Results for: sign up to vote

Can Jamaal Bowman Read?…iled-at-reading-comprehensionand-it-should-cost-him-n2629222
– His explanation was just as idiotic; it was an accident, and he was not trying to delay the vote. … On Monday, Bowman’s office issued talking points to fellow Democrats to stack sandbags. … He clearly gave up on smart messaging, opting to go full Nazi to explain his actions.…
The President Who Wasn’t There
– When not looking in the crowd for dead people or pretending to be a faith healer by asking paralyzed people to stand up, the president … In an interview with John Harwood last week, Biden claimed he somehow managed to convince the late Senator Strom Thurmond to vote in … But he’s so insecure he’s compelled to make things up about himself to cover for shortcomings he sees when he looks in the mirror.…
Debate Advice for Republicans: Issues, Not Oprah
to its superpower status. … Then she decided to stay home." … The I-Feel-Your-Pain routine was a huge hit with urban liberals, but Clinton went on to lose the working-class vote.…
The Tenacious and the Timid
– The vote in the US Senate to pass their version of the NDAA, 86-11, just 4-5 Republicans voted against...a sure sign of timidity. … to develop a 100 percent plan. … how to defeat the left.…
Here’s How I Explain Away Election ‘Anomalies,’ and You’re Just Expected to Believe Me…ion-anomalies-and-youre-just-expected-to-believe-me-n2626964
– the night to heavily favor Republicans, I’ll just make up excuses like saying the machines are unable to connect to the internet.  … the chain-of-custody procedures due to some made-up reason. … Please vote for me to save our democracy. …
Why Is GOP Leadership So Stupid?
– They sit there with other Democrats who should have lost had the Republican Party had a clue about how to run a get out the vote effort … What kind of idiot would sign away the ability for as many people as possible to see their candidates in exchange for streaming, which … If a leader gives up control – be it to a cable network, a video website, Fauci, anyone – maybe they aren’t the leader they are presenting…
Let Your Movie Shine in the Darkness
– From the skilled artisans who crafted the Tabernacle according to God’s instructions, to the worship songs of the Psalms that guide … The journey to bring “Sound of Freedom” to the screen was not easy; it took five years of perseverance and struggle. … The left will push back, attack, and attempt to stifle our voices. But it also is a sign that the message is hitting its mark.…
What Happened to Dems Under Obama Has Spread to the Republicans...And It's Not Good
– Traditionally, state parties perform the basic blocking and tackling of politics, from get out the vote programs to building data in … The party has now racked up more than $400,000 in debts to vendors and has less than $70,000 between its state and federal campaign … In Nevada, meanwhile, the remnants of the famous “Reid Machine” set up a parallel operation to the state Democratic Party, which had…
Don’t Impeach Biden … Not Just Yet
– You have to be able to back up every word you tell the jury – and here, the jury is the mass of undecided and persuadable voters – … vote to let off the crook-in-chief and alienate decent Americans, or vote to remove him and alienate Democrat voters. … Look, you need to keep up the fight by joining Townhall VIP right now.…
The Left's Latest Explanation for Why Trump Can't Be President Again Is Beyond Laughable…y-trump-cant-be-president-again-is-beyond-laughable-n2627383
– again too much to tolerate? … of their right to vote.  … The fact that this had to be dredged up due to lack of precedent in this capacity doesn’t bode well, nor does the indictment from Jack…
It's Official: One of the Largest Labor Strikes in History Has Been Averted
– While UPS management and the Teamsters' top brass agreed to the new terms, the union’s rank-and-file still had to sign off, and they … UPS confirmed the vote results, saying in a statement, “Our Teamsters-represented employees have voted to overwhelmingly ratify a new … Current part-timers also won longevity wage increases of up to $1.50 per hour.…
Why Did This Meet the Press Panelist Lie About Youngkin's Record?…he-press-panelist-lie-about-virginias-abortion-laws-n2627280
– Todd then brought up the issue of statewide elections coming up in November. … (@townhallcom) June 24, 2022 It was also further disingenuous for Page to compare Youngkin to North Dakota Gov. … to economic issues.…
Here’s How DeSantis Should Fight the Debate
– That’s easy with Mike Pence, who always gives up and gives in to the establishment. … Just sign your MSNBC contract and get out of the way of those of us who know how to win.” … Look, you need to keep up the fight by joining Townhall VIP right now.…
More Nazi Nonsense…n-politico-pulls-a-phil-bump-and-more-nazi-nonsense-n2628070
vote, joined 14 other young Montanans in suing their government for failing to protect them from the impacts of climate change. … ticket, has anything at all to do with this effort by these magnificent citizens…who cannot even vote. … The Busse brothers, not yet old enough to vote, joined 14 other young Montanans in suing their government for failing to protect them…
Haley Makes Major Headway in New Granite State Survey
– Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP field, but there has been some movement among his rivals, according toup to Florida Gov. … She went to the UN and took the ‘kick-me’ sign off America’s back.…
New Guys Are Like the Old Guys
– John McCain being the sole obstacle, but how many of them knew they could vote for repeal and rely on McCain to scuttle it? … Moore is bullying his fellow legislative Republicans to sign a letter calling for a special session of the state legislature to find … If all the Republicans sign on to the plan, many voters will wonder why exactly the GOP is not doing anything.…
White House Orchestrates the Press Narrative
– JUST IN: White House Issues Memo to U.S. … Media Leaders"It’s time for the media to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies … With the announcement that Kevin McCarthy was going to bypass the floor vote and commence with the impeachment inquiry, Raju was right…
Newsom Isn’t Running for President in 2024
– , but they can’t predict the future), then the Republican nomination seems to be sewn up.   … This is what power does to people, folks.  Biden, is 80+ years old, and he can’t give it up.  He just can’t give it up.   … Sign up for free.…
Senator Tuberville's Not Only Fighting Pentagon's Illegal Abortion Policy, But Fake News…only-fighting-illegal-pentagon-policy-but-fake-news-n2628964
– Tuberville’s roadblock by bringing up each individual nomination for a full Senate vote. … Army, Marine Corps, Joint Chiefs," even though Tuberville was the one who told them to call the vote. … "I came here to this chamber to vote.…
Is This the 'Escape Hatch' to Avoid a Government Shutdown?
– legislation on the floor — and it could be used to bring a CR up for a vote if McCarthy won’t do it.  … against a rule — a procedural vote to move on to a bill — are both ways of betraying the party.  … Just five Republicans are needed to sign on to force it to the floor — if no Democrats remove their names. …
The Real China-III: 'Follow the Sun'
– There needed to be a shift away from the Party to ordinary people to spur consumption, but that is very unlikely to happen.   … If you want it, move to China.  Or vote Democratic in America. … Listen to my current series on the Declaration of Independence.  Sign up for free.  …
What If We Excused Other Crimes the Way We Do Election Fraud?
– allowed to get away with it. … When you file a pleading with the court, you are required to sign your name on it, or it will not be accepted. … In contrast, the penalty for using counterfeit money is up to 20 years in prison.…
That Annoying Gavin Newsom Is Measuring the Drapes
– Newsom just basically announced his candidacy when he declined to sign on to a new California bill that would require courts to rip … kids away from parents who refuse to sign on to their kids getting mutilated to conform to their mom’s gender delusions. … You need to keep up the fight by joining Townhall VIP right now.…
Why We'll 'Definitely' Be Talking About Trump's Heartbeat Comments for Months
– We're still talking about it, and we "definitely" still will be, not only in the months leading up to not just the Iowa Republican … That can perhaps be best summed up by whether or not candidates would sign into law as president a 15-week abortion ban, something … Head, in reminding that the 15-week ban would have to overcome the 60-vote threshold in the Senate, does not think it possible such…
I’ve Changed My Mind: The Dems Will Dump Biden
– They know how to win. … To have it, to hold it, to keep it, and to exercise it over you.  It is their raison d'être. … Listen to my current series on the Declaration of Independence.  Sign up for free.  …
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