Results for: Barack Obama Website

Leftist Media See Conservative Goblins Everywhere
– So it is that the leftist media treat Barack Obama as an open-minded moderate despite his taking this country as far left as one man … Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at…
Oh, Just Some More Donor Disclosure Problems For The Clinton Foundation…onor-disclosure-problems-for-the-clinton-foundation-n2001663
– … Eychaner’s filing status on the website is unusual. … Giustra, and the Obama administration–with Hillary as Secretary of State–suddenly changed their tune about the deal. … Barack Obama scored bonus points with the anti-war left in the 2008 primaries after highlighting Hillary’s vote that authorized the…
The Increasingly Elusive Climate Consensus
– In 2013 President Obama sent out a tweet claiming 97% of climate experts believe global warming is “real, man-made and dangerous.” … Barack Obama’s website says “97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and man-made… Find the deniers near you—and…
Net Neutrality Proven Titanically Stupid By Net Neutrality’s Proponents…en-titanically-stupid-by-net-neutralitys-proponents-n2374192
– All imposed just two years ago by the Barack Obama Administration’s FCC.  … They cancelled the domain name of a white supremacist website.  …
Former Labor Secretary Calls for Trump's Impeachment 'As Soon As Possible'…or-secretary-calls-for-trumps-immediate-impeachment-n2372746
– Reich also served as an advisor to former President Barack Obama. … At least any time soon," he wrote in an op-ed on his website.  "Yet there’s another way Trump can be effectively removed.…
Former Presidents Come Together For The 'One America Appeal' for Hurricane Harvey…her-for-the-one-america-appeal-for-hurricane-harvey-n2378561
– Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. … The One America Appeal's website says that the goal is to come together and support Houston and the other communities in the gulf coast…
Curious: 900 Reviews Of Hillary’s Book Have Vanished From Amazon…reviews-of-hillarys-book-have-vanished-from-amazon-n2382439
– The two-time presidential loser says she accepts responsibility for the 2016 defeat, but then delivers jabs at Barack Obama, Joe Biden … The website Quartz analysed the data from the reviews and found that of the book’s 1,600 or so reviews as of Wednesday morning, only…
Disinvited: Harvard Rescinds Manning's Visiting Fellowship Following Backlash…nds-mannings-visiting-fellowship-following-backlash-n2381871
– Upon Manning’s conviction, she was sentenced to 35 years in prison of which she served seven years before President Barack Obama commuted … Elmendorf said in a statement posted on the university's website early Friday.…
President Trump Now World's Most-Followed Leader on Twitter…ent-trump-now-worlds-mostfollowed-leader-on-twitter-n2390846
– Former President Barack Obama has more followers than Trump, but he's not counted in this as he is no longer the president.  … The list also doesn’t count ex-leaders like Barack Obama, who has 95 million-plus followers. … than Obama.…
Melania Trump Slashes First Lady Staff, Saves Big Money
– She spends just over a quarter of what Obama shelled out per year as well. … The Fox piece also notes that President Donald Trump has cut staff overall in the White House since Barack Obama left office, which … The White House website notes that her passion for culture and fashion is only surpassed by her love of charity.…
Me Too, But Not You
– Weinstein's movie success and longtime support for Democratic and progressive politics (he donated to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama … and hosted fundraisers for them), as well as his support for women's causes (according to the Rutgers University website, made the…
Mangling Trump Talk on Veterans
– Our government -- allergic to faith-based programs -- isn't really interested, especially under President Barack Obama. … The leftist website Buzzfeed sneered, "Trump Suggests That Soldiers With PTSD Aren't 'Strong.'" … After the ongoing scandals dealing with the wretched state of health care by the Department of Veterans Affairs under Obama-Biden,…
Jay Z to Host ‘Get Out the Vote’ Concert for Hillary
– In 2008 and 2012, he publicized his support for Barack Obama. … Obama even spoke at the event.  Jay Z and his wife Beyoncé endorsed Clinton earlier this year.  … The Clinton campaign website is currently offering a sign-up for free tickets, which will be allotted on a first-come, first-serve…
Turnout Time
Barack Obama has repeatedly exceeded the powers of his office, disregarding laws passed by Congress, and making in effect a unilateral … Just by not calling it a treaty, Obama has ignored the Constitution's requirement that all treaties be made only with Senate approval … His website is…
Undermining Our System
– Bernie Sanders put it this way in a statement on his website: "Six years ago, as a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme … He, in turn, was repackaging the misrepresentations of none other than President Barack Obama, who chose to malign the United States…
Random Thoughts
– In a few months from now, Barack Obama will no longer be President of the United States. … His website is…
Barbara Boxer Introduces Bill to End Electoral College
– have seen two elections where the winner of the general election did not win the popular vote," said Senator Boxer on her Senate website … exceed two million votes, and she is on track to have received more votes than any other presidential candidate in history except BarackObama.…
America Needs to Use More Energy, Not Less
– Hillary Clinton’s website states: “While too many politicians and experts in Washington gave up on American manufacturing, Hillary … President Obama has derided U.S, energy use: “The U.S. uses far more electricity than its North American neighbors combined,” but the … Obama may become the first president since Herbert Hoover not to serve during a year in which the growth in real GDP was at least…
Try This on for Anti-semitism
– It’s “not at all clear to me that those who write for Bannon’s website publication, some of whom are Orthodox Jews, have much to do … As Barack Obama remarked recently (“a stopped clock” and all that stuff), President-elect Trump is not an ideologue.…
Trump's Transition in Disarray, But GOP is Soaring
– To a large extent, this is the political legacy of Barack Obama's unpopular eight-year presidency. … "Since Obama won in 2009, his party has lost 919 state legislative seats nationwide," the NCSL said. … So Obama leaves office with his national party in ruins, an economy that has all but stopped growing, a broken government in need of…
The Worst Excesses Of The Left
– say, Allred is a lecturer at a liberal university in a liberal city run by a quasi-communist mayor in a country presided over by BarackObama, not Donald Trump. … Corkins got the idea after seeing the organization listed as a hate group on the Southern Poverty Law Center's website.…
The Bigotry of Liberal America
– Then consider the online website BuzzFeed. … One of the bits of data to come from voters after the election came from the high number of Democrats who voted for Barack Obama and … Now characterized as bigots and racists by BuzzFeed-reading regressive leftists, these voters actually did vote for Obama.…
CIA's Russian Hacking Claims Invalid Without Technical Disclosures…acking-claims-invalid-without-technical-disclosures-n2259358
– Former British ambassador Craig Murray, an associate of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, published a response on his website: "As … President Barack Obama issued an executive order, adding a few more drops to the ocean of existing sanctions against North Korea. … Obama has reportedly ordered a full investigation into the alleged Russian hack.…
Diversity Visa Lottery Winner Offered to Kill Obama for ISIS…visa-lottery-winner-offered-to-kill-obama-for-isis-n2435424
– "In addition," said the affidavit, "Juraboev stated that he would harm President Barack Obama if he had the opportunity to do so, but … ), he would kill President Obama. … I gave pledge to Islamic State') and his intention of killing President Obama ('Even if that person is Obama.!')…
Will The #SchumerShutdown Shut Down Democratic Hopes For 2018?…schumershutdown-shut-down-democratic-hopes-for-2018-n2437698
– seats even in the face of “The Blue Wave” since Democrats nationally have gone so far left, and the progressive grassroots want Obama … Coupled with the upcoming six-year itch against Barack Obama’s party, and Republicans were riding a wave into victory for Election … The Democrats not only shut down the government, but Chuck Schumer, with signature tone-deafness, pitifully reports to website visitors…
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