Results for: they are all going to jail

The Media Lawyers Are Almost All Idiots
– Never listen to them.How bad are they? They’re terrible. … And it’s not going to be held to be OK. … That’s going to go away, too.…
And You Call That America?
– My kids used to switch the language to Hebrew on the iPads they used in that store. … All of these solutions are awful.The obvious solution is to make the penalties for property theft stiff, empower store guards to use … And the thieves know this and take their freedom to steal all the way to the bank.…
The Monsters Never Stop Coming
–  So, if you publicly gripe about jabs in France, you are liable to end up in jail. …  These Superior Elites don’t want to hear about it.  They only want the peasants to do exactly what they are told. … How long are Americans going to stomach this?…
Who Are the New KC Shooting Suspects?
– Believing they all could have had guns, Mays randomly picked one of the individuals to target out of "fear" for Witness 9's life. … So, he started shooting in the direction of the target he chose at random—all because they allegedly threatened, "I'm going to get … hearings are not open to the public."…
Mass Deportation—It CAN Be Done
– It’s going to be difficult to get tens of millions of illegals out of the country.   … All they would then need to do is occasionally find their way to the nearest Democratic Party-run welfare office, get their money, … The Democrats know that and are chuckling all the way to the mail-in ballot box.…
Tucker Carlson Is a Convenient Distraction for Our Failed Elite…on-is-a-convenient-distraction-for-our-failed-elite-n2635391
– And why the hell are they? We’re supposed to be the greatest country on earth. … But the aesthetics are always what they want to talk about because if they talk about the substance, people might wake up. … They are much, much worse.…
Nathan Wade Sweats Bullets on the Witness Stand
– Team Willis after they unsuccessfully tried to quash the subpoena summoning Wade to the witness stand. … Willis' office just lost the motion to quash after a witness testified that Wade and Willis had a relationship going back to 1999. … Knowingly giving false statements to a court is punishable in Georgia by a $1,000 fine and up to 5 years of jail…
Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones
– Then the phones are wiped clean and shipped to South America for resale. … to jail. … On top of that, New York City is court-mandated to guarantee shelter to all, something Mayor Eric Adams should seek to overturn.…
The Two Tiers of Everything
– Consider all the property damage, and lives that they threatened, assaulted, and even murdered. … Why are we allowing people to take to the streets in support of an Islamic terrorist group that has the blood of Americans on their … Parents who take their kids to watch grown gender dysphoric scantily clad perverted men are celebrated.…
Wait, Top Biden Officials Just Met With This Man?
– “If the FBI wants to come after those who support the resistance done by Hezbollah, then they better bring a fleet of buses. … I for one would be willing to go to jail,” he said in 2006. … , but we believe they are freedom fighters.”…
Sickening: Illegal Immigrant Who Assaulted NYPD Officers Smirks, Flips Double Bird As He Walks Free…officers-smirks-flips-double-bird-as-he-walks-free-n2634540
– , on camera, as they were trying to make an arrest.   … Why wouldn't they want to enjoy the weather and taxpayer-funded health insurance?   … Is he going to lead a charge to rescind the city's sanctuary policies, or is he going to mumble about some 'concerns' before moving…
Most DC Homicide Suspects Have This in Common
– Unsurprisingly, a new study on violent crime in Washington, D.C., has found that going easy on repeat offenders leads to more criminals … street leading up to the then-Trump White House adjacent to a historic church set ablaze by "mostly peaceful" individuals, it seems … And once again, the solution is clear: cracking down on crimes and those who perpetrate them to ensure offenders are not immediately…
Enough With the BS Objections to Donald Trump
– I’m not sure how one makes the mental leap from wanting Ron DeSantis to win to wanting Joe Biden to win, but some people truly areThey claim he’s an authoritarian because he believes criminals should be in jail. They don’t believe criminals should be in jail. … fact that people are going to die because of your decision.…
What's Going on Inside This Border Processing Center? Biden Apparently Doesn't Want the Media to Know.…townhall-entry-to-kids-in-cages-processing-facility-n2633957
– It has "shower points, there are places to get your clothes washed, medical facilities in there, [and] a place where they can get food … Cabrera admits that "nobody wants to be in a jail" but rightly reminds "we have to hold these folks somewhere." … "Sometimes," Cabrera adds, illegal immigrants are sent from the CPC to "other states" or "released to the custody of a parent or a…
Kelly Explains Why Trump May Choose This Running Mate Despite Objections From His Base
– “He personally really must win if he doesn’t want to go to jail,” Kelly argued, predicting that if he loses he's going to jail for … To Kelly, she would bring the moderates and independents, which Trump needs if he’s going to be victorious come November.   … "He needs to convince moderates and Democrats he’s not the devil, he’s not going to do a six week abortion ban, the things that drive…
The Left's Fantasies Are a Danger to Us All
They joined the utopian parade only to realize that it would put them out of business. … Tell that to the border towns that are overrun and even the blue cities that don’t know what to do with the tens of thousands of illegal … How many dedicated soldiers were discharged because they refused to take an experimental drug that they correctly believed that they
Meet the Would-Be 'Trans' Shooter Who Wanted to Kill 'Transphobes'
– I'm […] supposed to be called into the office this morning so I wonder what lies are going to spew in order to justify firing me. … I'm just gonna have to do what I have to do and pray for the gods to forgive me," West wrote in a post to the Facebook page "TRANS … He added, "All you people are...disgusting, sewer, rats, [sic] and I'm proud to say my parents were Nazis and herded you people into…
Jew Haters R Us
they are willing to destroy their own future in the process. … I am sure that when the Islamists are alone or speak to each other in Arabic, they talk about how they would like to get rid of the … They are just so happy to join other Jew haters that they simply ignore all of the flashing red lights.…
Highlights From the GOP Debate Between DeSantis and Haley
– “They all have to go back. We have to enforce the rule of law in this country,” he said. … “The best way to tell about a candidate is to see how they run their campaign,” Haley said.  … If you can’t manage a campaign, how are you going to manage a country?” Haley continued.…
Disgusting: Hamas Supporters Desecrate US Military Cemetery
– It's who they are.   … Again, this is who they are.   … “I’m about to start throwing fists. … I’m not going to run them over,” the man says as he shoves several of the protesters blocking…
The Anger Is Building
They block roads, deface monuments, and disrupt Christmas, all acts that hassle normal folks but do nothing to help their scumbag murderer … if you are trying to convince normal people to support your rapist coward garbage Palestinian pals. … girlboss who shows the two men she is with how lame they are.…
Townhall Airs Its Grievances for Festivus 2023
– This includes people who listen to things so loudly, it's like they aren't wearing headphones at all. … It's no surprise the Caps and Wizards are seeking to follow me to Virginia — D.C. has subjected its residents and businesses to the … Instead of going to jail or a mental institution, they're showered in fame and fortune.…
Is The New York Times for Real Here With This Poll?
– In our estimation, needless to say, 2020 nonvoters are less likely to vote in 2024, and that’s why we show Mr. … Indeed, registered Republicans with a record of voting in 2020 were three times as likely as Democrats to refuse to tell us whom they … The young Biden ’20 voters with anti-Israel views are the likeliest to report switching to Mr. Trump. Overall, Mr.…
Meritocracy vs. DEI
– There are three ways to choose. While each has its weaknesses, some ways are worse than others. … People are accepted to schools where they cannot succeed or catapulted into jobs for which they are incompetent. … Some of the greatest cities in America are going down the drain.…
You Can Tell the Bidens Have Nothing to Hide by How They’re Hiding So Many Things…nothing-to-hide-by-how-theyre-hiding-so-many-things-n2632381
– care about are doing – to “There is no evidence he knew what they were doing.”  … are in charge they are “Congressional subpoenas” and must be complied with.  … These people can only defy what would get you tossed in jail if they are confident they won’t face consequences for it, and if they…
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