Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Analysis: Kamala Harris' Backwards Attack on 'Identity Politics'
– Late last week, the Democratic Party's far-left base gathered in New Orleans for the annual 'Netroots Nation' conference.   … A number of rumored presidential aspirants were in attendance, including Senators Cory "complicit in evil" Booker, Elizabeth Warren … Elizabeth Warren on Friday called the criminal justice system “racist … front to back,” while further hinting at a potential presidential
Civility? Sorry, the Modern Democratic Party Is Focused on Revenge, not Restoration…ocratic-party-is-focused-on-revenge-not-restoration-n2513764
– The sad fact is that the modern Democratic base has adopted the mob mentality of groups like Antifa.   … Potential presidential candidates like Elizabeth Warren have decided: “the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It’s racist … The simple fact of the matter is that they’re either on board with, or disinterested in opposing, what the Democratic Party has become…
Why The Liberal Dilemma Leads To A Democratic Demise
– On Saturday, at their summer meeting, the Democratic National Committee voted to right a legitimate wrong. … The far left progressives that have utterly destroyed that state control all of the major Democratic power centers now. … Presidential candidates will need to race to the front of the progressive/socialist rhetoric to win the big prize of bountiful California—especially…
Impeachment Is the ‘Father’ of the ‘Mother of All Midterms’…achment-is-the-father-of-the-mother-of-all-midterms-n2512402
– resulted from the observation that elevated levels of passion and energy among midterm voters are more akin to those preceding a presidential … with engineering Trump’s come-from-behind presidential victory, has blatantly and honestly repositioned the midterms as a “referendum … Conversely, the official midterm election impeachment strategy of Democratic leaders in Washington instructs candidates to avoid using…
Analysis: Clouds Darken Over Trump, But Does the Current Evidence Justify Impeachment?
– As I referenced earlier, it is also possible that Manafort may be holding out for a presidential pardon or commutation.   … McCarthy explains: It was illegal for Michael Cohen to make contributions exceeding $2,700 per election to a presidential candidate … More relevant, perhaps, is the point that former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards was prosecuted for a hush money scheme…
Montana's Dem Governor Continues To Show How His Party Keeps Missing The Mark On Gun Control…governor-actually-im-for-an-assault-weapons-ban-now-n2511149
– No, but presidential ambitions might cause some of these folks, like Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, to switch gears. … Montana Democratic Gov. … As the Democratic Party lurches further to left on this issue, why should we trust them? We shouldn’t. …
Casey’s Case: Trump’s Presidency So Far
– If you’ve never heard of Doug, he’s participated in several televised debates with presidential candidates and been invited by the … The Democratic Party is splintering, too. There, you’ve got the old line, not-so-crazy Democrats. … There are two parties within the Democratic Party, too. So, we’re up for a real political storm.…
Hillary Clinton Uses Labor Day As An Excuse to Attack Kavanaugh Ahead of Hearings…as-an-excuse-to-attack-kavanaugh-ahead-of-hearings-n2515633
– soapbox Monday, in light of the Labor Day holiday; instead of commemorating the actual purpose of the day, the two-time failed presidential … This angry thread of tweets comes asrumors swirlof Clinton mulling a third presidential bid; this, of course, would be nothing short … candidates.…
ICYMI: The 'Creepy Porn Lawyer' Is Launching A Super PAC
– important presidential proving grounds. … He said he has been asked to stump for Democratic candidates in the midterm elections but would not say which ones. … Democratic National Committee members here greeted him as a star.…
Carter Has a Warning for Democrats
– post-presidential center and library in Atlanta, reports The Associated Press. … Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary, explained that progressives would not abandon their goals if they voted … “I don’t think any Democrat is going to vote against a Democratic nominee,” he said.…
Hillary Clinton, Brett Kavanaugh and the Art of Trolling…ary-clinton-brett-kavanaugh-and-the-art-of-trolling-n2518738
– This dynamic doesn't just apply to presidential candidates. … misinterpret objective data -- in this case on climate change -- if there's any hint that the data came from a Republican or Democratic
Keeping the High Court in GOP Hands, But Losing the House and Senate?…court-in-gop-hands-but-losing-the-house-and-senate-n2518687
– Judge Kavanaugh ducked, dodged and parried his way through the Democratic gauntlet, with his record intact and his reputation secure … “We are most likely looking at a Democratic gain in the House of between 20 and 40 seats” in November, he says. … Ten percent said they would vote for some other candidate, neither of the candidates, or would not vote at all.…
Likely Voters Want Candidates to Promote Liberty
– Elizabeth Warren as the future of the Democratic Party, they ignore the fact that the liberty centered views of Reps. … Justin Amash (R-MI) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) poll very popular to self-identified Democratic likely voters. … This poll indicates that voters this fall yearn for candidates who will campaign for freedom.…
The Small State Shuffle
– have a politically relevant voice in presidential elections. … In fact, a majority of small states have gone Democratic in six of the last seven presidential elections. … I want every voter, in every state, to be politically relevant in every presidential election.…
ICYMI: This Is When We'll Know If Joe Biden Is Serious About 2020…s-when-well-know-if-joe-biden-is-serious-about-2020-n2515638
– A good chunk of his party’s elite candidates—and I use that phrase loosely—will be prime candidates for retirement homes by then; the … Still, his age and the fact he was part of the establishment wing of the Democratic Party and a Washington tick will not bode well … “We’re with you,” one said, according to a Democratic strategist who happened to be on the plane and witnessed the scene.…
With Nixon in '68: The Year America Came Apart
– Wallace's voters began to abandon him and move back home to the Democratic Party. … The Democratic candidate in 1972 would run on the slogan "Come home, America!" … In four of the five presidential elections after 1968, Nixon's new majority would crush the Democratic Party.…
Vampire Hillary: How She’s Sucking The Cash-Strapped DNC Dry
– The former first lady and two-time presidential loser is forcing the cash-strapped Democratic National Committee to dole out nearly … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has paid $700,000 to use the same data. … So, while the Republicans have their issues (recruiting crappy candidates, gaffes, etc.) the Democratic problems seem to be much more…
Democrats' War on Capitalism
– Polls show that today's Democratic Party and capitalism appear to be on a collision course. … Former Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid also said that he, too, wants to get to "single-payer." … This is likely to become a central presidential campaign issue for Democrats in 2020.…
A Dismal Economic Future Revealed in the 'Nation’s Report Card'…economic-future-revealed-in-the-nations-report-card-n2478468
– In fact, such a job program is gaining traction, most notably from three potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidates —Sens. … Therefore, expect to hear more about this socialist-like proposal leading up to the 2020 presidential primaries. … Furthermore, those same Democratic presidential wannabes instinctively know that class warfare is the next great domestic war.…
Will Rosie O’Donnell Serve Time Like Dinesh D’Souza?
candidates. … Federal Election Commission rules limit contributions to federal candidates to $2,700 per election. … O’Donnell contributed more than $2,700 each to five candidates during the primary race.  …
Democrats' Dangerous Case of Trump Derangement Syndrome
– Meanwhile, House Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer try to hush candidates baying for impeachment to meet the demands … of party megadonor Tom Steyer and the majority of Democratic voters. … And they try to tilt local Democratic primaries toward candidates with military or law enforcement backgrounds and against "Resistance…
Another Strange Endorsement
– He wants the wall, he wants illegal aliens deported, and he has not shied away from slamming Democratic rivals Gavin Newsom (former … He has attracted heat from Democratic and independent PACs, which signals that a candidate is gaining in the polls. … Former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich endorsed John Cox a few months earlier, too.…
Real Russian Collusion the Dems and MSM Ignore
– obvious: in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s dealings with Putin oligarchs and the Clinton Family Foundation, her presidential … in funding and utilizing the Steele-Fusion GPS dossier that launched the Mueller probe, a host of top Obama Administration and Democratic … Russian contributions aren’t used directly to fund anti-energy and anti-technology campaigns – or to air political ads, support candidates
Resistance Bloc: Here Are The Democrats Voting No On Virtually All Of Trump's Nominees…crats-voting-no-on-virtually-all-of-trumps-nominees-n2482123
– Yeah, you guessed it—it’s pretty much the 2020 presidential class: Sens. … The Democratic Party has no economic message, not a real one. … And if this is the top of the Democratic pile for 2020, the cream of the crop, I’m not that worried.…
WaPo: Dems Now Openly Fretting About Rising Trump Approval, Deteriorating 2018 Prospects…ng-about-rising-trump-approval-sinking-2018-polling-n2480568
– sweeping victories has reportedly become more restrained in recent days, thanks to tightening generic ballot polling and improved presidentialDemocratic senators... … Democratic worries are mounting in the House, as well, where the party has been more confident of gaining the 23 seats it needs to…
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