Results for: Republican National Committee

The Time to Cut Spending is Now
– On Sunday, Vice President Pence left an Indianapolis Colts game early because some of the players decided to kneel for the national … The budget proposed by the Senate Budget Committee would add $1.5 trillion to the deficit, while asking for $1 billion in spending … Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker (R-NC) stated that, “we’re going to come out strong for those to be offset.”…
Uh Oh: Democrats Are Getting Tired Of Tom Perez's Ineffectual Tenure As DNC Chair…tired-of-tom-perezs-ineffectual-tenure-as-dnc-chair-n2394292
– Think of the heartburn that occurred when the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee more or less said that a pro-life Democrat … Committee chair Tom Perez. … Meanwhile, the Republican National Committee raised $10.2 million the same month.…
House Speaker Ryan is a GOP Fundraising Machine
– According to POLITICO Playbook, Paul Ryan has raised $30 million for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC). … In August, Townhall reported on the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) fundraising woes. … The DNC had brought in $42 million in the first seven months of the year while the Republican National Committee more than doubled…
That Other Plot -- to Bring Down Trump
– By May, however, Trump had routed all rivals and was the certain Republican nominee. … Did the FBI pass what Steele unearthed to the White House and the National Security Council? … Yet, when Podesta testified, the lawyer sitting beside him in the committee room was Marc Elias of Perkins Coie, who had engaged Fusion…
VA Gov Race: Is This Why VA Democrats Are Trying to Scare The Hell Out Of Nonwhite Voters?…is-why-northams-allies-pushed-out-that-horrible-ad-n2402368
– Also, Northam himself has pushed out mailers linking Republican Gillespie to white nationalism and the horrific protests in Charlottesville … Northam, the lieutenant governor, in his race against Ed Gillespie, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, and a … “It’s really not old vs. new,” said David Ramadan, a Republican who served in the state legislature representing the region.…
The Free Beacon Did Nothing Wrong Hiring Trump Dossier-Linked Research Firm; It Was A Different Project…othing-wrong-hiring-trump-dossier-linked-research-f-n2402188
– As BuzzFeed’s Ruby Cramer reported Monday, Reinschmiedt is a former research director of the Republican National Committee whose private … Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton … While the funding for the work came from the campaign and the Democratic National Committee, Elias kept the information about the investigation…
Fact Check: No, New IG Report Doesn't Prove IRS Targeting Scandal Was a Right-Wing 'Myth'…s-the-irs-targeting-scandal-is-not-a-rightwing-myth-n2402022
– The Committee also found that: While most of the potentially political applications that the IRS set aside for heightened scrutiny … I reached out to House Republican sources who are deeply familiar with this entire saga, seeking a response to the emerging lefty tale … IRS scandal was much ado about absolutely nothing -- much like the firestorms over the Benghazi massacre and Hillary Clinton's national
Special Counsel Stacked With Democrat Donors Rolls Out Indictments…stacked-with-democrat-donors-rolls-out-indictments-n2402106
– If things were fair and just, some in the Democratic National Committee would be locked up too. … October 27, the Washington Free Beacon announced their organization hired Fusion GPS to research “multiple candidates in the Republican … As Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley recently said: “The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay…
Trump Has Found a Real News Story About a Fake Dossier…mp-has-found-a-real-news-story-about-a-fake-dossier-n2401470
– On Tuesday, the Post tossed some fuel into that fire when it reported that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee had … "I do think it's weird that the DNC never 'fessed up," observed Republican political consultant Mike Murphy. … Who is the Republican client who hired Fusion GPS to gather dirt on Trump during the contentious GOP primary?…
We're About to Find out If Democrats Really Care About Russian Interference…if-democrats-really-care-about-russian-interference-n2400890
– If we found out that Donald Trump's presidential campaign and the Republican National Committee had paid a firm working for the Russians … Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, had hired the Washington, D.C., firm Fusion … (Reports also say that one unknown Republican was involved with Fusion GPS before the firm hired Christopher Steele, a former British…
Time for Trump and the Republicans to Agree to a Cease-Fire…trump-and-the-republicans-to-agree-to-a-cease-fire-n2400810
– President Trump and a growing band of his Republican critics were intensifying their attacks on one another that plunged political … That could end up being a huge mistake because of the razor-thin majority in the Senate that needs virtually every Republican to win … Gallup’s national survey of 1,500 Americans found that 60 percent disapproved of his performance in office.…
Perez: I Just Learned About the Dossier 'A Few Days Ago'
– The Democratic National Committee is washing its hands of new reports that it, along with the Hillary Clinton campaign, funded research … House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (R-CA) has sent out a subpoena for Fusion GPS's financial records. … Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper agreed, telling CNN "it doesn't matter" who paid for the dossier.…
Wow: This Is How Much Time The Liberal Media Has Wasted On The Trump/Russia Collusion Nonsense…liberal-media-has-wasted-on-the-trump-russia-collu-n2400346
Committee. … The Committee on Foreign Investment, which oversees deals that could impact America’s national security priorities, approved the transfer … Hillary was secretary of state at the time, one of the principals on the committee.…
Oh My: With FBI Actions Now Under Suspicion, WSJ Editors Call on Special Counsel Mueller to Resign
– First, on the Democrats: The Washington Post revealed Tuesday that the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee … Democrats have been keen to protect Fusion from answering dossier questions—disrupting hearings, protesting subpoenas and deriding Republican … funding dubious opposition research that allegedly enlisted senior Russian sources to spread salacious disinformation about the Republican
Hey CNN, You Should Probably Pull This Post About The Trump Dossier…uld-probably-pull-this-post-about-the-trump-dossier-n2400317
– Marc Elias, a lawyer with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, retained Fusion GPS who then paid former … And here’s the rest: The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous … Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.…
Former Bush Aide: It Sure Looks Like Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Colluded With The Russians…ks-like-hillary-clintons-campaign-colluded-with-the-n2400143
– pay a former British intelligence operative to collect information (via WaPo): The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic NationalCommittee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to … Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.…
Ex-Clinton Spokesperson: I Would Have Colluded With Former MI6 Spy On Trump Dossier…have-colluded-with-former-mi6-spy-on-trump-dossier-n2400140
– It appears that the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign funded the unverified and salacious Trump dossier that is … Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to … Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.…
Uh Oh: National Democrats Are Getting Jittery About Virginia’s Governor Race…s-are-getting-jittery-about-virginias-governor-race-n2399531
– Ralph Northam is having trouble getting ahead of Republican Ed Gillespie. … The state hasn’t elected a Republican statewide in eight years, and while Clinton won the state in 2016—the national Democratic Party … For Democrats, they didn’t even know some of their state-elected officeholders: The Democratic National Committee gathered here over…
Blackout: Russia-Obsessed Media Strangely Subdued on Democrat-Tied Stories…media-strangely-subdued-on-democratrelated-stories-n2399091
Committee and Robert Mueller's (Democrat-heavy) team conclude their work, then present their findings to the public.   … security reason for any member of the committee to oppose the Uranium One deal. … Democrats on the House Ethics Committee have deep-sixed what was meant to be a brief inquiry to clear Mr.…
Pro-Lifers' Fatal Attraction to Trump
– During the Republican presidential primaries, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd asked whether, during his bachelor days, any of … The National Right to Life political action committee strongly favors him for president. … In this election, they have a choice between a Democrat who is a staunch advocate of abortion rights and a Republican who claims to…
Retreat: Trump Campaign Withdrawing From Virginia, Ceding Ground To Clinton…withdrawing-from-virginia-ceding-ground-to-clinton-n2232066
– The decision came from Trump's headquarters in New York and was announced on a conference call late Wednesday that left some RepublicanNational Committee “establishment pukes.” … Now, Pennsylvania looks like it’ll do what it usually does with any Republican running for the White House: disappoint.…
GOP Donors: Cut Ties to Trump. Also, Corey Lewandowski Not Ruling Out Run For RNC Chair…corey-lewandowski-not-ruling-out-run-for-rnc-chair-n2232042
– Top donors to the Republican National Committee seem to be dismayed at Chairman Reince Priebus’ decision to stand by Donald Trump, … Trump has become embroiled in another controversy over the weekend when a 2005 Access Hollywood tape was leaked showing the Republican … Party’s most generous donors called on the Republican National Committee on Thursday to disavow Donald J.…
Former Trump Campaign Chair Warns 'Traitor' Republican Establishment About a 'Rude Awakening'…rns-republican-establishment-about-a-rude-awakening-n2231420
– Corey Stewart is now the former Virginia Campaign Chair for Donald Trump after his antics in front of the Republican National Committee … He also called the Republican leaders "establishment pukes." … "If the Republican establishment thinks that if Trump loses that they’re going to take back control of the party and everything is…
The Trump Tape Vs. Hillary the Assault Enabler…10/12/the-trump-tape-vs-hillary-the-assault-enabler-n2230960
– Half of them were perfunctory notices of legal claims, and the other half focused on the Republican National Committee making an ad … The lawsuit eventually led to the deposition of former Clinton intern Monica Lewinsky, so the story became a huge, national nightmare…
Eight Women We'd Actually Like to See Become the First Female President…ually-like-to-see-become-the-first-female-president-n2230572
– Representative (WA-5) McMorris Rodgers is the highest ranking Republican woman in Congress and the fourth highest-ranking Republican … A future Republican leader and maybe even president.” … elected to Congress in Florida, the first to give a Republican State of the Union response in Spanish, the first Republican member…
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