Results for: national political news

The Pouting and Shouting Left Is Just Being Itself
– Sunsara Taylor, an activist with Refuse Fascism, appeared on Tucker Carlson's Fox News Channel program to rant maniacally about how … Keith Ellison of Minnesota -- who is vying to be chairman of the Democratic National Committee, no less -- said he is open to calls … For once, someone in a position of authority is refusing to roll over to political correctness.…
Trump Has a Grating Style but Significant Substance
– But the detractors' case can be overstated -- and often has been in the press, much of which seems bent on validating Trump's news … And there have been headlines after the firing, only 24 days into the job, of national security adviser Michael Flynn. … Defense Secretary James Mattis and new national security adviser H.R.…
Rush Limbaugh Is Right to Call Out Weather as 'Fake News'…limbaugh-is-right-to-call-out-weather-as-fake-news-n2299386
– Right after the latest blown “Monster Blizzard” forecast by the National Weather Service and national and local forecasters looking … Aside from that, years ago, I spoke with the news director for a popular local television news station in a major market. … He told me that in terms of actual interest, viewers tuned in for “Weather first, sports second, and news dead last.”…
FiveThirtyEight: Yes, There Was A Liberal Media Bubble That Totally Missed Trump's Rise…iberal-media-bubble-that-totally-missed-trumps-rise-n2297257
– The political diversity of journalists is not very strong, either. … Surowiecki writes about the benefit of local knowledge, but the political news industry has become increasingly consolidated in Washington … Local newspapers could be vital counterweights to an increasing dominant liberal news bubble.…
Will The GOP Obamacare Replacement Bill Put The House Majority In The Crosshairs?…eplacement-put-the-house-majority-in-the-crosshairs-n2298384
– quite adamant that the House Republican majority could be put at risk if they vote for a bill that seems to be on the verge of political … Cotton issued this warning on ABC News’ This Week: "I don't want to see the House majority put at risk on a bill that is not … If anything, the Republicans facing political blowback will be from the conservative wing of the party from heavily Republican, or…
Wait–Former U.S. Intelligence Operatives Hacked The DNC And Then Gave That Information To Wikileaks?…the-dnc-and-then-gave-that-information-to-wikileaks-n2297878
– Wait—former American intelligence operatives were the ones who hacked into the servers of the Democratic National Committee and then … Tony Shaffer, a former intelligence officer, told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on March 8. … It’s just another brick in the wall of mistrust that plagues our political system now.…
Should I Be Offended by Trump’s Attacks on the Press?
– He sent them into the stratosphere when he tweeted (now deleted) “The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @CNN, @NBCNews and many more … There is not even an inkling of news objectivity. … This column was about how Trump was touting a $12 billion reduction in the national debt in January.…
Progress: Following Chaos and Assault at Conservative Event, Middlebury Professors Defend Free Expression…vent-middlebury-professors-speak-up-for-free-speech-n2296578
– you don't see all that often in the wake of an 'End of Discussion' anti-speech debacle on a college campus: Positive, constructive news … The predictable national backlash in the conservative media was swift and predictable -- thankfully, however, strong push-back is also … The purpose of education is not the promotion of any particular political or social agenda.…
More Clarity on Why Michael Flynn Was Fired
– When General Michael Flynn resigned in February as President Trump's National Security Advisor after just a few weeks on the job, … President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who was fired from his prominent White House job last month … unaware of Flynn's work at the time he was chosen to serve as National Security Advisor.   …
Friday Fun: This Adorable BBC News Blooper
– For some Friday Fun, let's take a look at one of the more adorable news bloopers to happen in recent memory. Professor Robert E. … Kelly, who teaches political science at Pusan National University, was being interviewed on BBC about the South Korean president being…
The Donald Vs. The ‘Deep State’
– Trump's policy making "past" is a few weeks old; Trump’s political record a few months old. Donald Trump is a political newborn. … Sane people must walk away from Fake News' Russia Ruse. … I argued that what you're witnessing in media and among national and transnational elites is one colossal, ongoing, political grand…
Resisting Civility
– Calling it “fake news,” Mr. … National Review’s Charles C.W. … speech at the Democratic National Convention.…
The Information Vacuum Inside the Trump Russia Controversy
– Remember that Clapper was head of national intelligence until Jan. 20. … And on Sunday, facing questions from Fox News' Chris Wallace, Coons went into full retreat. … The Coons "Fox News Sunday" interview could prove a revealing moment in the Trump Russia election affair.…
Senate Democrat Who Claimed Hard Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion: Uh, Never Mind…democrat-backtracks-on-trumprussia-collusion-claim-n2294788
– are transcripts that provide very helpful, very critical insights into whether or not Russian intelligence and senior Russian political … Alas, here is Coons' walk-back under questioning from Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace.   … you go, watch former White House spokesman Josh Earnest duck a question about whether Obama forces might be behind some of the national
Pressure Mounts: Will Congressional GOP Unite, Or Will Infighting Allow Obamacare to Survive?…nal-republicans-unite-or-allow-obamacare-to-survive-n2294720
– As Justin relayed earlier, multiple news reports indicate that Republicans will unveil their legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare … Republicans up and down the ticket have run against Obamacare since its 2010 passage, winning three national elections in the process … , and establishing a dominant political footing in the states.…
Analysis: Is There Any Truth to Trump's Explosive 'Wiretap' Accusation Against the Obama Administration?…wiretap-accusation-against-the-obama-administration-n2294385
– This explosive allegation was met with a cascade of denials (and expressions of confusion) from current and former political and intelligence … CLAPPER - " there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president, president-elect, candidate or campaign" #MTP — NBC News … response to a vehement denial from Ben Rhodes, whose White House legacy involves manipulating and misleading the public on major national
Friendly Reminder: 7,000 Anti-Semitic Incidents Occurred Under Obama’s Presidency And The Media Was Silent. Why?…nder-obamas-presidency-and-the-media-was-silent-why-n2294553
– This string of anti-Semitic activity is atrocious, one that received national attention when President Trump condemned the threats … Seth Frantzman at The Algemeiner asked the question: where was the news media when anti-Semitism was occurring during the Obama years … He also put it out there that maybe this was done to give the Obama White House political cover and protect their agenda.…
Trump Is Right on Sweden
Political correctness is crippling. … Instead, he squanders his time in the public eye by opining on political topics on which he is sadly ignorant. … “The Pope specifically praised Sweden for welcoming and integrating foreigners,” The National Catholic Reporter wrote last month.…
Trump v. Dems on Russia: Are Both Sides Wrong?
– It's customary that national political figures (and campaigns) speak to ambassadors and officials of foreign countries on a consistent … Our political process is broken and unethical. … It will be the biggest scandal in American political history full of unfounded conspiracy, fake news, false outrage and false political
O'Reilly Fumes that MSM Has Ignored Rockville Rape Case
– It is a story that demands our attention, but unfortunately many mainstream news outlets did not consider it worth their airtime.  … "A story of that magnitude was ignored by the national media." … There's worse news in the Rockville case. …
Poll: With New CBO Score and Floor Vote Looming, Narrow Plurality Favors TrumpCare…rs-trumpryan-healthcare-bill-though-concerns-remain-n2302515
– In light of the bill's ugly polling nearly across the board, Republican supporters of the American Health Care Act will take good news … 39jEUPiKRJ — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 22, 2017 (1) Politico's polls have been significantly rosier on the AHCA than other national … Trump and Ryan haven't made the political sale to nearly 40 percent of their own party.  …
For Our National Security, Trump Must Take America Back to the Moon…l-security-trump-must-take-america-back-to-the-moon-n2302343
– damage the Trump administration while painting Donald Trump as an “illegitimate” President -- continue to push demonstrably fake-news … regarding Russia, there is in-fact real news about both Russia and the People’s Republic of China which does demand our full attention … But not until we put our national and economic interests first.…
In Defense of Those Pro-Life Curmudgeons
– Their efforts just don’t make it into popular news stories very often because news producers evidently prefer to focus on political … At least in this country, capital punishment and just war involve state action directed against guilty parties or threats to national
Republicans Are Finding it Hard to Play Defense
– But the fact remains they had the whip in hand, while the Democrats were held hostage to the political necessity of defending the administration … the unauthorized and illegal leaks of extremely classified information -- specifically pertaining to President Trump's 24-day national … Doubling down on bad news for the GOP, Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers refuted the president's claim that he…
Who Is Going To Save The Democrat Party? Chelsea!
– She gets a non-story story in The Hill nearly every day, like “Chelsea Clinton Fuels Speculation of Political Run” (Don’t follow the … And she held down a $600,000 gig as a “Special Correspondent” with NBC News. … And if she chooses to keep this political thing up instead of chasing some fresh new squirrel in a few months, as has been her habit…
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