Results for: they are all going to jail

No Superheroes In 'The Interview' Capitulation
– "You boys over there are doing a good job," the voice squeaked, "The city of New York will see that no harm will come to you.'" … Then they posted a warning: Soon all the world will see what an awful movie Sony Pictures Entertainment has made. … The only accommodation they made to the assault: Everyone in the audience wore gas masks.…
"A Concession to a Tyranny": Marco Rubio Absolutely Blasts Obama's New Cuba Policy
– wind up in jail tomorrow morning if they once again take up the cause of freedom – and to allow the United Nations and the Red Cross … All this is going to do is give the Castro regime – which controls every aspect of Cuban life – the opportunity to manipulate these … In short, what these changes are going to do is they will tighten this regime’s grip on power for decades to come.” Sen.…
The Case Against the IRS and the “Progressive” Income Tax…case-against-the-irs-and-the-progressive-income-tax-n1932883
– When pushing for tax reform, I normally cite theflat tax, but there are many roads that lead to Rome. … So he’s going to jail, but will still be a state lawmaker as part of a work-release program. … He tried to fake the number of hours he served, and was given another 90 days in jail, before finally being disbarred.…
The 25 Most Obnoxious Quotes Of 2014
They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. … Jackson 15) Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? … They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding.…
Our Founding Fathers Wanted An Armed Society And One State Is Attempting To Take It Away…hers-worries-to-the-wayside-with-this-gun-control-p-n2543026
– We respect rules, even if we don't agree with all of them (background checks seem to come to mind). … Guess who's going to be knocking on our door when they want to take away our firearms. That's right. You guessed it. … When the government has a check list of who is armed – and what exactly they have in their possession – the people are sure to lose…
Talk Radio Shines Bright During Mueller Investigation
– This is to suggest they are the source of light in what they believe is a new era of darkness ushered in by the Trump administration … Talk radio was at the forefront reminding audiences of the difference between someone going to jail for tax and bank fraud versus having … Instead, questioning just what all these bureaucrat-turned-cable pundits might have had to hide themselves while they pointed the finger…
Bam: Here's Why Trey Gowdy Wants The CIA To Stop Providing Intel To Adam Schiff
– "These are reasonable Republicans, all of whom, unanimously, said 'Adam, we've lost confidence in your ability to lead.'" … "The different intelligence entities are going to say 'You know what, Chairman Schiff? … the United States not just indicted, but in jail, and you continue to leak just like a screen door on a submarine, we're going to
The Alger Hiss Democrats in Congress
Are they going to move on to something else, or are they going to fabricate another lie? They are going to fabricate another lie. … They are going to claim that Attorney General William Barr's revelations are a "cover-up." … The Democrats are going to do what they have done for years when they have been really desperate.…
Judgmental, Tyrannical Buttigieg
– Call me a little too self-confident, but his base of support (rich white, coastal, elitist liberals) are not going to propel him with … Pardon my English, but who the hell are you to judge anyone, Mayor Pete?! … Jail time? The Boy-Mayor loves to talk about how God is love.…
Pelosi Takes on Trump at WaPo Live Event...And Subtly Takes a Swipe at One of Her Fellow Dems…quotes-reagan-again-in-rebuking-trumps-border-wall-n2546022
– "I have to believe he wants to do this," she said. "We have to give him every chance to do so." … , but they left off on how they're going to pay for it. … Even the anti-hate resolution the Democrats were going to pass in response to Omar's anti-Israel musings was watered down in the end…
WATCH: Chicken Eating Cohen: I Want AG Barr Physically Dragged In To Testify Before House Judiciary…to-drag-ag-barr-in-before-house-judiciary-committee-n2545851
– “I think they will stonewall at all costs because theythey know that they can’t give up information and data or the president will … Why do they need staff counsel to question Barr? Are they incompetent? No. … They want to create some unnecessary drama to attempt to take down Barr. You know why?…
The Russia Hoax Is Serious. Keep It Simple.
– As I listen to those who are skilled in recalling every moment of the last three years and all the many players inside two campaigns … Are there Americans who’ve stopped paying attention to this story because it’s too complex? … Clinton was going to become the next president of the United States. But Donald Trump happened.…
Here's Just How Unhinged Hollywood Is Over Alabama Passing A Massive Pro-Life Bill…inged-over-alabamas-decision-to-ban-nearly-all-abor-n2546419
– We're going to fight like hell to make sure that this ban NEVER goes into effect — in the courts, in the streets, and at the ballot … #AlabamaAbortionBan #Alabama #AlabamaSenate #NoUterusNoOpinion #PlannedParenthood #ProChoice I love you Alabama prayers to all women … Val Demings (@RepValDemings) May 15, 2019The extreme #AlabamaAbortionBan would throw doctors in jail for up to 99 years simply for…
Sex 'Trafficking' Panic
they wanted to make money'." … Where are they? Kutcher's representatives did not respond to our repeated emails. … But that's not going to happen."…
Blue State Madness: Hey, Liberal Media, Are You Aware That Police Are Raided This Reporter's Home Over A Leaked Report…republic-of-california-there-is-a-war-on-the-press-n2546301
They always have; we just have a fighter in the White House who tells it to their faces on a nearly daily basis. … It’s good…because these clowns are all really just a softer form of political operative. … “They were nice about it,” Mr. Carmody said. “Of course I said, ‘No, I’m not going to tell you guys.’”…
The One-Sided World of Cyber Bullying
– Here’s the response to West that got Bishop Jackson banned:   “Muslims are the ones who try to terrorize and intimidate people into … At some point, Americans are going to wake up and realize that we’re living in a loaded, unfree  social media oligarchy, and demand … The cyber giants are private companies, but so were the “trusts” that Teddy Roosevelt famously fought as threats to competition and…
Thank You, C-Span: Booker's 2000 Appearance Exposes True Nature Of His 2020 Gun Control Agenda…kers-2020-antigun-agendahe-admitted-it-back-in-2000-n2546199
– I’m going to take every step I can to get guns of the hands of those who commit crimes or those who might commit crimes.” … And make no mistake; banning handguns will lead to an all-out ban on all guns. … Cory Booker won't say whether he'll jail Americans who refuse to surrender firearms they lawfully purchased if he's president:…
Brace Yourselves. This College's New COVID Restrictions Are Almost Too Insane To Be Real…d-restrictions-are-almost-too-insane-to-be-believed-n2594962
– Students at Amherst College are about to face some of the toughest COVID restrictions in the country as they begin the Fall 2021 semester … Alternatively, when indoors and outside of their residence halls, unvaccinated students must be masked at all times unless they are … Students are not allowed to go to restaurants or bars. Events and sports competitions are slated to take place as scheduled.…
Federal Judge: Capitol Hill Rioters' Charges Might Be Unconstitutional…ol-hill-rioters-charges-might-not-be-constitutional-n2595889
– There’s going to be a rally in Washington DC this weekend. It’s why the fencing is going back up around the US Capitol Building. … In the meantime, some of the jail sentences prosecutors are gunning for are outrageous. … We caved to terrorists. …
Thousands of Americans, Including Dozens of Kids, Still Stranded in Afghanistan
– How many of these kids are US citizens? And what will happen to people like this?  … All Jami needed to do was sit for an online interview. … Officials say they have 'no legal authority' to stop them.…
Unhinged Dems Liken Death Penalty to 'Slavery and Lynching'
– Two sitting members of Congress say the reason a heinous murderer was on death row is because of white supremacy -- and they are not … They ought to be censured. Why aren't they getting the Steve King treatment? This deranged letter didn't even make the news. … I'm guessing that when two separate juries sentenced Johnson to death, they were thinking more about Jones' collapsed eye socket than…
Lt. Col. Stu Scheller: ‘The System Can’t Beat Me’
They are going to get it anyway.  Why, then, not fight for something that will give us safety?” … Things are about to get worse.” They did.   And not because God willed it. … That the Afghan Army was not ready; that they were not going to be sustainable on their own. How did we miss that?  …
Insurrection Insanity
– During the state trial Morales, like his FALN comrades in Chicago, boasted, “No jail is going to hold me forever. … They can put 1,000 of us in jail. They are not going to hold us forever. That’s what I have to say.” … " Americans they are sworn to represent and protect but so despise.…
January 6 Select Committee Subpoena Comes for Trump DOJ Employee As Key Figures Are Determined to Defy…ect-committee-subpoena-comes-for-trump-doj-employee-n2597419
– When it comes to what Trump can do, she noted that "Trump can try to stop that by going to court, where he has a good chance to at … of ways around avoiding a subpoena, other than going to jail. … About enforcing the subpoenas, the report mentioned: Lawmakers who sit on the panel said they are prepared to pursue criminal charges…
The Psychology of Crisis Tyrants
– The island city councils closed the beaches to all non-residents. If you lived on the island, you could enjoy the beach. … All over the country, hospital systems are firing or suspending health care workers who choose not to get the vaccine. Baffling. … When did the CDC gain the legal authority to tell renters and lessees they couldn’t be evicted for non-payment?…
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