Results for: they are all going to jail

Bartiromo Asks Jordan a Question on Every Conservative's Mind
– Trump,” the host asked what Republicans are actually planning to do about it. … federal — to federal court from when you do these state prosecutors who are going after someone for a political reason,” Jordan replied … You’re just not going to get that from [U.S.…
Does James Carville Think This Tactic Will Bring Voters Home to Biden?…e-think-this-tactic-will-bring-voters-home-to-biden-n2638467
–  Calling a fart a "trump," like Carville said he learned they call it in the United Kingdom, even calling upon viewers to have … As his rant became more unhinged, he likened the Supreme Court to Russia, insisting we are dealing with "an illegitimate court."" … This is an illegitimate organization that unfortunately, if I don't do what they say, they'll throw my ass in jail!"…
Rules for Republicans
– For Republicans to win in November, there are certain rules that will broaden the party appeal and hopefully bring victory at all levels … Freedom, pursuit of happiness, wealth—they are all meaningless if one is not certain in his or her ironclad right to property. … They need a winning message and they need to follow through on their promises.…
Conservatives Need to Man Up and Play by the New Rules…servatives-need-to-man-up-and-play-by-the-new-rules-n2638370
– Conservatives warning that if we are mean to them, they will be mean to us are hopeless. … They are schmucks. … They are bad people, and we should do everything we legally and morally can to cause them misery and to ensure that they are disconnected…
Police at UT Austin Had the Perfect Response to a Pro-Hamas Activist Flipping Them Off…up-pro-hamas-rally-ay-university-of-texas-in-austin-n2638241
– disperse and warned them they would be arrested for trespassing.Campus police initially appeared open to negotiating with protesters … People who identified themselves as legal observers shouted to get the names of those being taken to the Travis County Jail. … all these encampments.…
'Disturbing' Is an Understatement When Describing Would-Be Trans Shooter's Manifesto
– Ye mused about "cherry pick[ing]" classrooms that are closest to the entrance." … Meanwhile, "Mass shooters are brushed off unless they are truly unique or good-looking," Ye wrote. … him from acting as soon as he would have preferred to act," Elrich spoke of Ye, concluding: "So, I think there are some lessons to
Ilhan Omar's Daughter: How Dare You Make Me Face the Consequences of My Own Actions!…ibes-the-horror-of-consequences-for-her-own-actions-n2638103
– students trying to force Jewish and pro-Israel students off of the quad that they themselves are breaking the rules to occupy, while … We were told, “You guys are all inbred.” They threw water in our faces. These groups are not fairly described as “pro-Palestine.” … They followed his every move, and did the same to me.…
Bill Maher Couldn't Keep Quiet About This Woke Issue Anymore
–  Brian Peck, an ex-dialogue coach with Nick who went to jail for “oral copulation with a minor,” was later hired by Disney. … watching a five-year-old tip a drag queen with a neon sign reading “it isn’t going to lick itself” in the backdrop. … He likes how children are told not to hate and be judgmental, but there comes a point when inclusion becomes promotion.…
Is It 'Obvious' That Biden Is 'Bringing People Together?'
– exercise my influence and share this is who I'm going to endorse." … The choice is going to be clear." … But, polls continue to show that this is going to be a particularly close and competitive race.…
Are We Supposed to Feel Bad for This Woman? Because She Got What She Deserved.…ad-for-this-woman-because-she-got-what-she-deserved-n2637656
Are we supposed to feel bad for this woman because she got what she deserved? … "I think they are serving to amplify the messaging that one was seeing, that Israel is completely justified in what they are doing … She’s not in jail because she has the freedom to be a terrible human being.…
Amnesty International Eulogizes 'Palestinian Writer' Who Ordered Murder of Tortured Israeli Soldier…iter-who-gruesomely-tortured-murdered-a-jewish-teen-n2637546
– Israeli authorities must now return Walid Daqqah’s body to his family without delay so that they that they could give him a peaceful … achieve for all of their lamentations, though they also spun that to the benefit of Daqqah. … or @UNRWA pretending to be humanitarian operations when they are functionaries of jihadist terror organisationsThey are battalions…
The Reality of Migrant Crime
– How did they do that? … Officers just went back to the house in the Bronx, where the suspects had returned to keep doing what they were doing before their … It is fair to say that the problems they are now causing are directly attributable to the president and his policies.Millions of illegal…
Elderly Woman Convicted for Praying In Capitol On J6, But Illegal Aliens Can Break Into the U.S.…itol-on-j6-but-illegal-aliens-can-break-into-the-us-n2637443
–  However, a 71-year-old woman is sentenced to one year in jail and ordered to pay fines of more than $200,000 just for praying …  “I’m going to make my voice so loud that if they try to put me in prison to shut it up, it won’t work,” she said. … Joe & Hunter Biden sold the country out to China. They aren’t in prison.…
The Russian Occupation: A Ukrainian Political Prisoner's Ordeal…n-occupation-a-ukrainian-political-prisoners-ordeal-n2637446
– However, if you’re forced to stand for long periods, your muscles are in a constant state of sustained contraction, unrelieved by the …  They had lists of people who might be able to organize a resistance to the occupation, and they systematically shot politicians … I know what they’re going through, and I want the world to know about what they’re enduring, and I want to do what I can to help end…
Remember That Illegal Alien Influencer Who Urged Others to Invade American Homes? Well...…erican-homes-is-under-investigation-for-gun-charges-n2637337
–  NEW: TikToker is going viral by telling illegal immigrants how to "invade" homes in America thanks to progressive squatting lawsRemarkable … You are not going to be able to commandeer somebody’s private property and expect to get away with it. … We are, in the state of Florida, ending squatters’ scam once and for all.”…
The Democrats Have Some Serious Problems
–  And in politics, people want to hear what you are going to do, not just who you hate. …  Attacking Trump is all the Democrats have at the moment.I’ve gone back and forth on whether the Democrats are going to dump Biden …  That’s all they’ve got.  Well, and they intend to cheat.…
An Independent Black Commentator Shreds the Race-Baiters on The View
– progressives find themselves hopelessly addicted to. … Everyone wants to be safe, but these clowns have targeted common sense laws, like going to jail for committing violent acts and using …  Also, yes, he works for CNN, and they tried to race-bait him when Claudine Gay resigned from Harvard over her plagiarism scandal…
Fani Willis Just Proved She Hasn’t Learned Her Lesson
– And as long as I'm here, I'm going to try to do the job in a way that's honorable." … All while that was going on, we were writing responsive briefs; we were still doing the case in a way that it needed to be done. … We're not going to miss or skip a beat because of all the noise or distraction on one case," Willis added.Talking to Fox 5 Atlanta…
America: Impotent at Home and Abroad
– Those who are coming do so to work and to find a better life than they had back in their third-world homes. … But all levels of government have neutered these players, and they don’t want to go to jail or get killed. … Binyamin Netanyahu and some of his ministers have made it clear that they are going into Rafah.…
The Latest Development on 'Long COVID' Is Going to Make You Angry
– So, what the hell did we go through all of this for? … You can still get infected, but it might save someone a trip to the ICU. … What’s the next shoe to drop? Long COVID—it’s a myth.…
These People Are Stupid Crazy or Very Dangerous
– And, of course, power is the alternative to democracy.Do I think that these people are willing to do whatever they have to do to maintain … They’re going to start using violence even more than they already do, as Antifa and BLM are just catspaws of the left.Maybe you think … They can’t keep doing their tiresome moral posturing about how Trump and his mean tweets are bad, and they’re not going to vote for…
Let Texas Secure the Border
– By trying to stop Texas from enforcing a law that he refuses to enforce, Biden harms not just Texas, but prevents all of us from defending … Texans in a tight spot as they feel unsafe merely going to a grocery store. … Our entire country would benefit if Texas were allowed to close its border with Mexico and take all appropriate steps to end illegality…
Fani Willis Handed 'Get Out of Jail Free' Card...for Now
– Fani Willis has been handed a "Get Out of Jail Free" card...for now.Last week, the Fulton County Board of Ethics was set to hear two … They noted the investigations going on at the state level.— Doug Reardon (@ReardonReports) March 7, 2024 … They don't have to comply with the county ordinances, don't have to comply with the statute."…
The State of the Union Ain't Strong and Certainly Not Getting Stronger
–  Now, if you are a progressive socialist, and ascribe to Marxist ideology, you were completely thrilled with Biden's SOTU address … But, hey, they know proper pronouns.The world is on fire, due to a weak president. … Criminals commit crimes because they are criminals. It is what they do. They will use any instrument to enact crime.…
Key Witness Spills the Beans on Fani Willis Corruption Scandal
They can plea people out [...] but they're always going to have that large enterprise," Merchant explained. … People are angry because I'm going to do the right thing and stand up for justice," Willis told reporters." … They are coming after us," Willis allegedly told Bradley, instructing him: "You don't need to talk to them about anything about us.…
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