Results for: agenda 47

President Blames Doctors for Health Care Costs
– But three of them show just how far this president is willing to ignore the truth to push his political agenda. … President Obama also said that there are 47 million Americans without health coverage. … There are about 47 million uninsured people, but not all of them are Americans.…
What Price 'Fairness'?
– When voters were asked on Nov. 6 whether they favored raising taxes to reduce the deficit, a total of 60 percent said yes (47 percent … average," the authors noted in the Wall Street Journal, "the typical unsuccessful consolidation consisted of 53% tax increases and 47% … The progressive agenda, Richard Epstein writes in "Why Progressive Institutions are Unsustainable" (Encounter Books), supplies a "one-two…
The Democrats' 'Ultimate Nightmare Scenario': Trump Loses By 5 Million Votes.... And Still Wins Re-Election…e-nightmare-scenario-trump-loses-by-5-million-votes-n2550342
– Trump could win barely 47 percent of the vote, lose by 5 million votes, but still win re-election, thanks to the Electoral College … That is something absent with the Democrats and their far-left agenda. … This crew is widely unpopular, their agenda is viewed as trash, and this could spell certain doom in the races Democrats need to hold…
Duty, Honor, Country
– What an incredible privilege it was to jump out of two of the original C-47 aircraft from that famed airborne operation, Tico Belle … It is a creed, a way of life that drove young men 80 years ago to board the same C-47 aircraft that I boarded. … However, what happens when an ideological agenda that is the antithesis of our governing principles guides people, to include those…
Left Tries to Block John Bush's Nomination Over Abortion Comments
– Amidst the collapse of the Senate GOP’s health care legislation, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell added a court nomination to the agenda … John Bush was confirmed by the Senate with a vote of 51-47.…
President Trump's Montana Visit Is Bad News for Jon Tester…ent-trumps-montana-visit-is-bad-news-for-jon-tester-n2516619
– Just one month later, the Republican candidate has flipped 10 points and now leads Tester 47 percent to 45 percent. … people who showed up in Great Falls in July to hear the President speak left the arena with a fiery enthusiasm for the America First agenda
Trump Effect? This Is Why The GOP Favorability Numbers Are At Their Highest In Nearly A Decade…ity-numbers-are-at-their-highest-in-nearly-a-decade-n2522144
– We have squishes in our ranks causing agita when it comes to a unified front in pushing policy and keeping this president’s agenda … It is the party's most positive image since it registered 47% in January 2011, shortly after taking control of the House in the 2010…
Abortion Rights a Losing Message in the Midterms
– Feminist and liberal groups lionized her as a hero for her late-term abortion agenda. … RT @kherman: Exit polls show Abbott carried women by 52-47 margin over Davis. — Andrew Bair (@ProLifePolitics) November 5, 2014…
Schumer: "Democrats Must Embrace Government"
– Even in 2012, when voters gave Obama a 51% to 47% margin, those very same voters also said government was doing too much 51% to 43% … Schumer believes that there is no agenda capable of both shrinking government and helping average Americans.…
We Don't Need Big Bang Health Care Reform
– What’s the real agenda here? … Census Bureau we don’t have 47 million folks who are truly uninsured. … But the Democratic agenda has never really been just about the uninsured, has it?…
The Optimistic GOP Story Everyone Is Missing
– But if he does, he's setting up a new Republican agenda for the 2016 presidential race. … Unfortunately, the current GOP never put together a clear national-policy election agenda. … It's a 2016 GOP agenda item.…
A Heartening Trend: Majority of American Adults Pro-Life
– By 2010, that percentage had increased seven points to 47%. … The short term reasons deal with the Obama Administration, which has been ardently pushing its pro-abortion agenda for the past three … This trend will continue as more and more Americans realize how extreme the Obama Administration’s abortion agenda is and how that…
Biden’s Excessive Executive Orders
– Within his first two weeks in office, President Biden has signed an unprecedented number of executive orders---47. … And on it goes with a radical agenda. … Madison also observed (in Federalist #47): “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands…
Brutal: Poll Spells Big Trouble For Dems With White Working Class Voters…ls-trouble-for-dems-with-white-working-class-voters-n2362229
– The cartoonish dysfunction in the White House, compounded by the perception that Trump's agenda has stalled, certainly aren't helping … Then again, voters often think even less of the Democrats -- viewing them as leaderless, agenda-less, and too wedded to government … Within the younger cohort, he's riding high at (56/40), while barely above water with older working class whites (49/47).…
Ilhan Omar's Challenger Shares His F.E.E.S. Agenda With Us
– He told Townhall that he's ready to expose her "socialist" agenda and make a case for his conservative one. … Reducing or containing college costs and loan debt, and supporting initiatives to rebuild two-parent families are his other key agenda … Their version of "free" will actually cost Americans $47 billion a year, per reports.…
Why the RNC Is Intervening in a Minnesota Elections Lawsuit
– In 2018 alone, Minnesota discarded over 3,500 absentee ballots — 47% of all rejected ballots — simply because they arrived after the … "Democrats continue to try to redesign our entire election system mere months before November to fit their partisan agenda," RNC Chairwoman … Meanwhile, in Washington, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been pushing her agenda to enact mass mail-in voting. …
Dems Vote Down Hyde Language from COVID Relief Bill…d-relief-bill-green-lights-taxpayerfunded-abortions-n2585824
– Vote was 52 to 47. … move, saying providing taxpayer money for abortions doesn't provide COVID relief but instead advances the Democrats' progressive agenda … I’m very disappointed to see Senate Democrats use COVID “relief” to get away with their pro-abortion agenda. — Steve Daines (@SteveDaines…
What Should We Make of This Monmouth Poll on Trump-Biden Rematch?
– the lowest in poll's historyTrumpFavorable: 36% (-5 from Nov. '20)Unfavorable: 63% (+9)Net: -27%——🇺🇲 2024 GE: Biden leads Trump 47 … — (@townhallcom) July 20, 2023 Another agenda item that the administration has incessantly … NATIONAL POLL: Little credit for @POTUS on #Bidenomics.APPROVE Biden’s handling of:Total (DEM / IND / REP)47% Jobs & unemployment (…
Polls: Romney Ahead 49-47 Percent
– Rasmussen and Gallup show Romney’s up 49 to 47 percent heading into the second presidential debate.  … He never devised an impressive second-term agenda.…
Will the Time Come for Conservatives to be Thankful for Obama?…ime-come-for-conservatives-to-be-thankful-for-obama-n1734627
– And all of this happened while more and more people dropped out of the workforce and the food stamp program expanded to more than 47 … The first item on their agenda? Abolishing the carbon tax on the mining companies.…
Q-Poll: Hillary Trails Republicans in Three Swing States, Rubio Strongest
– 49, Clinton 38 Trump 43, Clinton 31 Ohio: Rubio 42, Clinton 40Clinton 41, Bush 39Clinton 43, Trump 38 Pennsylvania:Rubio 47 … his forward-looking youth and vigor with Hillary's Clinton's decades within the political system and stale, predictable statist agenda
Q-Poll: Obama Approval Back to 39 Percent, Americans Trust GOP More…pproval-back-to-39-percent-americans-trust-gop-more-n1924264
– The midterm elections were a rejection of the president, his party, and his agenda -- and non-voters are on board with that repudiation … Only 42 percent of American voters trust Obama more than Republicans in Congress to do what is best for the nation, while 47 percent…
ICYMI: DNC CEO Actually Had An Honest Answer For How Her Party Would Pay For Medicare For All…er-for-how-her-party-would-pay-for-medicare-for-all-n2536390
– The price tag for this agenda of is $42 trillion over the next decade, and $218 trillion for the 30-year projection. … that is thrown into the questioning, support drops like a rock: The public is divided over a single-payer health care system, with 47
Voting Record Puts Bayh in the Hot Seat
– Mike Pence, the House Republican Conference chairman, by 47 percent to 44 percent. … Suddenly, Bayh was issuing fire-breathing denunciations of his party's left wing, calling on Democrats to reset their agenda and backing … Democrats had pushed their agenda too far to the left, driving away independents and moderate voters, Bayh said.…
New Poll: Majority of Americans Open to Voting for Trump in 2020…t-of-americans-considering-voting-for-trump-in-2020-n2543722
– But if he were to inch up to where his new standard job approval is, say, 47 percent or so, that would be a big deal for electoral … with a number of potential challengers, according to a new Fox News poll: General election match-ups from new Fox News poll:Biden 47% … Alas, moving forward with a 'positive agenda,' or whatever, may be difficult when the party refuses to vote for the very agenda they…
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