Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

When It’s Right to Indict the Democrats
– Specifically, he took issue with the headline, “All 6 Democratic Presidential Candidates Vote for Infanticide.” … Yet the Democrats, as a group, voted against it, with all six Democratic presidential candidates joining that negative vote. … And so today, when almost all Democratic senators, led by every single Democratic presidential candidate, refused to vote against infanticide…
6 Reasons The Left's Hatred For The Electoral College Should Make You Love It…d-for-the-electoral-college-should-make-you-love-it-n2542508
candidates wouldn’t have to campaign in states with smaller populations. … Candidates wouldn’t waste their time getting to know the unique interests of voters in smaller states. … If all that was required to win the presidency was the popular vote, these states would never be visited by presidential candidates
– As should the eagerness with which the majority of Democratic presidential candidates have signed onto AOC’s over-the-top proposed … And that’s both the comedy and the tragedy of the Democratic Party: even when Democrats forswear the s-word, they keep touting more…
Elon Musk Shows Support for a 2024 DeSantis Presidential Bid…d-voting-for-desantis-in-2024-presidential-election-n2608791
– The nation is frustrated with Democratic policies and their radical agendas.  … Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) in the 2024 presidential election, should he decide to run.   … "I’m thinking of creating a ‘Super Moderate Super PAC’ that supports candidates with centrist views from all parties.” …
Nevada is Expected to Matter Mightily in the Midterms
– Whoever wins will challenge Democratic Sen. … In presidential elections, Republicans have not won Nevada since 2004, when President George W. … But poor candidates could hurt their chances, as they have in some other recent Senate races.…
The Key to America’s Survival
– and lax law enforcement—an effort aided by billionaire George Soros who funds the campaigns of progressive district attorney candidates … Just 15 years ago, it was unthinkable that anyone could rise to becoming a presidential candidate with even a fraction of the foreign … No democratic country committed to honest elections with a large internal security apparatus—such as the FBI, whose members all pledge…
Here's Biden's Explanation for Visiting Saudi Arabia…ng-pariah-saudi-arabia-but-heres-why-im-going-there-n2608633
Democratic Whispers of ‘No’ Start to Rise.” — Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) June 11, 2022President Biden’s … Interviews with nearly 50 Democratic officials, from county leaders to members of Congress, as well as with disappointed voters who … She wouldn't be the inevitable Democratic nominee, but if she wants it, dislodging her could get ugly.  …
Poll After Poll: Biden Continues To Lose Support Among Key Demographics, and Lose It Badly…se-support-among-key-demographics-and-lose-it-badly-n2608676
– But with just under five months until the midterm elections, it’s this group of voters who present a major challenge for the Democratic … "Biden’s decline among Democratic voters ages 18-34 has been driven largely by women: 61% approve of his job performance, compared … This poll shows the Democratic and Republican candidates both with 42 percent support from voters.…
Sarah Palin Is One Step Closer to Congress
– Former Governor and Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin is one step closer to representing Alaskans in the U. S. … Don Young's term saw 48 candidates in all competing on a single ballot in the first time Alaska voters used such a primary system in … House and, as a progressive democratic socialist, is known as the "Bernie Sanders of Alaska."…
Alaska Special House Primary Pits Sarah Palin Against Santa Claus in 48-Candidate Bonanza…pecial-primary-pits-sarah-palin-against-santa-claus-n2608583
– Former Governor Sarah Palin, Santa Claus (yes, that's his legal name), and 46 other candidates from a smattering of parties kicked … Young is Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and John McCain's Vice Presidential nominee in 2008. … A special election to fill the seat was held following the disappearance, with candidates including the late Don Young.…
Is This Where the Death of Roe v. Wade Had Its Origins?…cause-democrats-dropped-the-ball-in-these-key-races-n2609546
– Republicans swept not only the South but Democratic strongholds in the Midwest, picking up more seats nationwide than either party … While Tea Party-backed candidates had campaigned on fiscal discipline and promised indifference to social issues, once in office they … debates in state legislatures pointed toward the polarization that would divide the country over the coronavirus pandemic and the presidential
DeSantis Overtakes Trump in New Hampshire
– National polls show former President Donald Trump with a commanding lead over all other Republicans for the 2024 GOP presidential … But there is no national Republican presidential primary. The race will start in the early primary and caucus states. … And if he or she does that, no matter who is the 2024 Democratic candidate, Republicans will have a strong chance of winning.…
A Growing Number of Democrats Openly Admit Their Extremist Abortion Views…number-of-democrats-support-abortion-with-no-limits-n2609382
– In the spin room after the debate, I asked Democratic presidential candidate Tim Ryan, a congressman from Ohio who claimed until 2015 … (NR) More recently, during a Pennsylvania Democratic Senate debate this spring, Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman was asked if he … An increasing number of Democratic officials and candidates are openly admitting they don’t support any legal limit on abortion at…
Random Satire
– Hey, Los Angeles Times, 81 black candidates are running for Congress as Republicans this year, an increase of more than 50% over the … You watch "Rigged," the Citizens United documentary about the $419.5 million Mark Zuckerberg spent to increase Democratic turnout in … the 2020 presidential election.…
CNN Addresses Ohio Democrats Skipping Appearances with Biden, Warns More 'Scheduling Conflicts' Are Coming…sses-ohio-democrats-skipping-appearances-with-biden-n2609920
– As Spencer highlighted, the two Democratic candidates had "unavoidable scheduling conflicts." … Spencer also noted how, according to a presidential poll tracker from Civiqs, Biden has just 26 percent approval in Ohio. … Candidates who do campaign with Biden and Harris, though, don't have the best track records. Former Gov.…
Opposition Protests in Iran Look to the Future, Not the Past…on-protests-in-iran-look-to-the-future-not-the-past-n2609512
– elections to bar any so-called reformist candidates from the ballots, a decision that underscored the regime’s monolithic status. … With Tehran’s reformist pipedream collapsing and persistent anti-government discontent challenging the myth that a democratic transition … The public demand for democracy points the way to a democratic future, not a despotic past.…
Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Say Trump's Name When Asked About 2024: 'Do I Ever Even Mention His Name?'…en-asked-about-2024-do-i-ever-even-mention-his-name-n2610371
– @SpeakerPelosi on possible Trump 2024 presidential campaign announcement soon: "Do I ever even mention his name? … We are mobilized, we are fortified, we have great candidates and we have a great – our country is at risk.   … So they know the difference between a Democratic and Republican Administration on top of Congress, on top of which – on top of which…
Political Chess
– If you're a Democratic elected official, you know you have problems when the New York Times begins to question your future. … Harris, who could not get enough votes to be a real competitor in the Democratic presidential primary, might also be at a disadvantage … They would no longer have a single natural enemy but would need to run against the Democrats' candidates.…
Liberal Media: The Nonwhite White Supremacists Are Coming
– Sure, 2008, 2012, and 2020 presidential losses stung a lot, but Obama oversaw the near destruction of the Democratic Party at the state … In comparison, The New York Times offered a much comfier deep-dive into another Latina politician, Democratic Rep. … Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez, in 2018 following her surprise Democratic primary victory in New York.…
If Biden Doesn't Run Again, the Other Candidates Lined Up Aren't Much Better…at-the-top-of-the-list-if-biden-doesnt-run-in-2024-n2610979
– A new poll shows who is in the running lead for the Democrat presidential candidate if now-president Joe Biden decides not to run … Other Democrat candidates included Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) with less than 10 percent and Sen. … This comes after a CNN poll found that 75 percent of Democratic-leaning voters want Biden out of the Oval Office, with nearly half…
Brutal: Poll Shows Joe Biden Beat by Cabinet Member in Key Primary State…e-biden-beat-by-cabinet-member-in-key-primary-state-n2610845
– In the Democratic presidential primary for 2020, Biden came in fifth place, while Sen. … The poll was conducted July 21-July 25, with 1,043 Granite State Panel members, including 430 Likely 2024 Democratic Primary voters … Buttigieg has been featured prominently in such discussions and at the top of such lists of potential candidates. …
AZ AG Brnovich is the Only Lawyer Successfully Fighting Election Fraud in the Courts…successfully-fighting-election-fraud-in-the-courts-n2610738
– billionaires, has zero record in politics other than previous evidence he was a radical pro-choice Libertarian, and even though many candidates … Brnovich went to court and successfully stopped Democratic Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes from illegally mailing thousands … He’s prosecuted countless people for voter fraud, including a Democratic operative involved in ballot harvesting who was likely the…
Georgia Politics
– power, are unhappy with the way the country is headed, according to an AARP poll released last week that holds clues as to how candidatesDemocratic U.S. Senate candidate Raphael Warnock won against Republican incumbent Kelly Loeffler, who had been appointed by Gov. … All this happened right after the 2020 presidential race, which went to Joe Biden over President Donald Trump by 11,779 votes in Georgia…
Democrats Say They Hate Trump... So Why Do They Keep Empowering Him?…they-hate-trump-so-why-do-they-keep-empowering-him-n2610509
– Primary Season Seven endorsements that will test Trump's influence Charted: Trump's endorsement success rate Trump-backed candidates … Democrats strategy is rooted in the belief that these candidates — many of whom spread unfounded claims that the 2020 presidentialDemocratic spending has helped secure Republican nominations for candidates in Illinois and Pennsylvania.…
The Pro-Trump Impeachment Republicans Are Getting Purged
– After Mitt Romney, the GOP presidential candidate playbook was to be as much like Ronald Reagan as possible. … If he could run a third time, you bet a healthy number of Democratic Party members would back him, ending this silly debate about character … We also like Trump-like candidates, like Ron DeSantis.…
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