Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

PA Native Biden Losing Ground in the Commonwealth
– Former Vice President Joe Biden was once the assumed nominee for the Democratic Party in 2020, but is dwindling in the majority of … In addition, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg debuted at 7% among Democratic candidates, after spending massively in the state … Electability has emerged as a popular talking point and a question that Democratic candidates are forced to answer.…
Moving in Opposite Directions on Abortion
– Even in our era of politics without precedent, few things are as inexplicable as the Democratic Party's decision to take increasingly … So where is the Democratic Party on abortion? … This year's Democratic presidential candidates are just as strident.…
Establishment Democrats' Dilemma: How to Do In Bernie Sanders Without Alienating His Young Voters…bernie-sanders-without-alienating-his-young-voters-n2560321
– His appeal is about consistency and authenticity, something the other Democratic candidates seem to lack. … The house organ of the Democratic establishment oddly endorsed Warren and Amy Klobuchar for the Democratic nomination. … Kamala Harris' failed presidential bid. "Politics is a contact sport," said Sellers.…
A Socialist for President?
– And yet, as of this writing, Bernie Sanders, Democrat presidential candidate and an out-of-the-closet socialist, is leading in Iowa … As The New York Times (1/26/20) notes: “Senator Bernie Sanders has opened up a lead in Iowa just over a week before the Democratic … caucuses, consolidating support from liberals and benefiting from divisions among more moderate presidential candidates who are clustered…
After Those Remarks About Trump, Hillary Wants To Run Again...But Will She?…hose-remarks-about-trump-hillary-wants-to-run-again-n2560325
– I’m sure it will be rehashed in the upcoming Hulu documentary about the former first lady and two-time presidential loser. … But I'm going to support the people who are running now and do everything I can to help elect the Democratic nominee." … Clinton did not elaborate on any plans and also did not reveal which of the other Democratic candidates she would vote for.…
Iowa Could Make Democrats' Bernie Problem Much, Much Worse
– Just days before the 2008 Democratic presidential caucuses in Iowa, Hillary Clinton led Barack Obama by four points in the RealClearPolitics … Four candidates have held the lead at various times in the Iowa race. … What is undeniable is Democratic establishment nervousness about Sanders.…
Nonstop Election Campaigns
– Recent presidential campaigns have cost over 1 billion (some estimates put the cost of 2020 ad spending alone at over $6 billion), … so Bloomberg's spending will ensure this year's presidential campaign will set another record. … candidates spent ... on expenses related to raising money in 2012."…
CNN Doesn't Offer Town Hall Event to Tulsi Gabbard
– CNN recently announced it will be hosting eight New Hampshire town hall events featuring most of the Democratic candidates before … While Democratic candidates Deval Patrick, Tom Steyer and Andrew Yang all received invitations, Rep. … It wouldn't be the first time CNN played a role in keeping anti-establishment candidates from winning the Democratic presidential nomination…
Buttigieg's Team Explains Why He's Holding a Town Hall With Fox News…explains-why-hes-holding-a-town-hall-with-fox-news-n2560116
– Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg's campaign on Saturday sent out an email explaining precisely why the 2020 Democraticpresidential candidates should go on Fox News. … Because this primary season is not just about winning the Democratic nomination, or even just winning in 2020—it’s about reclaiming…
Warren Faces Wrath of an Average American
– Sadly, presidential candidates do not seem to be interested in appealing to this type of voter. For example, U.S. … It is reminiscent of the exchange at a 2008 Toledo, Ohio campaign event between then presidential candidate U.S. … presidential candidates. …
Des Moines Register Endorses Elizabeth Warren for President
Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren has won the endorsement of the Des Moines Register editorial board. … In a separate article, the Register explains its process for endorsing presidential candidates, which the newspaper has done since … According to the article, the newspaper began interviewing the presidential candidates beginning in Dec. 2018.…
Yang Calls Out DNC For Declining Fox News Invitation to Host Debate
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is criticizing the decision made by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) not to allow … Fox News to host any of its presidential primary debates.  … Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard (R-HI) defended herself from criticism by former Democratic candidate Kamala Harris…
Happy Anniversary to Citizens United
– Supreme Court overturned portions of a federal law that empowered government to dictate how Americans who were not connected to any candidates … candidate Hillary Clinton right before the 2008 Democratic primary elections. … Corporations would still be banned from donating directly to candidates, as they had been since 1907.…
Hillary Puts Bernie Into Her Basket of Deplorables
– Would Democratic women come out to vote for a candidate who was responsible, in two successive presidential elections, for keeping … the glass ceiling firmly intact over the heads of the Democratic Party's leading female candidates? … Consider the most loyal of Democratic constituents in presidential elections: African Americans.…
Does a Minimum Wage Hike Lower the Suicide Rate?
– A Congressional Budget Office study examined the effect of the $15 minimum wage that enjoys broad support among the Democratic presidentialcandidates.…
After Attacking Candidates, Hillary Says She Will Support Democratic Nominee
– The still bitter loser of the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton, is vowing to support whoever the Democrats eventually nominate … Clinton's vow comes as a surprise to everyone who has been watching Hillary attack certain candidates from the sidelines over the past … Clinton then went on to suggest that there was no way forward for Bernie Sanders to win the Democratic nomination. …
Education Choice Could Shift the Black Vote
– The Democratic presidential candidates across the board want to slam the door on charter schools and education choice.…
Sanders Campaign to Request a Recanvass in Iowa After New Results
– The news comes after the state Democratic Party released new results showing Buttigieg edging ahead of Bernie Sanders. … The Iowa Democratic Party has extended the deadline for candidates to request a recanvass to Monday, Feb. 11th. … Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has called on DNC Chair Tom Perez to resign following the ongoing fiasco…
Your Lying Eyes
– As the First Lady fastened the Presidential Medal of Freedom around his neck, an unknown member of Congress could be heard shouting … President recited the incredibly good news concerning minority and female employment, you may have seen a large contingent of Democratic … Whether they have announced publicly, members have favorite candidates.…
Democrats Guarantee Four More Years of Trump
– In Iowa, Democrats could not conduct a simple presidential caucus with relatively few voters participating. … The embarrassment even caused liberal media outlets to denounce the Democratic Party’s ineptitude. … Certainly, GOP House Speakers never treated Democratic Presidents Clinton or Obama in such a manner.…
Sanders Camp Reveals Their Main Gripe Against Bloomberg On The Democratic Debate Stage And It's No Secret…omberg-on-the-debate-stage-is-the-special-treatment-n2560990
– And now he could be given a spot to take jabs at the frontrunners for the 2020 Democratic nomination (via NPR): The Democratic National … The DNC said Friday that candidates have three paths to the Nevada debate stage. … And all along candidates who could only meet one and not the other were kept off the stage, primarily candidates of color, by the way…
Andrew Yang: 'Donald Trump is Not the Cause of All of Our Problems'
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang participated in the eighth Democratic presidential debate in New Hampshire on Friday … On Friday, Yang had a message for the six Democratic opponents sharing the debate stage with him at St. … But this was a Democratic debate after all. …
Only One Candidate at the Debate Admitted She's Afraid of Having a Democratic Socialist as President…ic-socialist-in-the-white-house-one-raises-her-hand-n2560978
– Manchester, NH - When ABC News moderator George Stephanopoulos asked the Democratic presidential candidates during Friday's debate … Democratic ticket? … Bernie Sanders (D-VT), the only self-proclaimed democratic socialist onstage.…
Let's Face It: Joe Biden May Be in Serious Trouble
– Let's begin with a few caveats: Former Vice President Joe Biden remains the Democratic Party's national 2020 frontrunner, according … — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) February 3, 2020 Joe Biden’s hold atop South Carolina Democratic presidential primary … the nomination looks really simple right now and everyone else’s looks more complicated and requires them to knock off other candidates
How the Dem Race Looks With 97 Percent of Iowa Precincts Reporting…e-looks-with-97-percent-of-iowa-precincts-reporting-n2560868
– With 97 percent of Iowa precincts reporting, a clearer picture of where the Democratic presidential candidates stand has taken shape … well, Warren OK, Biden bad, bad, bad. — Byron York (@ByronYork) February 6, 2020 Chairman of the Iowa Democratic
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