Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

The Biden Regime Is Wrecking America
– All the policies of this hapless tool of the left are destroying the America we love and serve. … immigrants from almost every country on earth. … Biden's socialist policies are making home ownership impossible for millions of Americans.…
Unify Behind a New Contract With America
– We want and need immigrants, but we want legal immigrants who apply to join this amazing country. … There should be no easy pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. … It’s time to stop rewarding illegal immigration and get busy inviting the immigrants we need.…
Video Shows Rising Tensions Between Border Crisis Migrants and Chicagoans…ons-between-border-crisis-immigrants-and-chicagoans-n2626108
– social media shows the simmering tensions between Chicagoans, particularly the black community, and processed and released migrants are … men on the South Side venting about the behavior of the migrants, claiming they "disrespected our senior citizens" and they have "bad … They planted these illegal immigrants in black neighborhoods and now this.…
Critics of Abbott’s Marine Border Barrier Are All Wet
– The statistics for this year are shaping up to be just as bad: In June of 2023, Border Patrol agents rescued a mother and her son who … , and Mexican Americans … are dangerous.” … Those arguments are as dopey as they are deceptive.…
When You Think the Border Crisis Can't Get Worse, It Does
– Where are the illegal immigrants being sent?   … Local sheriffs, citing potential criminal and terrorism concerns, have demanded that they be given notice when illegal immigrants are … So will the DHS plan and its increase in funding to ferry illegal immigrants throughout the nation.  …
Only a New Congress Can Start to Repair Biden’s Border Disaster…congress-can-start-to-repair-bidens-border-disaster-n2606685
– They floated the idea of offering illegal immigrants $450,000 in taxpayer funds. … Encounters with illegal immigrants are up a staggering 331% this past March over where they were at this point under the Trump Administration … He voted in favor of allowing amnesty and green cards to millions of illegal immigrants—rewarding those who come into the United States…
Washington Post Roasted for Shaming Trump's Wall Causing Deaths of Illegal Crossers…llegal-immigrants-falling-off-of-trumps-border-wall-n2606630
– The Biden border crisis has claimed many lives of illegal immigrants during the historic surge in crossings as the current administration … Just these past weeks in the area around Eagle Pass, Texas, multiple illegal immigrants have drowned as they attempted to cross the … when they should be focused on deterring illegal immigration.…
Biden’s Dereliction of Duty
– Unfortunately, the crisis is not contained to illegal immigrants breaking our laws without consequence. … Instead, they are even content prioritizing illegal immigrants over the citizens they were elected to represent. … Now, Americans are facing the largest influx of illegal immigrants this nation has ever witnessed.…
If You Want To Know What Democrats Are Up To, Look At What They Accuse Others Of Doing…are-up-to-look-at-what-they-accuse-others-of-doing-n2607321
– His opposition to illegal immigration embraced by Democrats is cited at “proof” he’s a Fox News monster! … That’s how they’re trying to blame Tucker and Fox – because he opposed illegal immigration. … And that memory shows these leftists are the worst kind of hypocrites who, if we were to hold them to their own standards, are the…
Twitter Goes After Elise Stefanik with Gross Smear Over Baby Formula, Providing Cover for Failing Biden Admin.…la-providing-cover-for-failing-biden-administration-n2607244
– If you are in Congress and propose starving babies to death you deserve to have your name trend. … Why are you bringing Jim Jordan into this? … from a formula shortage nationwide while pallets are being sent to Biden’s open southern border.…
Imagine the Unimaginable
– Murder and assault are spiraling. Carjacking and smash-and-grab thefts are now normal big-city events. … Supermarket shelves are thinning, and meats are now beyond the budgets of millions of Americans. … Remember all these catastrophes are self-induced. They are choices, not fate.…
A History of Beto O'Rourke's Flip-Flop-Flipping…flip-flop-flipping-on-gun-confiscation-illegal-immi-n2608131
– "Are you, in fact, in favor of gun confiscation?" a not-yet-disgraced Chris Cuomo asked O'Rourke. … In his ostentatious outburst, O'Rourke told his GOP competitor: "You are doing nothing. You are offering up nothing. … In fact, O'Rourke flip-flopped on Title 42, a public health order that allowed the rapid expulsion of illegal immigrants during the…
What Are The 7 Secrets To “Relentless” Success? (Author Interview Part 1: Wayne Allyn Root)…ss-success-author-interview-part-1-wayne-allyn-root-n2037973
– Obama’s amnesty for illegal immigrants should be defunded. … My mom and dad died 28 days apart in 1992. 28 days after my dad’s funeral, my mom’s doctor called with the bad news. … My favorite sites are DrudgeReport, FoxNews, TheBlaze, Newsmax, Breitbart, PersonalLiberty, ZeroHedge, and of course my own site…
Report: FBI 'A-Team' Leading 'Extremely Serious' Probe into Hillary Email Scheme
– But the details offer a window into what investigators are looking for -- as the Clinton campaign itself downplays the controversy. … immigrants.   … By the way, what was Hillary's stance on illegal immigrants, again?…
The Know-Nothing Candidate
– But what are the mere facts of the matter to The Donald? … Donald Trump wouldn't even let immigrants here without the proper papers send money home to those they've left behind. … appeal to the enlightened self-interest of this nation of immigrants.…
Real America vs. Hollyweird and Company
– The images are blasted around the world, horrifying our friends and making it easier for ISIS to attract recruits against “The Great … You know what I’m talking about – stories about fresh surges of illegal immigrants over the border despite the American people’s mounting … But in between battles, it’s not a bad thing to unplug and take in a ballgame.…
17 Grades for 17 Candidates: Anchor Babies
– No amendment—14th or otherwise—condones anchor babies (children born to illegal immigrants who receive citizenship and “anchor” their … Bobby Jindal “We need to end birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants,” Jindal tweeted last week. … F Jim Gilmore Like Jeb Bush, he thinks illegal immigrants have a constitutional right per the 14th amendment to anchor baby benefits…
Surrendering a Birthright
– Under established law, a child born here is a U.S. citizen, even if the parents are present without permission. … Even if that were a serious possibility, it would be a bad idea. … "Anchor babies," as their offspring are pejoratively known, are the byproduct of unauthorized immigration, not the cause.…
Illegal Immigration is the Disease and Trump’s Plan is the Cure…igration-is-the-disease-and-trumps-plan-is-the-cure-n2042266
– Making ten million plus illegal immigrants citizens when they will end up voting for the Democrats 80/20 is political suicide that … When you consider that 71% of illegal alien households in this country are collecting some kind of welfare program, it gives you an … The law says we deport people who are here illegally. Under the law, there are no work permits for illegal aliens.…
Is Donald Trump the Republican Party's "Music Man"?
– -Mexico border, making Mexico pay for its construction by docking remittances, deporting all illegal immigrants from the States and … They are music to the ears of GOP hardliners, too, but they're impractical, unrealistic, stupid and unconstitutional. … -Mexico border, making Mexico pay for its construction by docking remittances, deporting all illegal immigrants from the States and…
Bringing Even 10,000 Syrian Migrants To America Is A Mistake…even-10000-syrian-migrants-to-america-is-a-mistake-n2051107
– Granted, there are probably some wonderful people in Syria, just as there are terrific people in every nation who could add to America … Although about 10% of the population is Christian, most Syrians are Muslims and radical Islam and virulent anti-Semitism are common … We already take in 70,000 refugees a year, we have north of 5 million illegal immigrants here using their kids to live on the dole…
Politics and the Pope
– And yet, some are oddly and naively insisting that the pope is somehow above politics and those of us who think differently are crassly … immigrants. … But Henninger thinks this is a bad thing.…
Is Trump Turning the GOP Into the "Know Nothing" Party?
– We have 42 million immigrants in this country, including the 11 million illegal immigrants. … and illegal immigrants. … These immigrants are creating jobs and contributing to America's Economy.…
The Conservative Case Against Carly Fiorina
– lines, she’s the first woman to lead a Fortune 50 business and she’s portraying herself as an “outsider” in a year when conservatives are … She endorsed the California DREAM Act, which grants in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. … None of this means Carly Fiorina is a bad person, a liberal, a stalking horse or anything else.…
The Onward March of Thoughtless "Conservatism"
– Because he empathizes with the desperation of illegal immigrants and refugees. … The Tea Party is thrilled, as are white supremacists, apparently ( … Defining yourself by who your enemies are is not inspiring (unless perhaps you are a Muslim jihadi).…
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