Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Get Ready for More Rigged Presidential Debates
– Since 1976, every four years, the presidential nominees of the Republican and Democratic parties have met for televised debates. … The incident skewed the debate toward Obama.Four years later, in the Democratic presidential primary debates between Hillary Clinton … , this year’s two presidential debates will follow the same pattern.…
Stop Accusing Impressive Candidates of Not Being Qualified…cusing-impressive-candidates-of-not-being-qualified-n2639279
candidates. …  The reality is inexperienced candidates can make great leaders. …  Republican armchair critics fall into the trap of lumping in great candidates with candidates who really should not be running…
Did You Expect These Poll Numbers for Trump Out of Minnesota?
– Biden for the Democratic nomination and got nowhere. Now he wants to see the president re-elected. … A protest campaign for “uncommitted” in the Democratic presidential primary in March drew 19 percent. … There is leakage amongst independents and suburbanites away from the [Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party].…
LIVE RESULTS: Primary Night in America
–  This round, voters in Maryland, West Virginia, and Nebraska chose which candidates should carry their respective party's banner … seeking to fill retiring Democratic Senator Joe Manchin's U.S. … Ben Cardin, the leading two candidates — U.S. Rep.…
Why Fresh NYT Polling of Six Battleground States Is Nightmare Fuel for Democrats…battleground-states-is-nightmare-fuel-for-democrats-n2638979
– Biden’s losses are concentrated among moderate and conservative Democratic-leaning voters, who nonetheless think that the system needs … Biden’s “very liberal” 2020 voters...That last point underscores the thesis of the op/ed we reviewed yesterday by Democratic strategist … GOP candidates (several are still just starting to define themselves and their races) trail their Democratic opponents (three of whom…
Attacks on SCOTUS and Filibuster Intensifying As Election Approaches…scotus-and-filibuster-coming-as-election-approaches-n2639052
– With the 2024 presidential race sure to be close and competitive, it's worth examining the polls – which could change or even be wrong …  However, anything could happen in November, especially if Trump doesn't win and possibly drags down Republican candidates in … The presidential race looks especially close in key swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, where vulnerable Democratic Senator Tammy…
A 'Never Again Trump' Guide to Voting Trump
– both on Twitter/X and my past Townhall columns, Donald Trump wasn’t my choice to become the Republican Party’s presidential … for better or for worse, despite the efforts of all of us who wanted an alternative, here we are, with Trump as the Republican presidential … trifecta in 2028 and permanent Democratic rule after that as they abolish the Senate filibuster, open our borders to massive Third…
Prosecutor Leading Stormy Daniels Questioning In Trump Trial Is a Major Biden Donor…s-questioning-in-trump-trial-is-a-major-biden-donor-n2638804
– Hoffinger also wrote a check of more than $900 to ActBlue— a fundraising organization that supports Democratic candidates and far-left …  The FEC records also indicate Hoffinger has donated a hefty sum to Democrat candidates and left-leaning organizations in 2018 … She made her first political contributions to former Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.…
MSNBC Left Sputtering Over Poll's Findings on Who Independent Voters Worry Will 'Weaken Democracy'…ings-on-who-voters-find-to-be-a-threat-to-democracy-n2638908
–  Even with other third-party candidates thrown into the mix, Trump holds onto a lead with Independents, 42-34 percent. … Kennedy Jr. enjoys 17 percent support from Independents, while support for other candidates and the "undecided" response is in the … Democratic states also tried to kick Trump off the ballot, though the U.S.…
New Poll Shows Biden in Trouble With Older Voters in Key Swing State
– This isn't just regarding the presidential race, but also the control of the U.S. Senate.The poll was also shared in a MAGA Inc. … , according to a new AARP poll.— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) May 8, 2024Whether there are multiple candidates … If candidates want to win, they should pay attention to the issues that matter to Pennsylvanians ages 50-plus."…
It's Unsettling How Stormy Daniels Has Lawrence O'Donnell Sounding Like a Harlequin Romance Novel…ce-odonnell-sounding-like-a-harlequin-romance-novel-n2638887
– her having already lost in a court case to Trump, and then all of the similarly lurid details involving Trump being eclipsed by Democratic … Daniel Dale.On his Twitter account, CNN's resident fact-checker has this as his biography: "Fact-checking the president, 2024 candidates … Biden gave wildly inaccurate economic information ON @CNN, yet the CNN “presidential fact-checker” has been busy looking elsewhere.These…
RFK, Jr.'s Proposed 'No Spoiler Pledge' Is a Stroke of Genius…rs-proposed-no-spoiler-pledge-is-a-stroke-of-genius-n2638616
– The Democratic Party would never agree, under any circumstances, not to field a candidate for president, even if fielding a weak candidate … Alas, the actual raison d'être of the Democratic Party is, and long has been, the conquest of power for power's sake – and, now … presidential primaries, or, later, by agreeing to his “no spoiler pledge.”…
RFK Jr. Offers Odd Pledge to Joe Biden in Attempt to Get Him to Drop Out of the 2024 Race
– Independent presidential candidate Robert F. …  RFK Jr. proposed that whichever of the two candidates-- he or Biden-- is least likely to defeat Trump in the November election … In contrast, the Democratic National Committee said that his proposal to get Biden to drop out of the race is “as deeply unserious…
Here's How Trump Is Performing in These Battleground States
– This close and competitive presidential election will likely come down to voters in certain key swing states, which is why we've seen … All three states are under the control of Democratic governors. … While Republicans candidates are trailing behind vulnerable Democratic incumbents where they're running in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin…
CNN's New 2024 Poll Just Ruined CNN's Weekend
– as voters say economic concerns are more important to them when choosing a candidate than they were in each of the past two presidential … Among Republicans and independents, who are much more pro-Israel than the Democratic base at this point, he's at (13/87) and (27/73 … they have to choose from in this year’s presidential contest...A sizable 17% of registered voters say they have unfavorable views…
Watch This Progressive Student Fall Into the Trap of Admitting Real Reason Biden Doesn’t Secure Border…of-admitting-real-reason-biden-doesnt-secure-border-n2638372
–  With Biden’s approval rating too far gone to recover and the 2024 presidential election getting closer, the Democratic Party …  Republican lawmakers have warned that illegal aliens could register to vote and cast ballots in favor of Democratic candidates
Another Poll Has Come Out Showing Trump in the Lead
–  With still more third-party candidates in the race, including Jill Stein and Cornel West, Trump's lead increases even more to …  🇺🇲 2024 GE: "If Trump is convicted of crimes related to his handling of classified presidential documents"🟦 Biden 50%🟥 Trump … It's even more telling that 58 percent of voters say that "Trump's trials in heavily Democratic jurisdictions like New York City or…
Why Is Biden Losing? It's the Economy, Stupid.
– In the 1992 presidential race, James Carville, the political strategist for Democratic Party nominee Bill Clinton, coined the immortal … Over three decades later, the same dynamics are at play in this presidential race.The only difference is that President Joe Biden cannot … Kennedy, Jr. and the third-party candidates included, Trump’s lead over Biden increased to nine percentage points, 42-33%.This…
Another Poll on Battleground States Is Here to Toss Cold Water on Biden's Supposed Gains
– In this increasingly close and competitive presidential election, it's quite possible that the race will come down to key battleground … It's gone for the Democratic nominee every year since 1992, except when Trump narrowly won in 2016. … congressional candidates, who trail Republicans by two points.…
Is Arizona Turning Blue? The Latest Voter Registration Numbers Tell a Different Story.…t-voter-registration-numbers-tell-a-different-story-n2638302
– Some are even advising candidates that the only path forward for Republicans is to abandon their conservative principles, embrace center-left … people are registering to vote.Last month, the Secretary of State updated the statewide voter registration data prior to the Presidential … It’s the one that could spell doom for the Democratic party in our state’s upcoming election.The Data Shows a Widening Gap Between…
Poll Shows How 'Ticked-Off Voters' Are 'Both an Opportunity and a Challenge for Republicans'
– It looks like 2024 is a presidential election cycle to watch, especially when it coms to which coalitions and groups of voters are … For those who vote in a presidential year, Biden has the edge, with 47-42 percent. … Kennedy, Jr and other third-party candidates are mentioned as candidate options, with Trump leading among Independents over Biden and…
Joe Biden May Face Challenges Getting On the Ohio Ballot
– face challenges qualifying for the general election ballot in Ohio due to a conflict in state law related to the timing of the Democratic … However, Ohio law sets a deadline of August 7 to certify presidential candidates for the November ballot, according to Secretary of …  The 2024 presidential race is expected to be one of the most expensive election cycles in U.S. history.…
The Most Important Election in American History?
– We’ve had some important presidential elections in American history, of course. …  It has totally taken over the Democratic Party, which is not the Democratic Party you and I grew up with. …  The Democratic Party and its media will, of course, continue to promote, with intensified aggression, their agenda.…
How Close Is Trump's Abortion Position to What Americans Think?…is-trumps-abortion-position-to-what-americans-think-n2637545
– Despite President Joe Biden having an edge on this issue over Trump, pro-abortion groups and the Democratic Party are still desperate … America | Pro-Life Gen (@StudentsforLife) April 8, 2024Pro-life evangelicals make a huge voting block, yet we’ve got exactly 0 presidentialcandidates vying for our vote.…
Biden Up +10 in Pennsylvania? Only Up +7 in New Jersey? What's Going on Here?…ylvania-only-up-7-in-new-jersey-whats-going-on-here-n2637378
– For the presidential questions, there was a smaller sample size and a larger margin of error. …  On Tuesday, Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill released a poll showing that Democratic Rep. … Andy Kim enjoys support from 51 percent of New Jersey Democratic primary voters in his bid for U.S.…
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