in the nation's cold civil war between the Americanists, defenders and preservers of the American regime … Perhaps this is true when one compares their political positions with those of the party's out-and-out socialist flank, led by the … He supports a new capitulatory nuclear accord with the Iranian mullacracy that is the world's number one state sponsor of jihad, and…
On All Fronts, President Trump Delivers a Knock Out Punch Against Biden…dent-trump-delivers-a-knock-out-punch-against-biden-n2575223
– -Jobs and economy: Joe Biden is not the savior of America's soul – he is the destroyer of America's Jobs, and if given the chance, … ISIS was rampaging, Iran was on the rise, and the war in Afghanistan had no end in sight. … The fact is, this is where they are coming from.…
Where Will All These War Games Lead?
– What was a nuclear-capable B-52 doing over the Black Sea, which is to Russia what the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico are to us? … At the end of August, the Russian navy conducted its own war games near Alaska, involving dozens of ships and aircraft, the largest … In its confrontation with Iran, the U.S. seems about to suffer a setback in the Security Council.…
Should State-Sponsored Cyber-Attacks Compel a Military Response?…tesponsored-cyberattacks-compel-a-military-response-n2546959
– So, should the US respond to cyber threats from foreign governments with military force? The short answer is: It depends. … If we look at the recent cyber-attacks against the US, a good number of them were done by actors who are affiliated with a foreign … Most of the hacker groups that have led cyber campaigns against the US do not have direct association with the belligerent country.…
Saving Yemen
– flashpoints, it would surprise many to know that the percentage of U.S. troops deployed overseas at the present time is less than … McMaster in a speech to the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a Washington think tank with which he is now associated. … Minister of Information Mummar Al-Eryani of the Hadi government explained to us in an exclusive visit with The Media Line that it was…
After Classified Briefing, Lindsey Graham Details Threats From Iran Are 'Real and Severe'…ey-graham-details-real-and-severe-threats-from-iran-n2546694
The briefing came after Iran moved missiles onto ships in the Persian Gulf, aiming them at U.S. interests in the region. … "The Trump Administration is trying to roll back Iran’s violent behavior and prevent war. … U.S. into war" with Iran while failing to condemn the regime's current and past behavior.  …
Adam Schiff Blames America for Iran's Aggression, Flip Flopping From 2015…adam-schiiff-seems-to-no-longer-be-opposed-to-iran-n2546637
Iran is also responsible for killing at least 600 U.S. troops during the Iraq war.   … an war with Iran. … Iran, however, has been at war with the U.S for decades and continues its aggression toward Americans and their allies.…
U.S. Policies Can Manage The Threat Of Iranian Terrorism But Iran’s People Can Eliminate It…of-iranian-terrorism-irans-people-can-eliminate-it-n2546617
– same path, as the only effective way to end the Iran threat. … of Resistance of Iran (NCRI-US) in Washington, clearly shows that MOIS terror plots enjoy the full collaboration of the Ministry of … The answer is democratic change by the Iranian people.…
What a Hash Mueller Made of It
At least we would have clarity. Now we have Mueller walking out, without taking questions, and leaving us with this toxic mush. … North Korea is testing missiles again, with few believing Kim Jong Un will give up the security provided by his nuclear weapons. … And John Bolton is in the Middle East accusing Iran of acts of sabotage and war in Yemen and the Gulf, and of threats to American forces…
Ilhan Omar: Iran's Latest Aggression and Threats Are Trump's Fault, Obviously…irans-culpability-in-tanker-attacks-is-quite-strong-n2548431
– , shall we say, not in the habit of carrying the Trump administration's water: "There's no question that Iran is behind the attacks … I think the evidence is very strong and compelling. This was a class-A screw-up by Iran to insert a mine on the ship. … she could say this without realizing what a damning indictment this is of the Obama administration’s Iran nuclear deal, which Iran
War With Iran Would Become 'Trump's War'
– But as Trump does not want war with Iran, Iran does not want war with us. … "Iran is in no shape for a prolonged confrontation with the U.S. The regime is in a politically precarious position. … Who wants a U.S. war with Iran?…
Should President Trump Hear No Evil About His Political Rivals?…ident-trump-hear-no-evil-about-his-political-rivals-n2548288
– There is no evidence that Senator Harris is in cahoots with Hamas. … the calamitous Iran-nuclear deal. … Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.…
Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi
– "For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one regime change war after the next, leading us into a new Cold War and … Gabbard proceeded to rip both the "president and his chickenhawk cabinet [who] have led us to the brink of war with Iran." … At the end of the Cold War, we were the lone superpower. Who forfeited our preeminence?…
Here Are The Greatest Threats To The U.S. According to Dems In The First Debate.…ats-to-the-us-according-to-dems-in-the-first-debate-n2549114
– “The biggest threat to the security of the United States is Donald Trump,” he asserted. … “The greatest threat that we face is that we are at a greater risk of nuclear war today than ever before in history,” she said. … “Two threats: Economic threat China, but our, our major threat right now is what’s going on in the Mid-East with Iran if we don’t get…
Why Won't US Politicians Talk About Chinese Authoritarianism?…us-politicians-talk-about-chinese-authoritarianism-n2548959
– After all, we are in the midst of a trade war with China. … The nature of the Soviet Union was the rhetorical centerpiece of the economic warfare pushed by Republicans during the Cold War. … Countless conservatives, particularly of the new nationalist bent, want to take a hard line with China because they make widgets at
Trump: War President or Anti-Interventionist?
– If war is to be avoided, either Iran is going to have to capitulate, or the U.S. is going to have to walk back its maximalist position … Does he want to run in 2020 as the president who led us into war with Iran, or as the anti-interventionist president who began to bring … conditions under which he is authorized to take us to war with Iran.…
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