Results for: white house debate response

Analysis: Is There Any Truth to Trump's Explosive 'Wiretap' Accusation Against the Obama Administration?…wiretap-accusation-against-the-obama-administration-n2294385
– Similar trust issues can be raised in response to a vehement denial from Ben Rhodes, whose White House legacy involves manipulating … (It also raises questions about White House interference in a possible ongoing FBI investigation).  … Based on the White House statement above, it doesn't look like any such proof is forthcoming.…
Gold Remains Strong
– The previous White House administration showed no interest in a fair and balanced summit. … House shows so little interest in the available evidence. … House and the NRA.…
Analysis: If True, Trump's Reported Intel Spill to Russian Officials is Alarming, But Not Illegal…el-spill-to-russians-not-illegal-but-very-worrisome-n2327235
– We'll get to the White House's response in a moment, but the Post's lede almost reads like the sort of nightmare scenario that a Trump-skeptical … After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security … Perhaps we'll learn more at today's White House press briefing, at which McMaster will face the media.…
What Trump’s Budget Gets Right
– entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare – the president’s proposal does offer more fiscal responsibility than past WhiteHouse budgets as it sets out to respect the modest discretionary spending caps established under current law and wind down the subterfuge … These “cap adjustments” include disaster response and other emergency funds, but Congress has recently used what should be modest,…
Why Are We So Divided?
– Unfortunately for the professor, she is white. … “I’ve thought a lot about blowing up the White House,” says Madonna. … If you disagree with them, they will not debate the merits of the case.…
Democratic Senator: Yeah, Obama Choked On Responding To Russian Interference…obama-choked-on-responding-to-russian-interference-n2349692
– Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, mentioned last week that the Obama administration could … The Washington Post’s bombshell article reported that the Obama White House knew as soon as August of 2016 that Russia was interfering … That's a big, big decision.You know, the White House, I think, was exactly where David [Ignatius of The Washington Post, another guest…
Well, Democrats Agree With Trump On Something: Obama Should Have Done More On Russian Meddling…ing-obama-should-have-done-more-on-russian-meddling-n2346345
– For sitting on the information about the interference, the former intelligence chief said the Obama White House ceded the playing field … “[The response] was inadequate. … Before joining the Hillary campaign, Palmieri was White House communications director under Obama.…
WaPo: Obama Knew Of Russian Meddling; Did He Drop The Ball?
– By October, the White House was ready to release a statement about the meddling, which they did, only to be drowned out by the email … after votes had been securely cast and counted.Kerry signed the memo and urged the White House to convene a principals meeting to … The New York Times, Bill Maher, and others have voiced their concerns and frustration in how the Trump White House doesn’t seem to…
With Two Tweets, Trump Settles Tape Question Raised in Earlier Tweet…trump-settles-tape-question-raised-in-earlier-tweet-n2345798
– "I don't know there was a game," White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday in response to a question … Trump's tweet spawned hours of cable TV debate over what the president meant. … Had Trump actually taped White House conversations or was this a feint?…
Wait–The Person Who Wanted Trump Jr. to Have This Russian Meeting Is An 'Enrique Iglesias Wannabe' Pop Star?…d-trump-jr-s-russian-meeting-is-an-enrique-iglesias-n2353559
– Well, Donald Trump Jr. and the Trump White House are about to have a bad week. It could morph into a bad month. … That matches up well against the amateurish and bungling manner in which Don Jr and the White House have dealt with the Veselnitskaya … That’s the immediate concern for anyone who wants this White House to succeed.…
Obama’s Secretary of Defense: His Reaction To Russian Meddling Was ‘Not Sufficient’…his-reaction-to-russian-meddling-was-not-sufficient-n2352659
response was not adequate. … On the questions about disclosing the matter publicly, that’s a question still up for debate. … Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, also said that the Obama White House should have done more…
When Russia Became a Threat
– Then again, when in the final 2012 presidential election debate, it was Governor Romney who answered to Bob Schieffer that Russia was … House. … The truthful response is, once they could use it for political advantage.…
Howard Dean: Not All Trump Voters Are Right Wing Gun Nuts, But The NRA Is A White Supremacist Group…ters-are-right-wing-gun-nuts-but-the-nra-is-a-white-n2351029
– Okay—first the NRA is not a white supremacist group. That’s nonsense. Second, we’re back at this again. … House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) was seriously injured after being shot in the hip. … liberal response.…
Analysis: If We Really Want to Get to the Bottom of the Russia Matter, Trump Isn't the Only Story…you-want-to-get-to-the-bottom-of-the-russia-matter-n2355136
– with the Russians in order to use it against Trump in the campaign (Hillary called him Putin's "puppet" in a nationally-televised debate … WAS repping Dad’s campaign in mtg w/ [Russia]-linked” attorney, Vogel tweeted on Wednesday in response to the White House using his…
What Identity Politics Hath Wrought
– Examples include the June 2015 murder by a white racist of black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, and the July 2016 murder … White nationalists and neo-Nazis uttering vile racism demonstrated against removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. … "I saw club-wielding 'antifa' beating white nationalists being led out of the park."…
Total Disaster: A Guide to How Bad the Democratic Party Is Right Now…guide-to-how-bad-the-democratic-party-is-right-now-n2367282
– The California Democratic Party has seen a surge of active members since Election Day, not only in response to Mr. … Moreover, it’s financially well-off white liberals who are animated to protest Trump, not nonwhite voters. … You can see how this debate alone could cause consternation about finding a good slate of candidates.…
NY Post Also Disappointed in Trump's Charlottesville Response
– President Trump has been roundly criticized for his response to the tragedy in Charlottesville, VA over the weekend. … Since then, the White House has issued clarifications for the president's rather vague remarks. … "Of course that includes white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi and all extremist groups.…
The Charlottesville Dystopia: Dark Souls, Tested Principles, and Presidential Weakness
– It is also an embarrassment that it took multiple attempts for the White House to finally clarify that yes, the president condemns … white supremacy -- and the spin offered up to explain away this disgrace was feeble and unconvincing.   … For instance, appearing on State of the Union, White House Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert asserted that Trump didn't target…
The Wrath of Khan
– In order to shut down a debate they're losing, Democrats find victims to make their arguments for them, pre-empting counter-argument … White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Trump had "disqualifie(d)" himself from "serving as president" for suggesting any slowdown … So the media and political class had no choice: They had to produce a victim to make their argument, in order to block any response
Rescue Mission: Obama Hoping To Drag Hillary Clinton To Victory…l-in-to-help--old-sick-hillarys-struggling-campaign-n2221703
House aide who has seen the memo. … The White House is planning an itinerary along those lines but is attempting to preserve as much flexibility as possible within the … The Washington Post reported that Clinton’s mistakes have made the Obama White House nervous: White House officials have privately…
If I Were Trump's Speechwriter
– If it became my responsibility to craft a response by Trump to this controversy here is what I would put in front of The Donald.   … I’ve written this in the context of an opening statement for Trump at the next debate. … Those were the billing records that you hid in the living quarters of the White House … the billing records you lied about, under oath…
The Commission On Prejudiced Strikes Again
response to the Benghazi terror attack. … In fact, all of the 2012 debate moderators were card carrying liberals. … Nonetheless, he delivered a magnificent audition for the position of Press Secretary should Clinton win the White House.…
200 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be President
– Took $28,000 worth of gifts given to the White House back to her home in Chappaqua 47. … Used White House dinners to court donors for her Senate run 98. … Claimed she and Bill were “dead broke” when leaving the White House 124.…
Take Two: Hillary is Officially in for 2016
– With that, Clinton's second bid for the White House has begun. … The slow response to save our American diplomats in Libya can be traced back to Clinton, who failed to provide ample security in the … “Republicans have a strong and diverse set of candidates who will engage in a productive debate on how to move our country forward.…
The Whitehouse-White House inquisition
– It’s pure Saul Alinsky, as practiced by Greenpeace, Harry Reid and the other White House: “In a fight almost anything goes. … That’s why they refuse to debate the science; why they vilify climate crisis skeptics. … The LCV, Sierra Club, NRDC, SEIU, AFSCME, Kleiner Perkins and allied groups are all big Whitehouse (and Obama White House) campaign…
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