Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

In Chicago, Bad Policing Doesn't Stop Crime
– With violent crime surging in Chicago, the Trump administration rejects the idea of police restraint. … During the campaign, Donald Trump said the answer is for cops here to be "very much tougher." … We've become transparent. And we've become more effective than we've ever been."…
TEXT: President Trump's Travel Ban 2.0
– (a)  To be more transparent with the American people and to implement more effectively policies and practices that serve the national … DONALD J. TRUMP THE WHITE HOUSE,     March 6, 2017.…
Judge Watson's Abominable Travel Ban Ruling
– District Judge Derrick Watson's issuance of a temporary restraining order against President Donald Trump's executively invoked travel … When President Trump issued his original travel ban, it was wholly predictable that some court would attempt to nullify it. … Once a plaintiff was recruited for the cause, it wasn't hard to find a court to eradicate Trump Travel Ban 2.0.…
Three Actions for Combatting Government Favoritism
– If the pre-budget rumors are true, President Donald Trump is making good on his promise to drain the swamp by putting a few corporate … A fair-value accounting system would make these programs' costs more transparent.…
You Want Checks and Balances? Stop Ignoring the Constitution When You're in Power…stop-ignoring-the-constitution-when-youre-in-power-n2325702
– It's difficult to believe that President Donald Trump is both a clueless idiot, unable to spell or read or earn a single cent on his … Trump just isn't very good at being president. … You don't trust Donald Trump to name an FBI director, even though it's within his purview to do so?…
Grassley: With Comey Gone, FBI Should Publicly State Whether President Trump is Under Investigation…tate-whether-president-trump-is-under-investigation-n2325457
– Tuesday night, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is calling on the Bureau to clarify publicly whether President DonaldTrump is under criminal investigation. … But I will say this: Shortly after Director Comey briefed us, I tweeted that he should be transparent. …
The World Is Watching
– as a consistent critic of Donald Trump's from the day he announced his quest for the presidency. … The best thing Trump could do would be to cooperate and be quiet. He probably won't do either. … Trump is imploding. His own party is getting sick of his drama and ineffectiveness.…
Democracy Dies in Anonymous Sourcing
– The media instinctively disbelieve everything Team Trump has to say. … Theirs is not the pursuit of truth; it's the hunt for Donald J. Trump's scalp. … Since Trump won the election, the Post has been caught in a string of over-aggressive anti-Trump stories that were based on anonymous…
Falling for the Lies
Donald Trump is an illegitimate president, just like George W. Bush who “stole the election” they incessantly regurgitate. … Nevertheless, Bush was illegitimate…illegitimate…illegitimate…just like Donald Trump, they ceaselessly reiterate. … Comey testified before the Judiciary Committee last week… Shortly after Director Comey briefed us, I tweeted that he should be transparent
We're on an Unusual Path to a More Functional System
– The standard brief against the president, from the left and much of the desiccated center, is that Donald Trump is a threat to the … I do not dismiss this view out of hand, and if President Trump were much more popular, I'd worry about it more. … No thanks to the White House's own efforts, this really is the most transparent administration in history.…
If The Left Wins Their Soft Coup, Everyone Loses - But Mostly Them…ins-their-soft-coup-everyone-loses--but-mostly-them-n2342884
– So, a manifestly conflicted special counsel leading a pack of maxed-out Democrat donors decides Donald Trump has to be kicked out of … Mueller can’t indict Trump – that stupid Constitution, always getting in the way! … Trump will never be impeached.…
The Consent of the Governed
– FBI Director James Comey gave his long-awaited public testimony about his apparently rough-and-tumble relationship with President DonaldTrump, he painted a bleak picture. … But it must be fair and transparent. And it must always enjoy the consent of the governed.…
Here's How To Deal With Trump's Tweets: Stop Caring About Them…w-to-deal-with-trumps-tweets-stop-caring-about-them-n2349760
– I didn't vote for Donald Trump to be a role model or a moral paragon. … I didn't vote for Donald Trump to be a nice guy. I didn't vote for him to be a Jeb!-like sap. … What am I going to tell my children about Donald Trump?…
Radio Rumble: Benson vs. Gallagher on 'Never Trump,' Credibility, and Objectivity…allagher-on-never-trump-credibility-and-objectivity-n2354038
– The scenario surrounding Donald Trump, Jr's email thread is especially damaging on that front, for reasons I've elucidated elsewhere … Short of getting a forehead tattoo, I could not have been any more transparent about my posture toward Trump.   … That phrase did not mean that I would oppose and fight against Donald Trump forever and ever, regardless of circumstances (some 'Never…
Trump: 'We Have Done More in Five Months Than Practically Any President in History'
– The president’s optimistic remarks come as controversy surrounds his son Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian attorney during … My son Donald did a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent. … — Donald J.…
Wray: Mueller's Russia Probe Isn't a 'Witch Hunt'
– Wray’s response came amid a number of questions from Graham, including about Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with a Russian lawyer. … Graham used his time to press Wray on the latest revelations about Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer.  … Trump again characterized the criticism as a “witch hunt.” “My son Donald did a good job last night.…
Trump's Wednesday Morning Tweetstorm: Donald Trump Jr., Fake Media, Healthcare, ISIS, and More
– President Trump defended his son, Donald Trump Jr., Wednesday morning on Twitter, commented on the “Fake Media” and Russia, and spoke … “My son Donald did a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent. … to influence the presidential election against Donald Trump." .…
Trump Jr Tells Hannity 'Hindsight’s Always 20-20'
Donald Trump Jr. offered his side of the story in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity Tuesday night about the meeting he had … My son Donald did a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent. … — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2017…
And Now, A Brief Word on Moral Relativism, Partisanship, and the Truth...…word-on-moral-relativism-partisanship-and-the-truth-n2353521
– I began by linking to my latest analysis, reacting to the release of four Donald Trump, Jr. emails: I'm not going to just ignore shifting … goalposts, or close my eyes to new facts re: Trump/Russia. … If nothing else, the above tweet storm was an effort to be transparent about how I try to ply my trade.  …
Dems Insist Congress Must Investigate Trump Jr...Some Call Emails 'Treason'
– ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has concluded that the newly released emails between DonaldTrump Jr. and publicist Rob Goldstone indicating the former’s enthusiasm to meet with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential … Trump Jr. released the complete email exchange in order to be "totally transparent," he explained Tuesday. …
Trump Jr. Releases Entire Email Chain Regarding Meeting With Russian Lawyer…e-email-chain-regarding-meeting-with-russian-lawyer-n2353344
– Reports over Donald Trump Jr.' … Here's my statement and the full email chain — Donald Trump Jr. … — Donald Trump Jr.…
You're Fired: Trump Administration Axed Over 500 'Misbehaving' Veterans Affairs Workers Since January…ration-axed-over-500-misbehaving-veterans-affairs-w-n2351909
– Veterans and taxpayers have a right to know what we're doing to hold our employees accountable and make our personnel actions transparent … Last month, President Donald Trump signed into law a Veterans Affairs reform bill that would better protect whistleblowers and streamline…
There's Something Odd About CNN's Statement On The Founder Of The Trump WWE Video…nns-statement-on-the-founder-of-the-trump-wwe-video-n2350807
– ***Original Post*** So, CNN was apparently not happy that there was a photoshopped video of an old WWE broadcast, where Donald TrumpTrump has been a guest on the wrestling program in years past. … #FraudNewsCNN #FNN — Donald J.…
CNN Denies "Deal" Was Made to Protect Identity Of GIF Creator…es-deal-was-made-to-protect-identity-of-gif-creator-n2350793
– Matt wrote earlier about how CNN essentially threatened to dox a Reddit user who created a video of President Trump beating up a person … In fact, CNN included its decision to withhold the user's identity in an effort to be completely transparent that there was no deal … It's not exactly a secret that unhinged opponents of Donald Trump have turned violent in the past, and releasing the identity of a…
Here's Why Hillary Clinton's Book Title on Her 2016 Campaign Disaster Is Very, Very Fitting…book-title-on-her-2016-campaign-disaster-is-very-ve-n2360864
Trump, according to a press release. … They also missed 7-9 million Obama voters who decided to flip for Trump. … Donald Trump is not a hard man to beat. He was eminently beatable.…
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