Results for: Barack Obama Website

4 Things Every American Should Know About Uber.Com, AirBnB.Com, et. al.…american-should-know-about-ubercom-airbnbcom-et-al-n1907053
– another with people who have cars and are willing to travel, is perhaps the most high profile of these entities.Visit the company's website … examples of people misunderstanding this generally happen in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other large cities where President Barack … Or will we continue to embrace the Obama-styled protections and privileges for large corporations and old-school traditional groups…
The Era of Trust in Government Is Over
– In the age of President Barack Obama, Reagan’s maxim is no joke – it’s playing out weekly before our very eyes. … Barack Obama was from the government, and he was here to help. And “help” he did. … Barack Obama has proven Ronald Reagan right.…
PunditFact Lies Again
– Its website describes the feature as "dedicated to checking the accuracy of claims by pundits, columnists, bloggers, political analysts … President Barack Obama, for example, recently made the following patently wrongheaded claim: "The states that have raised the minimum … Yet PunditFact's sister site, PolitiFact, gave Obama a generous "half true." What did I say that got me fact-checked?…
Democrat's "Bush Did It Too" Fan Page
– Rand Paul Versus Barack Obama Dear Comrade Doctor, Gee, you skeptical? … If Barack Obama snorted cocaine on live TV during the State of the Union you’d say: “Bush did it too.” … Barack Obama.…
CBS News on Obamacare: "Higher Costs, Higher Penalties"
– On top of that, Gruber has helped make the legal case for anti-Obamacare lawyers...Last year, The Post helped document how Obama and … "Barack Obama's not a stupid man, okay?" Gruber said in his remarks at the College of the Holy Cross on March 11, 2010. … You can watch the speech on the C-SPAN website here Gruber said the measures in the bill that attempt to lower costs constitute a…
The Unbearable Barackness of Being
– On November 5th, Barack Obama took the pulpit and grimly delivered the same sermon he has since in the beginning, daring the infidels … Most Americans have recognized the defining trait of Barack Obama: He is opposite of everything he vows. … Barack Obama pretends to hear the mandate of the two thirds of eligible Americans who didn’t vote.…
Obama Giveth, Obama Gets Crushed
– Thanks GM/Obama. … Actually, you might be Obama. … Both were Democrats, and both would disavow Barack Obama. Repnextdoor wrote: John, Obamacare is being phased in.…
‘Gay’ DNC Bundler, Founder of HRC Charged with Raping Boy
– Bean is also a major bundler for the DNC and BFFs with Barack and Michelle Obama (see video below). … Obama. … “Bean’s Flickr account shows him talking with Obama at several events, posing with first lady Michelle Obama and numerous other political…
The Triumph of Falsehood
– The website Vox reported that most of Bernie Sanders' followers want universal health care and free public college tuition but aren't … But if you believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim -- as more than half of Republican primary voters did -- you suffer no injury from…
Make Government Schools Compete or Die
– In President Barack Obama's home state of Hawaii, the public schools spent $12,536 per pupil in the 2012-2013 school year, according … In Washington, D.C., where President Obama sent his children to a private school, the public schools spent $26,670 per pupil in the … Obama -- be given a voucher equal to what the government spends per pupil in the D.C. public schools.…
The 10 Most Annoying Liberals of 2016
– Van Jones, John Kerry, Paul Krugman, Loretta Lynch, Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, Harry Reid, Michael Moore, Michelle Obama … liberal rag from legions of contemptuous, dishonest and nasty publications is difficult, but Salon deserves consideration because its website … It's meant freedom.” – Ted Cruz 2) Barack Obama: Obama’s entire 2016, just like his presidency, was a little more than a string…
Trump is Accosted By Acosta At Media Showdown
– For eight years, the elite members of our national news media treated Barack Obama as a conquering hero, a political superstar who … In fact, real journalists should be embarrassed at the deferential treatment Obama received during his two terms in office.  … Our vaunted media watchdogs turned into Obama lapdogs during his presidency.…
Sore Losers
– Where were these people when Barack Obama blackballed Fox News? … It is no coincidence that this new age started after Barack Obama. … When Barack Obama was president, the political left said that was racism.…
Review: Hidden Figures Hits a Home Run
– On Tuesday, November 24th, 2015, President Barack Obama awarded Katherine Johnson the Presidential Medal of Freedom. … According to the White House website, “The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the Nation’s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals…
'Repeal and Replace' Obamacare -- With the Free Market
– Sure, despite President Barack Obama's promises to the contrary, some people lost their health care coverage and some people lost their … And no, the average family did not save $2,500 per year as Obama insisted would be the case. … On a question-and-answer website, this question was recently posed: How do Marines feel about Navy corpsmen?…
Obama's Fake Legacy: Progress in the Black Community
– —who happens to be black—gives President Obama as he leaves the White House. Because Obama betrayed blacks. … Millions of white men and women voted for Barack Obama, a biracial president, in hopes that he would unite our country. … The official Obama administration website then proceeds to tick off areas in which blacks elevated their quality of life since 2007…
Will Bill Clinton's Sexual Past Disturb Hillary's "Women As Victim" Ploy?…s-sexual-past-disturb-hillarys-women-as-victim-ploy-n2101391
– But these attitudes are so pre-Obama. … "I've got your back," President Obama tells college women in a federal website devoted to sexual assault on campus. … Hillary needs the "war on women" as much, if not more, than Barack Obama did, but Trump may have brilliantly set her up so that every…
ACLU Kicks God Out of School in Ben Franklin’s Backyard
– Its website has a link to the 79-page, state-issued, anti-bullying guidelines. So far, so good. … schoolkids were spared the common phrase uttered routinely by most public officials and all U.S. presidents up to and including BarackObama.…
McConnell’s Authorization for the Use of Force Is Bad Politics and Policy…ion-for-the-use-of-force-is-bad-politics-and-policy-n2110134
Obama in the war against ISIS. … He continued: “President Obama has already far surpassed even his predecessor, George W. … Obama on foreign policy.…
The Root of Executive Abuse
– Less than two weeks ago, President Obama vetoed a bill that would have repealed the Affordable Care Act. His reason? … Obama and every president since Franklin Roosevelt would agree. Unconstitutional executive orders? Check. … Bush and Barack Obama.…
MARCOBOT: We Don’t Need Another ‘Siri’ for President!
Barack Obama of Illinois, we find some shocking similarity. In the lead up for their presidential runs, Sen. Rubio and Sen. … Obama missed hundreds of Senate roll calls and votes. … Both Obama and Rubio have a similar Senate record as well.…
The Pearl-Clutching Class
– Yes, his website does contain some policy statements, but there’s little evidence he’s read them since he can’t articulate any coherent … His website, by the way, lists five “positions,” not issues, none of which are possible to change without Congress. … Obama in 2008.…
Poll: Obamacare Support Ebbs to...26 Percent
– As Hillary Clinton runs for Barack Obama's third term, how are voters feeling about the Obama presidency? … Clinton is far more personally disliked and distrusted than Obama ever has been: AP poll: Obama *disapproval* on...economy 53%foreign … the project and recommend ways to improve its management, but its advice was never shared with the technical staff working on the website
The Problem with Hillary and Bernie
– Some might be inclined to say it couldn’t get worse than Obama. … Her website contains these gems along with dozens of other illegal and unconstitutional policy statements. … See Barack Obama. Those who fear a President Donald Trump should he get the nomination must consider the alternative.…
Thank God For Us: Journalists Name…Fellow Journalists, Including Pro-Hamas Khashoggi, Their Person(s) Of The Year…s-namefellow-journalists-including-pro-hamas-khasho-n2537304
– And we exist in an industry that anyone could do with a phone and a website. … Former President Barack Obama. CNN also said that Trump didn’t take any questions on his first trip to China. … Wrong—Obama didn’t any questionseither. Why do you people suck so much?…
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