Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Three Prescriptions For A Shorter Campaign
– It used to be said that Labor Day was when voters finally turned their focus to the presidential campaign. … They shouldn't have to subsidize the Republican and Democratic parties' primary elections, either. … Presidential campaigns have grown outlandish.…
It's Official: This Race Is A Dead Heat, With Trump Surging With Working Class Whites
– The difference between the two candidates is within the margin of error. … The other candidates in the race continue to trail behind the leaders, with Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson at 9 percent and Green … The results were similar for both candidates: A slightly larger group said they were voting for the candidates rather than against…
Bloomberg: Trump Has 'Erased' Hillary's Advantage By Debate Day…g-trump-has-erased-hillary-advantages-by-debate-day-n2223577
– We've reached debate day in the 2016 presidential election and a new Bloomberg national survey shows that Donald Trump has caught up … national poll, while Trump gets 43 percent to Clinton’s 41 percent when third-party candidates are included. … The presidential debate will air on CNN at 9 p.m.…
Ted Cruz Chooses Wisely
– He stood up to the Democratic and Republican Establishment, without fear of recrimination, in the press or among his colleagues. … In the end, the other liability weighing down his presidential bid was his lack of time on the national stage, the same problem which … His most admirable moments during the presidential primary did not get the attention they deserved, either.…
The Man Who Would Be Johnsoned
– Tomorrow night’s first presidential debate moves the race into a head-to-head match-up between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat … Note: presidential elections are determined state by state, not by the popular vote nationally. … The headline to a Politico postmortem on the 2012 presidential race said it succinctly: “Youth vote was decisive.”…
What Happens to the Democratic Party if Clinton Loses?
– The presidential Democratic Party, like the congressional Democratic Party, will be concentrated in heavily Democratic central cities … One lesson of recent presidential primaries is that Democratic voters are transfixed by identity politics, having elected the first … black president and chosen the first female presidential nominee.…
Americans Lack Trust in Government, and in Each Other
– We are in the closing weeks of a presidential election in which most polls show that large numbers of Americans dislike their choices … and have a very unfavorable view of the two major candidates. … hold or are running for political office," and how much trust they had in their fellow citizens to make "judgments under our democratic
Questions Lester Holt should ask
– Next week's presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could determine the outcome of the election. … Would you overlook qualified candidates because they oppose abortion? … For both candidates: North Korea is developing nuclear weapons that will fit on top of missiles capable of reaching the U.S.…
Pelosi: Those Damn Third Party Candidates Are Ruining Clinton
– She also said that Donald Trump is a fear monger, which is a Democratic talking point that’s been beaten to death this cycle, with … party (via The Hill): Hillary Clinton’s campaign is talking to former Vice President Al Gore about how he could help the Democraticpresidential nominee, who is struggling to build her support against competition from third-party candidates  The New York Times…
Analysis: Despite Momentum, New PA, FL, GA Polls Illustrate Trump's Uphill Battle…a-tied-georgia-close-pennsylvania-still-not-budging-n2220642
– In the Senate Race, Marco Rubio leads his Democratic opponent by six points.  … As we've seen elsewhere, the GOP's Senate candidate is running far ahead of the party's presidential nominee in the state: … Toomey down 5. — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) September 19, 2016 As that tweet indicates, both candidates
Hillary Clinton's Enthusiasm Chasms
Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton defines Crook, Corrupt, and Crappy. How’s that for the meaning of C? … I was a big fan of five of the seventeen candidates running for President. … No wonder the Democratic grassroots are disgusted. No wonder there is an enthusiasm chasm about Hillary Clinton.…
Should Snowden Pardon President Obama?
– Snowden, from bloggers to prize-winning journalists, from TV talking heads to the presidential candidates of both major parties. … The urgency of gaining a pardon from President Obama stems from the fact that neither Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump … nor Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton are at all likely to pardon Snowden.…
The Kaine Scrutiny
– But it may have caused some voters to take another look at both the candidates on the Democratic ticket, and perhaps some voters to … argument could be made that no one has ever said so much that meant so little to so many people, as Tim Kaine did during the vice presidential … Interrupting and talking over the Republican Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence at least seventy times, even the moderator Elaine…
The Understudy
– I hope Donald Trump was watching his running mate during the vice presidential debate this week. … , angry and aggravated; Pence was, well, presidential. … Historically, the vice presidential debates have not made a big difference in the presidential race, but they have shored up uncertain…
How Donald Trump Became the Issue
– On Tuesday night, by consensus, Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence wiped the floor with Democratic vice presidential … Clinton is one of the least popular major party candidates in American history. … But during the first presidential debate, Trump couldn't stop being Trump.…
Media's Outrage Should Start Working Any Day Now
– Reviewing the state of the presidential race, I see that very little has changed for the past year. … The media can tell us where the candidates stand in the polls. They can't tell us why. … At the Democratic Convention, Khan waved a copy of the Constitution, asking Trump, "Have you even read the U.S. Constitution?…
Analysis: Mike Pence Handily Wins Vice Presidential Debate
– But in her defense, she repeatedly called Kaine out for interrupting and asked pointed, substantive questions of both candidates, including … This election is the Trump and Clinton show, and while Pence was effective at prosecuting a tough case against the Democratic nominee … Decisive: Who won tonight's vice-presidential debate?…
Millennials Offer New Hope in the Fight to Reclaim Democracy…ls-offer-new-hope-in-the-fight-to-reclaim-democracy-n2227979
– But elected representatives are loath to give their people that kind of democratic freedom. … At least two of the conservative candidates in France's presidential primary, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Prime … In other words, the elites want to set up a false dichotomy under the pretext of democratic choice.…
Two Out of Five Americans Cannot Name The VP Candidates Of Either Party…icans-cannot-name-the-vp-candidates-of-either-party-n2227848
– nominee and 46 percent were unsure of the name of the Democratic vice presidential nominee. … the first presidential debate between Democratic nominee Clinton and Republican nominee Trump last week. … candidates.…
In An Election About Character, Trump and Clinton Are Beyond The Pale…out-character-trump-and-clinton-are-beyond-the-pale-n2226879
– It is the candidates' lack of integrity that makes so many Americans despair when they think of the upcoming election. … This isn't to suggest that what the presidential candidates' say about the economy and foreign policy and national defense and criminal … In 2008, The Economist titled a cover storyabout that year's US presidential contest "America at its best."…
What the Debate Tells About How Candidates Would Govern…the-debate-tells-about-how-candidates-would-govern-n2225512
– The more important question for the long run is how each of these candidates would govern. … Other "investments" usually turn out to be subsidies for Democratic-supporting public employee unions. … But both candidates' performances suggest underperformance as president. Presidents Bill Clinton, George W.…
Painful: Libertarian Gary Johnson Has Another Aleppo Moment, Struggles To Name A Foreign Leader…ry-johnson-struggles-naming-a-single-foreign-leader-n2224957
– With crooked Hillary Clinton and Deplorable Donald Trump (no, I don’t think he’s deplorable; Hillary does) winning the Democratic and … Still, these are national candidates for president; they should know these things. … We two major party candidates are weak and unpopular. We have third party candidates who are nut bar factor six. …
Obama: If You Vote Third Party, You're Supporting Trump–And That Means You're Ruining My Legacy…ote-for-trumpand-that-means-youre-ruining-my-legacy-n2224894
– off Democratic support for the former first lady. … Democrats have worried about Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson and the Green Party's Jill Stein drawing votes away from … Clinton, the Democratic nominee, especially among younger voters. […] "My legacy is on the ballot.…
Trump’s Education Plan of Choice: Worth the Wait?
– In finally rolling out his education plan September 8, Donald Trump once again proved to be the most unorthodox of presidential candidates … If nothing else, Trump’s theatrics cast the spotlight on parental choice as a serious election issue more than any recent presidential … In that regard, Trump’s plan draws attention to a significant split in Democratic ranks between teacher unions, which adamantly oppose…
Uh Oh: Largest Donor to Clinton Foundation Has An Iran Problem -- UPDATE: New Bombshells
– primary debates, in expectation of a challenge to presidential contender Hillary Clinton. … Party officials were thus mapping out a “series of sanctioned debates that we expect our presidential candidates to participate in, … Also, at what point does Clinton start to loom flawed enough that real Democratic opposition springs to life? Is it too late?…
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