Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

Fauci: Look, Revealing the Truth About COVID Origins is in China's Interests, So Let's Not Be 'Accusatory'
– With President Trump out of office, it should be possible to reject his xenophobic agenda and still ask why, in all places in the world … As for the last sentence of that excerpt, seeking the truth should have been possible and indeed demanded, even while Trump was still … The Chinese regime has clearly calculated what is in their interests on this, and transparent truth-telling is...not it.  …
Corporate Media's Hate for Trump Caused Them to Ignore the Story of the Century…rump-caused-them-to-ignore-the-story-of-the-century-n2590438
– This was an idea first put forward by Mike Pompeo… Donald Trump.” … “And look, some things may be true even if Donald Trump said them,” he continued. … Slavitt continued saying, "We need to get to the bottom of this and we need a completely transparent process from China.…
Mike Pompeo Fires Back Against Charge Trump Administration Didn't Do Enough to Press China Over Coronavirus…ion-didnt-do-enough-to-press-china-over-coronavirus-n2590926
– It's hard to imagine anyone tougher on China, specifically when it comes to the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus, than the Trump administration … But what did President Trump and his administration, including the secretary of state, do to press China harder to get the evidence … For when Donald Trump, both during and after his time in office, attempted to sound the alarm of the likelihood that the Wuhan virus…
Women are Key to November: What Do They Really Want?
– Women think men are transparent and easy to figure out. Everybody knows that. But women are a puzzle to men -- ask any man. … Donald Trump, ever the outlier, seems to be basing his campaign on insulting and aggravating women.…
Gold, The Federal Reserve and the Candidates
Trump Gold Trump On the Gold Standard While Donald Trump has spend most of his focus on immigration and trade issues … Last March Donald Trump had this to say on the gold standard in a television interview with Pittsburgh Action News: "In some ways … Trump took to twitter, calling an audit of the Fed "so important" : Trump on Fed Policy Donald Trump has blamed the Fed…
Trump Is Toast and Good Riddance
– Yes, it’s been a bad couple weeks for Donald Trump. … But a bad week for Trump is a good week for America. … But what of Trump?…
Conservatives for Trump?
– Does Trump have conservative principles? Does he have any principles at all, other than promoting Donald Trump? … But what is there about Donald Trump that taps into that powerful current of credulity? … Donald Trump is not an evil man like Hitler.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Trump, Cruz Accuse Each Other of 'Desperate' Tactics…p-trump-cruz-accuse-each-other-of-desperate-tactics-n2153396
– Republican Primary Donald Trump: Trump used the word “desperate” to describe the announced Cruz-Kasich alliance on Monday. … By the way, Trump now refers to be called “Wonderful Donald.” … “If Donald Trump is the nominee, Hillary wins,” Cruz said.…
Is Mitt on a Suicide Mission?
Trump. … How Kasich could expect to beat Trump in November, when he lost every state primary to Trump, save his own, is unexplained. … What the Never Trump folks refuse to face is this transparent reality: Either Trump or Clinton is going to be the next president.…
Quid Pro Quo: Clinton Foundation Gave Money To For-Profit Company Run By Clinton Friends…e-money-to-forprofit-company-run-by-clinton-friends-n2162288
– Foundation has been viewed as essentially a slush fund for the power couple, and how this family non-profit venture is anything but transparent … This seems to be a bit more problematic than Donald Trump possibly acting as his own spokesperson to bolster himself.…
Unleash the Economy With True Tax Reform
– Several past and present presidential candidates -- from Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz -- have released tax-reform … Simplify the Tax System and Make It More Transparent so that Taxpayers Understand How Much They Pay to Fund the Federal Government. … A transparent code would be simpler than the current system.…
Female Voters Shred 'Reckless' Hillary Clinton Over Email Server…p-shreds-reckless-hillary-clinton-over-email-fiasco-n2170025
– She hides while Donald Trump calls her “crooked Hillary” for months—bad move. … Trump. … They’re very low numbers, but as MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki noted—twice as many voters felt Trump was more sincere.…
Video: Feisty Debate With Democratic Operative Over Hillary Email Scandal…ng-a-democratic-operative-on-hillarys-email-scandal-n2169531
– I joined Fox News' Gretchen Carlson yesterday afternoon to discuss Donald Trump's official clinching of the Republican nomination … In the first part of the segment, I reiterated that while I do not intend to vote for Trump personally, Republican voters have spoken … He also echoes the campaign by trying to pin this on Republican desperation, which is transparent nonsense, considering that the report…
MSNBC’s Brzezinski On Clinton Email Fiasco: ‘It Feels Like She’s Lying Straight Out’…email-fiasco-it-feels-like-shes-lying-straight-out-n2169305
– The question of her having good judgment comes into play, which is something she does not want to fight Donald Trump on in a debate … But the wounds of this will continue to fester—and the notions of her being dishonest, untrustworthy, and non-transparent will also…
Hillary Clinton is as Pure as the Driven Snow, at Least According to Hillary Clinton.…e-driven-snow-at-least-according-to-hillary-clinton-n2168180
– Clinton will tell you how honest and transparent she is, right after cackling hysterically to stall for time. … There's a reason polls show that even fewer Americans trust her than the narcissistic pathological liar Donald Trump.…
NBC and ABC News Shine Spotlight On Democratic Divide, 15 Percent Of Obama Voters Supporting Trump…divide-15-percent-of-obama-voters-supporting-trump-n2167141
– At their own peril, many Republicans wrote off Donald Trump - he’s now the presumptive nominee. … Yes, the vast majority of Sanders supporters will vote for Hillary in November, but 17 percent plan to vote for Donald Trump, according … ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos noted that 15 percent of Obama voters plan on voting for Donald Trump.…
Atlas’ Thugs: Profit-Seeking Has Become Rent-Seeking
– But thanks to the obfuscation, lies, and thuggish tyranny of the “most transparent administration in history,” they are sadly an inevitable … As Republican nominee Donald Trump is fond of observing, businesses that figure out how to manipulate a broken system are simply doing…
Newt: Trump Race-Baiting Hispanic Judge 'Unacceptable' and 'Inexcusable'
– brought against Trump University by former students. … Second, Trump isn't just asking questions. … It's transparent bullying, designed to delegitimize a series rulings Trump doesn't like.  …
Sanders Campaign Manager: I Don't Think Hillary Can Keep Running If She's Indicted…nager-how-can-hillary-keep-running-if-shes-indicted-n2172072
– Clinton has more or less pivoted to the general election at this point, hitting Donald Trump today on new revelations emerging from … the Trump University fraud trial.   … Lucky for Trump, Clinton bungled this beyond belief....At the press event Trump told reporters to “Find out how much Hillary Clinton…
Half-a-Year: 180 Days Since Last Hillary Press Conference
– "I've been more transparent than anybody I can think of in public life," Hillary Clinton declared back in March, responding to inquiries … Say what you will about Donald Trump, whose belligerent and scattershot performance yesterday afternoon did little to reassure critics…
The Clinton Campaign's Scramble For California
– Now, she’s losing states that she won in 2008, wasting valuable time and resources attacking Sanders instead of Trump, and failing … Clinton’s plans to turn her focus to the general election against the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump. … Trump from a position of strength.…
Wholesale Price Disclosure Would Likely Increase Consumers’ Drug Costs…sclosure-would-likely-increase-consumers-drug-costs-n2183885
– Retail drug prices are mostly transparent; patients generally encounter few problems when calling a pharmacy to ask what a given drug … Politicians have taken notice -- including Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and even Donald Trump.…
CBS Face The Nation: New Email Showed Clinton Lied To Us About Her Reason For A Private Email System…to-us-about-her-reasons-for-a-private-email-system-n2183630
– Now, for Trump, his numbers aren’t good at all. In fact, they’re abysmal. … She’s viewed as an unlikable liar, who hasn’t been transparent about anything. … CBS News’ Elections Director Anthony Salvanto noted that voters who want change overwhelmingly back Donald Trump in the battleground…
Libertarian Ticket: "A Breath Of Fresh Air"
– For those Americans dissatisfied with Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as possible Commander-in-Chiefs the Johnson-Weld ticket may be … Johnson and Weld pride themselves on being honest and transparent leaders in addition to being genuine.…
Glenn Greenwald Reminds Fellow Journalists That the Obama Admin Was the One to Declare War on Them…ama-admin-were-the-ones-to-start-war-on-journalists-n2288070
Trump but by the Obama administration,” Greenwald said during an appearance on CNN’s "Reliable Sources" on Sunday. … Hardly the "transparent" administration that the 44th president promised. … Trump may be blunt, but he at least answers questions.…
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