Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Another One Bites The Dust: Amy Klobuchar Dropping Out
– Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has now done the same: BREAKING: @amyklobuchar is dropping out of the presidential race, will fly to Dallas tonight … to join Biden and endorse — Nick Corasaniti (@NYTnickc) March 2, 2020BREAKING: Amy Klobuchar is ending her Democratic presidential … Bernie Sanders was cleaning up with key groups in the Democratic Party, like Latinos, young people, and very liberal voters.…
Doug Jones Avoids Question on Potential Bernie Sanders Nomination
– Jones conceded that he will support the eventual Democratic presidential nominee.  … Bernie Sanders (D-VT) if he received the Democratic nomination for president. … candidates such as Sen.…
Democrats' Public Option Deception
– The Vermont senator is one of just two presidential candidates who support Medicare for All. … The rest of the Democratic field -- including former Vice President Joe Biden, former Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Senator Amy Klobuchar … These candidates have a lot of support for their plans.…
Biden is Already Making Excuses for Super Tuesday
– Having finally won an election, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is already making excuses ahead of Super Tuesday. … Super Tuesday is likely to consolidate the Democratic field, with the remaining candidates hoping to emerge as the anti-Bernie challenger … Will Democratic voters finally be able to agree on which flawed candidate is the Bernie alternative?   …
Hillary Clinton Condemns Media Coverage of ‘Reproductive Health’…nton-condemns-media-coverage-of-reproductive-health-n2562342
– “As women and people of color exit the race, candidates are speaking less about women’s health and reproductive rights than ever,” … she warned But Clinton didn’t blame the candidates as much as she did the media.   … They certainly raised it during the 2016 presidential election though.…
The Lessons of Coronavirus
Democratic presidential candidates just boycotted the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.…
HuffPo Reporter: The Democrats' Response to the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak Has Been Disastrous…the-wuhan-coronavirus-outbreak-has-been-disastrous-n2565419
– Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee, is nowhere to be found in the crisis. Sen. … As the crisis has spread, Democratic Party leaders ? … What does the Democratic Party even stand for? Democratic leaders pride themselves on getting things done.…
Mike Will Get It Done: Failed 2020 Candidate Bloomberg Just Screwed Over His Campaign Staff
– because former 2020 candidate Michael Bloomberg decided to screw over his campaign staff and give a boatload of money to the Democratic … But presidential candidates are allowed to transfer unlimited amounts to their national party committee — though usually those candidates … Bloomberg self-funded his whole presidential campaign from his personal fortune.…
Warren Bashes Trump But Refuses to Endorse Democrat for President…trump-but-refuses-to-endorse-democrat-for-president-n2565322
– Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren ended her presidential campaign after failing to gain traction in early voting, yielding to … the top Democratic candidates Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders. … @ewarren on why she hasn’t yet endorsed a Democratic presidential candidate: “I think Bernie needs space to decide what he wants to…
The Mysterious Rise, Fall and Rise of Joe Biden
– For most of early 2019, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden -- the declared custodian of liberalism who would continue the … Democratic candidates such as Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth … His populism drew crowds even as his socialism terrified the Democratic Party establishment.…
One of Last Remaining Pro-Life Dems Defeated in Primary
– As many observed, Lipinski’s loss represents the Democratic Party’s slide leftward.  … (NYT) If one thing was made clear during the Democratic presidential primary, it's that pro-lifers are no longer welcome. … Bernie Sanders said being pro-abortion was an "absolutely essential" part of being in the Democratic Party. …
Joe Biden Facing The Same Internal Foe That Clipped Hillary Clinton's Presidential Dreams
– Four in five said they'd be dissatisfied with Biden as the Democratic standard-bearer. … However, he said, “It’s a huge challenge.” […] …some Sanders supporters see the consolidation of moderate presidential candidates … “If they install Joe Biden, I will not vote for Biden. … This is not democratic what’s happening in the Democratic primary.”…
Five Women Joe Biden Could Pick as Vice President
– During Sunday night's Democratic debate, frontrunner Joe Biden vowed to pick a woman to be his running mate, should he receive the … Considered by many in the Democratic Party to be a rising star, Abrams has not ruled out being any of the candidates' running mates … "You also worked with [segregationist senators] to oppose busing," Harris said during an early Democratic debate.…
Schumer Exposed the Democrats' Abortion Extremism
– 2014 by State Representative Katrina Jackson, a pro-life Democrat, passed with overwhelming bipartisan support, and signed by a Democratic … Meanwhile in the presidential race, every leading Democratic contender has backed abortion on demand through birth, paid for by taxpayers … Candidates should have to answer whether they unequivocally condemn Schumer’s bullying.…
Watch Biden Ignore All His Own Coronavirus Advice
– Sunday's one-on-one presidential debate from the CNN studio in Washington, D.C. featured the last men standing, Joe Biden and Bernie … And that concludes the Coronavirus News Network Democratic Presidential Debate. — (@townhallcom … At the outset of the debate, the two candidates avoided the traditional handshake and opted for an elbow bump instead.…
Errors in Bidens' Big Speech on the Coronavirus
– Trump or any of the Democratic presidential candidates? Take what happened with Dr. Helen Y. … Just last year in the Democratic presidential debate in Miami, Biden raised his hand in support of decriminalization of the border.…
Is America’s Melting Pot Becoming a Fragile Mosaic?
– This purposeful fracturing of American society for political gain was plainly evident in the Democratic Presidential Primary in South … Carolina on February 25, 2020, as presidential candidates groveled for the black vote before Super Tuesday.…
A Problematic Nominee Against a Problematic President
– The Democratic presidential nomination race, which gave signs of lasting months, is now basically over. Sen. … Different candidates' motivations and perceptions were different. … , Rubio and Cruz seemed to genuinely believe they were destined to win, the Republican first Hispanic president following the Democratic
The Punditocracy Pushes Bernie Out
– Even if the candidates were from the Other Party, the drama was exciting. … The last few presidential election cycles have seemed a bit absurd. … Today the winnowing of candidates happens live on your TV screen. L.…
Dem Whip Clyburn Calls on DNC to Reassess Need for More Debates…burn-calls-on-dnc-to-reassess-need-for-more-debates-n2564653
– House Majority Whip James Clyburn gave an endorsement of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden that is being credited with helping … Biden, asking the Democratic National Committee to rethink its decision to hold any more debates. … The Sanders campaign recently criticized the DNC's decision to have the candidates remain seated in the upcoming debate.…
Biden Events to be Held Virtually Amid Wuhan Virus Panic
Democratic Presidential frontrunner Joe Biden will be holding his next two campaign events virtually amid public fear that large gatherings … Both Biden and his fellow Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, 77 and 78, respectively, are at an advanced age considered to be most … Sanders and Biden are scheduled to debate this upcoming Sunday in Arizona, but both candidates called for an audience-free event in…
Clyburn Reveals His Wish for Biden's Running Mate
– House Majority Whip James Clyburn said Wednesday that if Joe Biden becomes the Democratic presidential nominee, he should choose a … Those he thinks would be qualified candidates include Sen. … Democratic strategist James Carville agreed with that assessment, saying Clyburn “literally saved the Democratic Party.”…
It's Over: Biden Is the Prohibitive Frontrunner and Presumptive Nominee-in-Waiting…bitive-frontrunner-and-presumptive-nomineeinwaiting-n2564551
– Barring a stunning seismic event, Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2020.   … O’Rourke is now primarily famous for having taken the most extreme gun position any presidential candidate has taken in three decades … We're in for a wild, ugly presidential campaign, in which both major candidates will wage a two front war:  One against their opponent…
Today's Great Black Dilemma
– A major theme being peddled in the current Democratic presidential campaign is that wealth is evil. … Candidates are tripping over one another to see who can come up with a better tax on wealthy Americans.…
The Bloomberg and Steyer Fiascoes Should Give Pause to Speech Restrictionists
presidential nomination, having spent $570 million of his own money to win 61 delegates. … The Bloomberg and Steyer fiascoes show that no amount of money can buy victory for candidates who fail to persuade voters. … Steyer, a hedge fund manager who had previously spent many millions of his personal fortune to support mostly losing Democratic candidates
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