Results for: Republican National Committee

RNC: Are The Top Democrats Investigating Russian Collusion More Concerned About The Truth Or Their Brand?…estigating-russian-collusion-more-concerned-about-t-n2359465
– The ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. … Adam Schiff (Calif.) has done 123 national television interviews totaling more than 14 hours of air time since January, according to … Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel told the Washington Free Beacon that Schiff's and Warner's appearances…
'Skinny Repeal:' Is a GOP Obamacare Fallback Plan Emerging?
– Following yesterday's dramatic Senate vote on the 'motion to proceed' (MTP), Republican Senators must now sort through the harder … Senate -- and considering how corralling the requisite votes to pass the House bill was also a precarious feat -- is a conference committee … As National Review frames it, the goal would be to pass a scaled-back bill that at least rolls back some of the failing Democratic…
Why Are Republicans Trouncing Democrats in Fundraising?
– The Republican president has a job approval rating around 40 percent. The GOP has an unfavorability rating around 56 percent. … All of which makes it notable that the Republican National Committee is trouncing the Democratic National Committee when it comes to … And that is, in spite of his problems there is enough support for Trump in the Republican base to set new small-donor fundraising records…
WH Communications Director Announces First Dismissals In Effort To Plug Leaks…announces-first-dismissals-in-effort-to-plug-leaks-n2359623
– This presidency has more leaks than the Iraqi Navy, some of which have detrimentally impacted our national security. … It would be Scaramucci’s first step toward shaking up the communications shop, which has been dominated by former Republican NationalCommittee staffers loyal to White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, a former RNC chairman.…
Feinstein Calls for Sessions to Testify Before Judiciary Committee on Russia Ties…o-testify-before-judiciary-committee-on-russia-ties-n2359115
– Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) sent a letter to Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-IA) asking him to call Attorney General … “It would be a grave breach of trust if the Attorney General gave false or misleading testimony to this Committee.” … National Convention and in his office but did not discuss the political campaign. …
The Democratic Economic Plan, Or How They're Hoping You’re Too Stupid To Notice It’s Clinton’s Agenda…n-or-how-theyre-hoping-youre-too-stupid-to-notice-i-n2358620
– autopsy when Hillary Clinton has blamed Russia, the FBI, the media, sexism, racism, misogyny, James Comey, and even the Democratic NationalCommittee for blowing up her presidential ambitions. … They need to flip Republican districts to win the House, which means candidates who can win in these areas. They don’t have that.…
Jared Kushner to Make Rare, Public Statement After Senate Testimony…o-make-rare-public-statement-after-senate-testimony-n2358956
– The statement will come shortly after Kushner's testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill, in which he denied … From his testimony, which can be read in full here:  When it became apparent that my father-in-law was going to be the Republican … into the reception to thank the host of the event, Dimitri Simes, the publisher of the bi-monthly foreign policy magazine, The National
Report: Sanders Eying 2020 Run
– Sanders held campaign-style rallies in West Virginia and Kentucky earlier this month, where he criticized the Republican healthcare … In April, he appeared front and center on a tour across red states with Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez.…
Dose Of Reality: It Looks Like The Democratic Party Is Choosing White Dudes To Lead Their Revival…the-democratic-party-is-choosing-white-dudes-to-le-n2367028
– Reservist) Midwesterner who seemed to come out of nowhere to wide, approving attention as he sought the chair of the Democratic NationalCommittee in February. … They are all, as Obama was when he burst onto the national scene, young, well pedigreed, and varying degrees of attractive on the Brooks…
Could The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Reduce Bad Policy-Making In Our Elections?…e-interstate-compact-reduce-bad-policy-making-in-ou-n2366865
– Under the NPV, the Republican Party can run a hardcore conservative campaign. … Yet, stepping away from national politics, you can’t win a majority in Congress by just winning the cities. … If there’s one area where have moved on, it’s the significance of cities in our national politics.…
2018 Midterms: The Democrats Are About To Crash Into Their Own Geographic Wall…s-are-about-to-crash-into-their-own-geographic-wall-n2365557
Committee were all part of some nutjob conspiracy to kill her presidential ambitions. … than the national outcome. … One block has states where Trump’s approval is below the national average.…
CNN Host: Democrats Are Out Of Touch On Immigration
– The national party wouldn’t even allow his remarks to be aired on television. … When he visited the online home page of the Republican National Committee, he found a statement of broad principles that guide the … They can battle President Trump’s drastic solutions but still speak in the language of national unity and identity.…
GOP Donor Sues Party for Not Keeping Obamacare Repeal Promises
National Committee over the party's failure to repeal and replace. … Heghmann also listed the Republican Party of Virginia and its two RNC national committee representatives, Morton Blackwell and Cynthia … of their principles depends on their personal involvement in local, state and national Republican Party committees and in party nomination…
Friendly Reminder: We’re On Track To Create 25 Million New Jobs Under Trump…on-track-to-create-25-million-new-jobs-under-trump-n2364715
– The Republican National Committee is taking a victory lap, as they should—cutting a video of former President Obama’s skepticism of…
North Carolina to Stop Schools from Barring Speakers Based on Ideology
– Even more, the act encourages the Board of Regents to create a committee to tackle free speech issues, given the current hyper-partisan … National Review and Campus Reform report that Democrats in the North Carolina state house put up a fight against the legislation, towing … In the House, however, 10 Democrats joined their Republican colleagues to pass the bill by an 80 to 31 margin.…
Former Clinton Campaign Chair: I Lose Sleep Every Night Over Clinton Losing…chair-i-lose-sleep-every-night-over-clinton-losing-n2363838
– He won the Electoral College vote handily, he brought states that haven’t voted Republican since Reagan back into the fold, and he’ … She fired inside the ship when she said the Democratic National Committee contributed to her 2016 loss, and she’s started a super PAC…
Howard Dean: If You Vote Republican in 2018, You're A Racist
– And former Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean has an idea on how to craft this: label every person who votes RepublicanRepublican redistricting schemes have cost at least a dozen House seats and hundreds in state legislatures. … State governments also often serve as farm clubs to develop candidates for higher office and national prominence.…
The Legal System: The Left's Ace in the Hole to Trump the Trump Card…m-the-lefts-ace-in-the-hole-to-trump-the-trump-card-n2371137
– They use the media to assist in elections, tarnishing Republican candidates and giving free gushing coverage to Democratic candidates … But sometimes those two strongholds aren’t enough to take down Republican officials. That’s where the legal system comes in. … have less time to devote to extra activities like running for a state bar office or joining a bar committee.…
Ike Would Have Called Chuck Schumer a Dishonest Person
– Vice President Nixon assumed the responsibilities of the Presidency, and was allowed to take center stage in the Cabinet and in National … During the Presidential News Conference on April 3, 1957, a reporter noted that in the House Committee: "Members expressed objection … It appears that both the disingenuous self-serving Republican Congressional Leadership and the radical Leftist Democrat Congressional…
Charlottesville: David Duke Still Matters -- Who Knew?
– Not a single Republican congressional lawmaker supported him. … Mary Matalin, chief of staff of the Republican National Committee, said: "He is not a Republican. … We never considered him a Republican. There will be no involvement in his campaign whatsoever." He lost by a large margin.…
Obama To Do A 'Delicate Dance' to Help Democrats Ahead of 2018 Midterms…cate-dance-to-help-democrats-ahead-of-2018-midterms-n2367996
– He is likely to take on fundraising, for example, something he has done for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the National … Democratic Redistricting Committee since leaving office. … They have a party apparatus that’s all but dead in the regions that need to retake in order to be a vibrant national party.…
Mooch Entertains Colbert Audience By Getting Candid Again About Priebus, Bannon
– The two were good friends when Scaramucci was still donating to the Republican National Committee, he noted.…
Total Disaster: A Guide to How Bad the Democratic Party Is Right Now…guide-to-how-bad-the-democratic-party-is-right-now-n2367282
National Committee pulled in $75 million—nearly twice as much money as the Democratic National Committee, which raised $38 million … Committee. … Committee.…
UPDATE: Chaos in Cleveland, Anti-Trump Forces Walk Out After Controversial Ruling…nt-hits-threshold-to-force-full-floor-vote-on-rules-n2194308
– * Original Post * Last week, the 'Never Trump' contingent on the convention rules committee fell well short in … Submitting those signatures would force a roll call floor vote from all 2,472 delegates to the convention on the Republican NationalCommittee rules that an 112-member panel voted through last week.…
Live From Cleveland: Enthusiasm, Unease, Resignation, and Discord at Trump's Convention
– A substantial majority of Republican-leaning voters are dissatisfied with their nominee. … National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Sunday that if the "Never Trump" movement disrupts proceedings at the GOP convention … Review  tradition, is out with a column today preemptively making the case that the 2016 Republican National Convention is already…
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