Results for: dissent from supreme power

'98 Again America Is Retreating to the False Safety of the 90's…merica-is-retreating-to-the-false-safety-of-the-90s-n2592348
– Americans are tuning out from political coverage, numbers show. … And anyways, those threats aren’t similar in degree to those posed by the great power games that require tending to with a smaller, … this time to stifle dissent in advance of a planned Taiwanese conquest within Xi’s lifespan.…
Nothing to Hide
– If there is nothing to hide, why are so many social media platforms and politicians working so hard to silence dissent and any counter … He's not just asking you to believe him; he's calling for every state to conduct forensic audits under watchful eyes from both parties … It would constitute a massive power grab by Democrats.…
Finally! Sanity From SCOTUS Ends Illegal CDC Eviction Moratorium…ty-from-scotus-ends-illegal-cdc-eviction-moratorium-n2594872
– It is tantamount to the President of the United States – using power that he does not have – declaring “you may steal from your landlord … Not only was this eviction moratorium an absurdity from the outset, it was illegal from the outset. … The politics of the COVID10 era have now infected one-third of the Supreme Court of the United States.…
The Iranian Regime Conceals its Brutality to Conceal its Vulnerability…conceals-its-brutality-to-conceal-its-vulnerability-n2557107
– The death toll from the latest demonstrations is tragic, but it comes as little surprise. … Such spontaneous outpourings of anti-government sentiment do not emerge from disorganized movements. … Iranian officials, including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, have all but admitted to these facts.…
Another Justice Like Gorsuch, Please
– Before you rush to "donate now," you might want to consider the organization's assessment of Trump's last Supreme Court nominee. … That pairing was notable because Gorsuch is on record as admiring Justice Clarence Thomas's passionate dissent from the widely condemned … Gorsuch joined the left side of the Court in that decision, noting that "vague laws invite arbitrary power."…
The Democrats' Second Attempt To Hurl A Bomb At Trump's SCOTUS Nominee Exploded In Their Faces…to-hurl-a-bomb-at-trumps-scotus-nominee-exploded-i-n2501604
Power. … the exercise of purely executive power?" … Our form of government is grounded on the premise that unchecked power is tyranny.…
Should Second Amendment Supporters Stand Behind Judge Kavanaugh?…d-amendment-supporters-stand-behind-judge-kavanaugh-n2499364
– When Trump singled out Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his pick for the Supreme Court on Monday, the president chose someone with a pretty … unconstitutional, particularly in light of the Supreme Court’s previous 2008 Heller v. … Box magazines date from 1862.…
SCOTUS Feigns Federalism in Sports Betting Decision
from legalizing sports betting. … The Supreme Court agreed. … Writing in dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg identifies the source of this supposed power: the authority to "regulate commerce..…
Thanks to Republican Tax Cuts, Obamacare is No Longer Constitutional…ican-tax-cuts-obamacare-is-no-longer-constitutional-n2480392
– In one of its most controversial decisions, the Supreme Court in 2012 upheld the constitutionality of a provision in the Affordable … In Roberts’ majority opinion, which saved the ACA from what appeared to be its certain death, he reasoned the federal government has … demise in a surprising way: If the individual mandate is only constitutional because it’s a tax, then the removal of the penalty from
After Nuclear Deal, the West Should Focus on Real Change
– On May 8th, US President Donald Trump announced an American withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. … Countless protesters risked the death penalty by chanting slogans like “death to the dictator,” in reference to the Supreme Leader. … Since 2015, the obsessive focus on the nuclear negotiations has deflected international attention from dissent and human rights issues…
How Trump Can Dismantle Obamacare Without Congress
– Since Congress has the power to tax, Roberts reasoned, it has the power to impose the individual mandate.   … whether one or more provisions ruled to be unconstitutional ought to compel the Supreme Court to strike down an entire law. … Obamacare is not constitutional, and the Trump administration has the power to end Obamacare on its own.…
Free Speech at Risk on Both Sides of the Atlantic
– It was from England that we derived our rule of law, religious heritage and an appreciation of fair play. … Boyden Gray, the Kleins have appealed to the Oregon Supreme Court.  On Monday, they got some good news when the U.S. … Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in a similar case, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.…
Korematsu Has Nothing To Do With Trump’s Travel Ban
– war with the Empire of Japan, to segregate all citizens of Japanese ancestry from Americans of other descent.  … In fact, the President has power under 8 U. S. … This is a broad, discretionary power that the President gets over our border.…
Justice Roberts Shuts Down Liberals in Trump's Travel Ban Case…berts-shuts-down-liberals-in-trumps-travel-ban-case-n2494717
Supreme Court  Liberals sued President Trump in what is now known as the Travel Ban case. … the campaign and from Twitter into the ban.  … C. §1182(f) law giving a president power to create a travel ban.…
BREAKING: HUGE WIN - Supreme Court Upholds Trump's Travel Ban
– The ban bars individuals from Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Somalia and North Korea from traveling to the United States. … SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. Wow! — Donald J. … Sotomayor's dissent, joined by J.…
A Viable Democratic Alternative to the Regime in Iran
– chain of protests was a major step forward for the domestic Resistance movement in the sense that it extracted political activism from … And secondly, if the clerical regime can indeed be driven out of power, what comes next? … a long time, especially among the ranks of the MEK, which was the main target of an effort by the regime to stamp out domestic dissent
WSJ Throws Cold Water On The Left's Self-Induced Panic On Abortion…nity-for-abortion-has-spurred-one-helluva-propagand-n2498570
– It’s the The Handmaid’s Tale come true for liberals, based on a show that no one watches from a piece of literature that is not new … Conservatives are in an excellent position to have a solid majority on the Supreme Court for the next generation. … The ruling was only 5-4 and Justice Kennedy wrote the majority opinion with a formidable dissent by Chief Justice Roberts.…
SCOTUS Allows Trump to Enforce Transgender Military Ban
– The Supreme Court voted to temporarily allow President Trump to enforce his partial transgender military ban on Tuesday. … Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan note their dissent. … The Constitution grants judges no power to divert military resources away from preparing to fight wars and into social engineering.…
No White Flag on Red Flag Laws
– If someone is a convicted felon, he’s banned from having a gun. … And exactly what has the judicial system done to convince us that this new power is one they won’t dare abuse? … John Cornyn, the empty suit behind this terrible idea, used to be a Texas Supreme Court justice.…
Maximalists Threaten a Federalist Compromise on Abortion…ith-the-local-leeway-that-the-constitution-protects-n2609460
– Both power moves are constitutionally dubious. … the law might not be "a permissible exercise of Congress' power under the Commerce Clause." … If Congress can force states to allow abortion, it can also prevent them from allowing it.…
The Five Reasons SCOTUS Overturned Roe and Casey…e-supreme-courts-basis-for-overruling-roe-and-casey-n2609277
– Rather, wielding nothing but “raw judicial power,” Roe, 410 U. … While it's a lengthy opinion, here are more highlights from the majority opinion. … On the weak dissent to Friday's opinion:  The dissent is very candid that it cannot show that a constitutional right to abortion has…
Iranians Increasingly Oppose the Theocratic Dictatorship…ans-increasingly-oppose-the-theocratic-dictatorship-n2609046
– The 1979 Iranian revolution was a repudiation of the Pahlavi dynasty’s self-serving economic policies and brutal repression of dissent … But despite their support from the vast majority of Iranian citizens, they were not ultimately able to prevent Ruhollah Khomeini from … In June 2018, an Iranian diplomat acting on orders from the regime’s Supreme National Security Council provided two Iranian-Belgian…
In West Virginia v. EPA, the Supreme Court Sends Power Back to the People’s Representatives…ourt-send-power-back-to-the-peoples-representatives-n2609822
– Our Founders knew that the power to legislate is a dangerous power – it is, after all, the power to deprive someone of life, liberty … EPA, the Supreme Court says ceding power to unelected bureaucrats, no matter how “expert” they may be, is wrong, and puts a stop to … Stripping power from unelected bureaucrats and returning power, and decision-making authority, to the people’s elected representatives…
U.S. Companies Helping Employees Abort Their Babies Have Also Implicitly Endorsed China's Genocide of Minority Forced Laborers
– The People's Forum took in $12 million as well from the Goldman Sachs fund in 2019. … Microsoft has a license from the U.S. … Nike Hours after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v.…
Protecting Democracy From the Democrats
– As well, under the guise of voting rights, the left wants to nationalize our elections and remove any power from the states, violating … These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage … to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From
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