Results for: national political news

Trump-Gingrich Ticket Would Be A Riot Of Rhetoric
– House speaker -- and architect of the "Republican Revolution" in 1994 -- is a brilliant man with almost encyclopedic knowledge of political … Next to forecasting that bears will continue to use our national woodlands as latrines, the easiest prediction in the world to make … Gingrich suffers from an intellectual version of Trump's political Tourette syndrome.…
Trump Campaign Media Blacklist Doesn't Apply To Convention…campaign-media-blacklist-doesnt-apply-to-convention-n2188223
– In a surprising turn of events, it looks like the infamous Trump campaign media blacklist won't apply at the Republican National Convention … Some of the media sources that have been put on the blacklist include Politico, BuzzFeed News, The Huffington Post and most recently … Tin, the Director of The House Press Gallery, explained that her organization became involved with the conventions because the political
Let's Face It: The Rio Olympics Are Going To Be A Disaster
– The news outlet added that shootouts near the site of the games, and on the routes to them, are common—with 76 people being shot by … Brazil is, of course, having a major political crisis. … The political turmoil has paralyzed the country and frozen the economy.…
Hillary Clinton and Identity Politics
– Have you heard that Hillary Clinton is the "first woman" ever to be nominated for president by a major political party? … The media have repeated the line so often it is broken news. … As Jay Nordlinger wrote in his review of Peter Collier's book "Political Woman" for National Review, "In a saner world, Jeane Kirkpatrick…
After Widespread Criticism for Meeting With Bill Clinton, Lynch to Step Back in Email Probe…h-bill-clinton-lynch-to-step-aside-from-email-probe-n2186170
– Clinton’s use of a private email server, Attorney General Loretta Lynch will announce Friday that she’ll step back and let non-political … The source said Lynch will accept the determinations and findings of non-political appointees as well as FBI investigators and FBI … Despite the approach of the Democratic National Convention, Comey has said the priority is to be thorough and fair.…
Benghazi Panelists to Media: Actually, Our Report Includes Lots of New Information
– Fox News hosted three of the panel's members this morning, offering a platform to those who devoted the better part of two years to … National Review's house editorial is even more blistering, laying out the timeline of politically-motivated deception undertaken by … Both the president and his Secretary of State had strong political incentives to downplay the gravity and causes of the deadly attack…
Q-Poll: Hillary, Trump Neck-and-Neck Nationally, Tied on Negatives
– This is the best major national poll for Trump in weeks, even though his own level of support has actually receded by a point … Since we've been feeding you a steady diet of worrisome news and polling for Trump (based on relentlessly negative data), I feel like … Trump, who blasted a new Washington Post/ABC News survey this week, is celebrating this one online: New Q poll out- we are…
Shorter Hillary: It's Time For These Republicans and Lyin' Benghazi Families to 'Move On'
– They understood the potential political ramifications of a deadly terrorist attack -- including the assassination of a sitting US ambassador … Slandering good people as liars in an unconvincing effort to save one's own political hide can't be especially edifying experience, … after an attack carried out by dozens of Islamist terrorists, exactly one of them (who'd been identified and interviewed by various news
Six Things Obama Didn't Tell You About His "Free" College Tuition Plan…gs-obama-didnt-tell-you-about-his-free-college-plan-n1940903
– All this accountability may sound great in a political speech, but in real life what it all translates to is tons of paperwork and … Recent data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center provides even more promising news.…
Reports: Walker Assembling Team For Possible 2016 Run, Jeb Raising Cash
– Scott Walker will launch a new political organization in the coming weeks and has tapped a national political strategist to serve as … political director and veteran of multiple presidential campaigns, about a month ago to build a political operation in advance of … Ben Carson is being subjected to the unforgiving glare of the national spotlight.  …
Townhall Media Taps Conn Carroll as New White House Correspondent…taps-conn-carroll-as-new-white-house-correspondent-n1940428
– Townhall Media, a national leader in conservative news, announced today that former Townhall Magazine editor, Conn Carroll, will be … “We are constantly searching for ways to provide our readers with the most relevant, political news—in real time. … veteran writer with over 15 years of Beltway knowledge and experience, Conn has worked previously for the Washington Examiner and National
Happy Birthday Kim Jong Un... Now Get to Work
– Kim Jong Un's birthday is 8 January, but it will not be a national holiday, as most people expected. … The late Kim Jong Il proliferated national holidays because the central food distribution system closes all its outlets on national … Their political significance also is trivial, exaggerated by international media.…
Election 2016: Walker v. Everyone Else
– As for Susana Martinez, John Kasich, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal and George Pataki, their biggest problem is that aside from some news … Paul introduced a national Right-To-Work bill. Walker accomplished union reforms. … Cruz as political celebrity is magnetic, but does not draw otherwise differing political forces.…
Al Sharpton's Magical Mystery Tour
– During the Christmas season, the national media hoped to once again dip the entire Republican Party in the mire of David Duke and … other racists, to spread that taint across the political landscape. … hired him into the media as a nightly talk show host on MSNBC -- even as they continue to subsidize his activist day job at the National
It’s Time to Endanger the Endangered Species Act
– Spring” is largely credited for launching the modern environmental movement, a movement that greatly restructured the American political … Fish and Wildlife Service and the Commerce Department’s National Marine Fisheries Service were charged with administering most of the … Amos Eno, founding president of the conservation group Resources First Foundation, told High Country News the Center for Biological…
The Unsung X-Factor That Could Upend The Next Presidential Election…tor-that-could-upend-the-next-presidential-election-n1939017
– This is important news. It also is news the news media can ill afford to report. But voters sense it. … You don’t want to read the news in the morning?” the website had asked its readers. “Do you think good news is a myth? … Peace offers a winning political narrative. Reporting good news makes for terrible journalism.…
Mario Cuomo: The Rhetoric and the Record
– In most media accounts, references were made to two speeches Cuomo delivered in 1984, one at the Democratic National Convention in … Progressives are happy to embrace church teachings when it favors their political agenda, but reject them when those teachings don't … Most obituaries and news reports called Cuomo "inspiring." A New York Times editorial correctly noted: "For all his idealism, Mr.…
A Party at War with Itself
– And the America that revealed itself is not good news for the Democratic Party. … The networks and national media denounced a "police riot" and liberal Democratic Senator Abe Ribicoff said Mayor Richard J. … The political point: In the 1960s, both George Wallace and LBJ were Democrats.…
Icarus Falling
– It's news, big news, but it's not new. … "National television ran constant live coverage of the manhunt." ... … But the national myth was rolled out for all to hail. Politicians made speeches.…
A SOTU Over Before Its Begun
– begin the return of those troops after his withdrawal of them gave terrorism new life and force can in the rise of ISIS, most of the news … miss the moments --like the march in France-- that could make extend President Obama's shelf life as a force on the world and national … In truth --the hard, cold political truth-- President Obama is a spent force in American politics.…
'Diversity' in Action
– Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe, and European governments' counter-attacks are more than just a passing news story. … It is one of the monumental examples of political irresponsibility that the southern border has not been secured during administrations … them, and are prepared to leave the consequences for others to deal with in the future, just as they are leaving a staggering national
Polls: Obama Approval Rating Rebounding?
– The MSNBC set has worked itself into a frothy frenzy today over a new Washington Post/ABC News survey showing President Obama's job … CBS News' poll pegs Obama's approval rating at 46 percent, while Fox News' latest nationwide survey has it at 42 percent.   … The recent spate of good economic news is starting to sink in, it appears, despite some mixed indicators.…
Obama Beyond the Pale
– qualms about the use of war powers to secure U.S. security or the security of any other peoples that are important to our national … I care where public schools teachers send their kids because it’s their political machine- the union- that has turned public schools … Apparently it is accepted in journalism to reference other articles or news even if the facts are wrong.…
Meet Konni Burton, Wendy Davis's Pro-life Replacement
– Burton grew up in a small Texas town called Banquete and entered politics after witnessing the out-of-control spending by both political … Burton told Breitbart News that she was excited to erase those pink sneakers from her district's memory and usher in a new lifesaving … agenda: “Senate District 10 was brought into national spotlight with a pair of shoes,” said Burton, “It’s humbling to be allowed…
Duke Backs Down, Cancels Muslim Call to Prayer from Chapel Tower…own-cancels-muslim-call-to-prayer-from-chapel-tower-n1943785
– However, the decision brought a firestorm of national criticism from a number of high profile leaders including Franklin Graham, the … Robert Jeffress, the pastor of the historic First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, and a Fox News contributor called the university … In reality, the cathedral has been conquered – desecrated in the name of political correctness.…
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