Now, the question is will she? Hillary Clinton is still sour over her 2016 loss. It’s well-documented in her post-2016 whine tour. I’m sure it will be rehashed in the upcoming Hulu documentary about the former first lady and two-time presidential loser. In a recent interview, Hillary said she still feels the urge to run, but noted that she’s going to sit this one out and help whoever is the 2020 nominee beat Trump. Then again, this is the Clintons we’re talking about here. Don’t trust them. And how many people said that they weren’t groping to run and then run for office. Beto O’Rourke is a notable example, who said he wouldn’t run and then did…with disastrous results. Here’s what she said (via CBS News):
Hillary Clinton still harbors thoughts about a rematch with Donald Trump. In a new interview with Variety, the former first lady, secretary of state and two-time presidential candidate admitted that the outcome of the 2016 election still bothers her.
"I know you're not running for president, but do you ever feel the urge to think: 'I could beat Donald Trump if I were running,'" journalist Ramin Setoodeh asked Clinton.
"Yeah. I certainly feel the urge because I feel the 2016 election was a really odd time and an odd outcome," she responded. "And the more we learn, the more that seems to be the case. But I'm going to support the people who are running now and do everything I can to help elect the Democratic nominee."
Clinton did not elaborate on any plans and also did not reveal which of the other Democratic candidates she would vote for. "I'm going to vote. I'm going to leave it at that. I'll definitely vote. I vote every time there's an election," she said."
Oh, please do, Hillary. If there is one thing that couldn’t be truer, it’s that this election would be insurmountably more entertaining if she succumbs to her urges. Should she enter, her approvals would decrease the longer she remains in the spotlight like it always has, the progressive Left would go indiscriminately insane, and Trump would win again. He has a record of job creation, reducing taxes, getting our foreign affairs in order (he put Iran in its place amidst a sham impeachment push), and got better trade deals hashed out. No doubt a god slice of the Bernie Sanders camp would vote for Trump in 2020 as they did in 2016. I wish she would run again. She probably won’t—the window for ballot access is pretty much over.
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