Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Hmm: Is Kamala Harris Emerging as Biden's VP Frontrunner?
– According to a report published by Politico, California Senator and former presidential candidate Kamala Harris is emerging as a leading … The former vice president has pledged to select a woman, and has even cast himself as something of a place-holder within the Democratic … She is a BAD attack dog and VP candidates need to be GOOD attack dogs.…
Biden Appears to Have His 'Binders Full of Women' Moment
– Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appears to have had his "binders full of women" moment, according to a New York … Biden apparently views vice presidential candidates in a similarly strange way: as calendar models. … You view your vice presidential pick as a "calendar model?"…
After Mueller Debacle, Where Do Democrats Go?
– Should they proceed with hearings on impeachment, they will divide their party, force their presidential candidates to cease talking … Trump would go into the 2020 battle against a Democratic Party that failed to overthrow the president in a radical coup that it attempted…
We Are a Nation of Laws
– The Democratic Party is built around ignoring and subverting that law. … Many Democratic presidential candidates even argue we should award illegal immigrants with taxpayer-funded benefits. … That is a position many candidates on the Democratic side have taken recently.…
Ginsburg: A Senator Once Said I'd Be Dead in Six Months
– A fair number of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have left the door open for expanding the court beyond the traditional…
The Founders and National Debt
– spending never stops and that's why economic growth is never enough; neither are tax and spending increases proposed by most of the Democraticpresidential candidates.…
NYC's Anti-Cop Anarchy: What Say You, Dante de Blasio?
– Dante de Blasio is the son of Democratic New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has abandoned his crime-wracked city (but not his public … office, tax-subsidized salary or perks) for a quixotic presidential bid to become America's social justice warrior-in-chief. … Dante's screed came just days after de Blasio declared at the first Democratic debate: "I'm different from all of the other candidates
The Elephant in the Gun-Control Room
– It is a world in which using fascist tactics to silence opponents actually makes you an anti-fascist; and where presidential candidates … It is doubtful the sycophants from the Mainstream Media tapped to preside over the Democratic presidential debates would dare to broach…
NYT: Sanders Wanting To Keep Visit With Rabbi A Secret Highlights His Tepid Campaign
– Supposedly, the self-avowed democratic socialist is not really gunning to clip Warren. … The New York Times noted that this move was part of his overall ethos concerning his second presidential bid. … In a primary with so many candidates making their personal stories central — Ms.…
New York Dem: Actually, Medicare for All Is a 'Losing' Message for 2020…ually-medicare-for-all-is-an-awful-message-for-2020-n2550461
– Yet, leftist presidential candidates like Sen. … “For any presidential candidate to raise their hand and say that they want to be for eliminating private health insurance, that is … Former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democratic frontrunner, has done a lot of work to upend Sanders's and Warren's health care…
Why are Liberals Hiding their Supreme Court Plans?
– In stark contrast to Trump’s campaign, Democratic presidential hopefuls along with dark monied liberal advocacy groups are keeping … Let’s debate the candidates and their judicial philosophy and then let the American people decide the type of judges they want.…
Lara Trump Tries to Fix Her Party's Woman Problem
– Single women, who make up almost half of the women in the country, tend to be strongly Democratic. … For two decades, married women have gravitated toward Republican presidential candidates. … candidates.…
REVEALED: The Democrats' Blueprint To Steal 2020 From The Voters Of America…blueprint-to-steal-2020-from-the-voters-of-america-n2550368
– I readily admit there is almost always a fair amount of exaggeration involved in presidential election cycles. … On one hand almost none of the things the Democratic candidates are saying are true. Capitalism hasn’t failed.…
After Mass Shootings, Trump Blamed for 'Increasing Racism' — But Is White Racism Really Increasing?…asing-racism--but-is-white-racism-really-increasing-n2551355
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke also blamed Trump, whom he agreed is a "white nationalist." … The manifesto read: "Some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. … Kamala Harris in the 2020 Democratic presidential race.…
Passing Laws, Passing Taxes and Passing the Buck
– From Senators Elizabeth Warren to author Marianne Williamson, Democratic presidential candidates have been telling workers that, if … If that happens, these candidates assert, corporations will foot more of the tax burden and, thus, lead to a more equitable world. … Democratic candidates should think about this large burden when calling for a restoration of the 35% corporate tax rate.…
Will 2020 be a Repeat of 2004 for Democrats?
– Neither presidential candidate Al Gore nor vice-presidential candidate Joe Lieberman from the defeated 2000 ticket wanted to run again … The rest of the Democratic field was full of even more radical fringe candidates, including Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, Rep. … Few realist Democratic candidates for congressional seats wanted to run with Dean at the head of the ticket.…
In Venezuela, President Trump Is Reminding Us that America First Doesn’t Mean America Alone…ing-us-that-america-first-doesnt-mean-america-alone-n2551353
– President Trump is also taking steps to ensure that Venezuela’s economy can survive, and even thrive, as the country transitions to Democratic … The 2020 Democrat presidential candidates are advocating to expand government’s role in healthcare, reverse historic tax reforms, and … A Free and Democratic Venezuela will mean a more secure and prosperous Western Hemisphere for all of us.…
Trump Gave a Very Good Answer When Asked Who's to Blame for Dayton Shooting…answer-when-asked-whos-to-blame-for-dayton-shooting-n2551321
– He couldn’t be more right if he’s talking about presidential candidates Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan and former Texas Rep. … The president didn't seem surprised by the Democratic candidates' public criticism of him, but he was a little miffed by Dayton Mayor…
Report: Obama Privately 'Exasperated' Over Democrats' Left-Wing Lurch…privately-exasperated-over-democrats-leftwing-lurch-n2551147
presidential candidates and asked Buck what she was learning behind the scenes. … Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, is second in most presidential primary polling. … Unless, I suppose, they’ve concluded that what’s going on might be unhelpful to the Democratic cause.…
Democratic Dystopia: End Anglo-America, Welcome the World, Evict the Unborn…end-angloamerica-welcome-the-world-evict-the-unborn-n2551320
– How does one distill the worldview of the Democrats vying for their party’s presidential nomination?  … There’s no social justice for the aged in Democratic politics.  … The culturally more exotic candidates—Harris, Booker and Castro—were the undeclared top dogs.…
The Merchants of “Hate”
– In the wake of the horrific mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Democratic presidential candidates and Hollywood know-it-alls are … Such arguments are not surprising, however, when one considers that the Democratic Party has chosen to base its electoral viability…
Never Trump Quandary: When You Want Trump to Lose But Can't Bear His Democratic Opponents…rump-to-lose-but-cant-bear-his-democratic-opponents-n2551300
– The Democratic debates have been hard on Never Trumpers. … The second part of the Never Trump dilemma is the depressingly woke Democratic field. … a Democratic challenger.…
AOC Just Said the New York Times is 'Aiding' White Supremacists…ed-the-new-york-times-a-bunch-of-white-supremacists-n2551285
– relies upon - the cowardice of mainstream institutions. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 6, 2019 Democraticpresidential candidate Sen. … KellyannePolls) August 6, 2019 I'll leave you with this: The New York Times is repeatedly changing their factual headline because Democrat candidates
Gillibrand Channels 'Dr. Evil' from the Austin Powers Movies…rand-channels-dr-evil-from-the-austin-powers-movies-n2551267
– New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand – in an obvious attempt to grab any attention for her all-but-expired presidential campaign … If Gillibrand and the other Democratic candidates trying to out-socialize each other really did care about the American people, they … Evil can be convinced to enter the Democratic presidential primary.…
Not A Surprise: New York City $15 Minimum Wage Leads to Layoffs, Fewer Hours, And Slow Growth…m-wage-leads-to-layoffs-fewer-hours-and-slow-growth-n2551248
– These reports come as all Democratic presidential candidates have stated support for an increase of the minimum wage to $15.00 or a…
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