Results for: cardin

It Looks Like Chief Justice John Roberts May Be Giving Dick Durbin the Slip
– Ben Cardin (D-MD) as her replacement. Durbin has also said that they are not looking at a subpoena.  Sen.…
Democratic Senator Takes Woefully Wrong Stance on So-Called Hate Speech and First Amendment…mber-takes-woefully-wrong-stance-on-first-amendment-n2617700
– Another attorney, Glenn Greenwald, also explained in a Twitter thread how wrong Cardin is. … Cardin himself even felt the need to add clarity to the tweet. … Cardin himself tweeted about Musk, also from his official account.  Sen.…
U.S. Must Take Stand in Honduras to Prevent Western Hemisphere Becoming China’s Backyard…prevent-western-hemisphere-becoming-chinas-backyard-n2618186
– Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Bill Hagerty (R-TN) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Honduran government must respect treaty-backed…
These Senate Democrats Voted in Support of D.C.'s Soft-on-Crime Bill
– s crime bill stand were: Cory Booker (D-NJ)Ben Cardin (D-MD)Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)Dick Durbin (D-IL)Mazie Hirono (D-HI)Ed Markey (D-MA…
These Democrat Senators Voted to Continue Masking Toddlers…at-senators-just-voted-to-continue-masking-toddlers-n2606769
– Senate Democrat caucus members who tried to keep masks on toddlers: Baldwin (WI)Blumenthal (CT)Booker (NJ)Brown (OH)Cantwell (WA)Cardin
The Left Eats Up Biden's Gun Control Speech
– Ben Cardin (D-MD) also boasted about how courageous Biden is to be able to speak up on the matter. … I hope all my colleagues were listening -- and show similar courage in the days ahead. — Senator Ben Cardin
The Immolation of Chuck Schumer And The Inevitable Veto Watch…tion-of-chuck-schumer-and-the-inevitable-veto-watch-n2037524
– now I count 18 Senators as genuinely possible votes against it: Heitkamp, Blumenthal, Donnelly, Bennet, Menendez, Reid, Coons, Cardin
Rep. Gohmert Introducing Resolution to Declare Iran Deal a Treaty…ntroducing-resolution-to-declare-iran-deal-a-treaty-n2048636
– The Corker-Cardin bill, a.k.a. the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, was introduced as an accountability tool for the Iranian … For instance, the Corker-Cardin bill was only meant to rein in nuclear sanctions, but JCPOA allows for a lifting of sanctions on ballistic … Tom Cotton (R-AR), the only senator not to vote for the Corker-Cardin act, demanded the clarification be made back in May: "A nuclear-arms…
Top Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democrat Opposes Obama's Iran Deal…l-democrats-announce-opposition-to-obamas-iran-deal-n2048139
– The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Maryland's Ben Cardin, will vote against President Obama's unpopular … Cardin lays out his reasoning in a Washington Post op/ed: The JCPOA legitimizes Iran’s nuclear program. … Cardin rebuffs that smear, too, arguing that the deal could very well increase the likelihood of military intervention.  …
Endgame: Iran Deal Opponents Concede They Lack Votes to Overcome Veto…s-concede-they-dont-have-the-votes-to-overcome-veto-n2045112
– I've argued for some time that the Corker/Cardin legislation offered critics the most viable pathway to undermining the legitimacy…
McConnell to Dems: I'll Force Painful Amendments If You Keep Filibustering the Iran Deal
– Republican leadership agreed to jettison these same amendments in order to facilitate the overwhelming bipartisan passage of the Corker-Cardin … Now that 42 Senate Democrats -- all of whom voted for Corker-Cardin to demand a voice in the process -- are filibustering their own…
Memo to Mitch: You Have Until Thursday to Save the World…mitch-your-time-to-save-the-world-runs-out-thursday-n2052300
– When the Corker-Cardin bill passed the Senate 98 to one, Corker intoned, “Without this bill there is no review” of the Iran deal. … executive takeover wasn’t ridiculous enough, you’d think they would be suspicious at the fact that all the Democrats supported Corker-Cardin
Dysfunction: Divided House GOP Delays Vote on Iran Deal
– Contra the consolidating conservative conventional wisdom, the Corker-Cardin bill -- which every Republican Senator voted for, save … This is a clear violation of Corker-Cardin, critics say, so the 60-day clock hasn't started ticking yet.  …
The Not Quite Done Iran Deal
– Ben Cardin, the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, declared his disapproval of the deal. On Tuesday, Sen. … Cardin gave: “It would provide Iran with international endorsement of an industrial-scale nuclear program. … Cardin was speaking truth to power.…
As Debate Begins, Will Senate Democrats Obstruct Vote on Iran Deal?…ill-democrats-filibuster-a-vote-on-obamas-iran-deal-n2049528
– Ben Cardin of Maryland.   … Parting question: Is the Obama administration  even in compliance with the Corker/Cardin Iran review bill the president signed into…
Fourth Dem Senator Opposes Iran Deal, Says He Can't 'Gamble Our Security'
– Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) on the growing list of Democratic senators opposed to the deal. …
Who’s the Lawless One Now?
– The Corker-Cardin bill was put forward as a last-ditch attempt to give Congress some oversight of the Iran nuclear dealings of this … Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) have sought to amend Corker-Cardin to required Iran at least to recognize Israel’s right … When that attempt failed, only Tom Cotton voted against the Corker-Cardin bill on final passage.…
The Longest Hatred
– Peter Roskam, an Illinois Republican, Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat, Rob Portman, an Ohio Republican, and Rep.…
How and Why to Kill the Deal
– mitigated his position slightly when Senator Bob Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, drafted the Corker-Cardin … and went to the Security Council on Monday, he gave Congress an opening to reconsider its position, ditch the restrictive Corker-Cardin … Rather than invoke Corker-Cardin, Congress can pass a joint resolution determining that the deal with Iran is a treaty and announce…
Iran: Death to America, We Won, and We'll Do Whatever We Want With Your Billions
– Ben Cardin (Md.), asking President Obama to postpone the U.N. vote — also criticized Monday’s action.…
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