Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

Media's Negativity Won't Dampen the American Spirit
– President Donald Trump and his extraordinary team of generals leading this war effort are implementing a multipronged approach to combat … By contrast, there is sadly plenty of partisanship and Trump hatred from the press. … as they wail on Trump and themselves neglect the people's interests.…
'Let's Be Serious': Martha MacCallum Shreds a Joe Biden Surrogate Over Politicizing the Wuhan Coronavirus…n-surrogate-over-politicizing-the-wuhan-coronavirus-n2565261
– For whatever reason, the Democrats are harping on the fact that President Donald Trump referred to the Wuhan coronavirus as the "Chinese … "What President Trump announced today — it’s a tough job but it has to be done – on some of what he said today was good but the reality … According to the Biden campaign surrogate, what President Trump said is "offensive to many Americans."…
What the Coronavirus Should Teach Us
– Thus we've seen the coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, be blamed on President Donald Trump. … While Trump himself hasn't exactly projected a sense of calming administrative competence, those around him, ranging from Dr. … First, we should favor governments that are transparent in their distribution of information.…
The Department of Justice Throws Down the Hammer on Venezuelan Dictator Nicolás Maduro
– "The Venezuelan people deserve a transparent, responsible, representative government that serves the needs of the people – and that … Juan Guaido, who visited President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington, D.C., earlier this year, is the officially…
'Transparency': Dr. Birx Reveals How Other Countries Impacted America's Coronavirus Response…outbreak-begins-in-your-country-you-have-a-moral-ob-n2567179
– Birx finished with the slide, President Donald Trump pointed to the numbers and asked reporters in the room if anyone believed the … According to the Coronavirus Response Coordinator, it's important for countries to be transparent about what they're dealing with, … on and 2) our European counterparts were transparent and told our health experts what they've learned. …
Pangolin Connoisseurs Rejoice!
– Fox News's White House Correspondent John Roberts quizzed President Donald Trump about his network's report at Wednesday's coronavirus … TRUMP: “Well I don’t wanna say that, John, but I will tell you that more and more we’re hearing the story and we’ll see. … In the realm of non-denial/denials, that may be the most transparent non-denial in the history of the English language.…
Coronavirus Stage 1 Is Nearing an End. Does Anyone Know What Comes Next?…is-nearing-an-end-does-anyone-know-what-comes-next-n2566674
– understanding, we have seen quite a bit of change in the guidance they give to the public -- which is fine, as long as they remain transparent … We have a politicized press corps focused on bashing President Donald Trump and ignoring the big picture. … Night after night, we get questions about why Trump is endorsing hydroxychloroquine (why wouldn't he, by the way?)…
China Just Blew Up the EU's Plan to Condemn the Regime's Coronavirus Propaganda Campaign…pressured-the-eu-to-downplay-the-regimes-propaganda-n2567630
– China accused the EU of attempting to please "someone else," a clear reference to the United States and President Donald Trump. … Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation! — Lijian Zhao ???…
You Have Every Reason to Be Angry At Communist China... And the Liberals Defending Them…at-communist-china-and-the-liberals-defending-them-n2567412
– However, if you're main focus in life is to shoot every issue we face through the prism of your hatred of Donald Trump, you are obliged … Of course, he went on to foist the blame on President Trump with no real push-back from Mr. Cooper. … War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) April 15, 2020 Yes, be angry at China, you have every reason to be.…
Now Media Are Trying to Drive a Wedge Between Fauci and Pompeo…re-trying-to-drive-a-wedge-between-fauci-and-pompeo-n2568288
– First they tried to tap President Trump against his Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. … Above all, he insisted that China needs to be more transparent. … Because the president is Donald Trump.…
Politico Says Trump's COVID-19 Response Was Bad...Because China's Social Media Said So…19-response-was-bad-because-chinas-social-media-sa-n2568157
– If it attacks Trump because "orange man…bad," then use it. That’s where we are right now. … — jerylbier (@JerylBier) May 4, 2020 On March 29, President Donald Trump stood in … Trump’s response has been aggressive, proactive, and transparent.…
Hmm: Is Kamala Harris Emerging as Biden's VP Frontrunner?
– Newsroom (@AmericaNewsroom) May 11, 2020 I've always found Harris to be a policy lightweight, a clumsy and cynical panderer, a transparent … But as I said in the clip above, this election very much feels like it's shaping up to be a referendum on whether Donald Trump has … The key for Trump may well be whether his upbeat message is sufficiently reflected in voters' everyday experiences and realities to…
Why are Liberals Hiding their Supreme Court Plans?
– President Donald J. … Trump was not only open about it — he aggressively campaigned on the need for conservative, Constitution-abiding judges to serve on … President Trump not only change the game by being so transparent on the campaign trail, he then followed through and kept his word…
Regional HUD Administrator Just Slit The Throat Of The Democrats’ Baltimore Narrative
– President Donald Trump sharply criticized Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and the state of the city of Baltimore. … It’s transparent. It’s typical Trump Derangement Syndrome. … — Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) July 30, 2019 “President Trump has given $16 billion in 2018 alone to Elijah…
Biden Goes All In on the Race Issue
– Here is Joe Biden, speaking in Iowa as President Donald Trump was visiting the wounded communities of Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas … What had Trump done to invite such a charge? … And Donald Trump has often used that term, invasion, to describe the crisis on the border.…
House Democrats: Please Don't Think Too Hard About Our Confusing Impeachment Stunt
– the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee voted this morning to set parameters for an impeachment inquiry into President Trump … It's transparent, stupid, and boring, as I said on Fox News this morning: With news that the @HouseJudiciary passed a resolution to … @guypbenson @FoxNews — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 12, 2019 How long will we have to endure this absurdity?  …
White House Disputes Iran's Claim the US Offered to Lift Sanctions
– — Donald J. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2019 In fact, just last week, Trump ordered a new round of sanctions against the regime after … "These are the strongest sanctions ever put on the country," Trump said.…
I Want to See Obama's Transcripts
Trump. … He hates Trump. He attacks and denigrates Trump at every opportunity. … Heck, Trump is now the most transparent president in history.…
Dr. Oz Answers Call to Release Medical Records As Fetterman Withholds Information on His Condition…all-to-release-medical-records-as-fetterman-refuses-n2613510
– while undergoing treatment for a significant stroke and surgery to insert a pacemaker, Fetterman's campaign has been anything but transparent … We have called for full disclosure of health records from candidates for federal office in both parties, including Donald Trump and…
Fauci Can't Whitewash His Disastrous Legacy
– This is a transparent legacy-saving revisionism. … When Biden won the presidency, Fauci blamed the alleged underperformance of the United States under Donald Trump on the "disparate…
Obama-Appointed Judge To DOJ: Turn Over Mueller Grand Jury Docs To Pro-Impeachment Democrats
Trump should be impeached for obstructing the long-running Russia probe. … Also, the entire case for impeachment would be trashed—as was the case with Trump-Russia collusion. … They need to deliver on this promise to their base to get Trump.…
Trump Economy Surges, Biden and Obama Hog the Credit
– Here is how Biden put it in a speech last week in Scranton, Pennsylvania: "Donald Trump inherited a strong economy from Barack and … The double standard here is so transparent that only someone suffering from TDS -- Trump derangement syndrome -- would miss it. … That's why Trump won the election.…
The Anti-Trump Coup Plotters Aren’t Even Being Subtle
– That sort of brazenness seems insane, but it’s typical of the people who have been relentlessly trying to impeach Donald Trump based … Now that “coup” plotter Zaid is representing the CIA leaker underpinning the Democrats’ latest attempt to throw Donald Trump out of … Meister is an Advisory Board Member of Donald J. Trump for President Inc. and Managing Director of Ackman-Ziff…
Impeachment Has Jumped the Shark
– Of course, the voters are also picking up on the clear contrast with how Donald Trump is navigating the impeachment process. … Donald Trump even encourages voters to read the transcript for themselves whenever the Democrats try to spin the story. … Katrina Pierson is a senior adviser for Donald J. Trump for President Inc.…
Fact Check: CNN Gets Slapped Down Over False Claim About Whistleblower Protections
– It claimed some donor gave then-candidate Donald Trump and his inner circle a key code to the trove of emails from Hillary Clinton’ … Oh, and what about the story that Trump knew about his son’s meeting with the Russians at Trump Tower in the summer of 2016? … As Trump would say, “wrong.”…
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